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[职称英语真题] 2012年职称英语《综合类A级》完形填空原文

发表于 2012-8-15 23:23:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
# U2 S2 S% N" h0 a6 s. \6 {  The Old Gate 3 t3 i3 T& x3 Z4 S: O" u" _
  In the Middle Ages the vast majority of European cities had walls around them. This was partly for defensive (1) __but another factor was the need to keep out anyone regarded as undesirable, like people with contagious (2) __. The Old City of London gates were all (3) __by the end of the 18th century. The last of London’s gates was removed a century ago, but by a (4) __ of luck, it was never destroyed.   m7 L8 s3 }; O# y
  This gate is, in (5) __fact, not called a gate at all; its name is Temple Bar, and it marked the (6) __between the Old City of London and Westminster. In 1878 the Council of London took the Bar down, numbered the stones and put the gate in (7) __ because its design was (8) __ it was expensive to (9) __ from www.wangxiao.cn and it was blocking the traffic. - Y3 u# r9 L" Z3 l2 ^
  The Temple Bar Trust was (10) __ in the 1970’s with the intention of returning the gate home. The aim of the trust is the (11) __ of the nation’s architectural heritage.
; X. |* Z" f# Q: ~- n  Transporting the gate will mean physically pulling it (12) __, stone by stone, removing and rebuilding it near St Paul’s Cathedral. Most of the facade of the gate will probably be (13)__, though there is a good (14) __ that the basic structure will be sound. The hardest (15) __ of all, however, will be to recreate the statues of the monarchs that once stood on top of the gate. 2 Y8 O1 m' `- w8 h0 [8 A3 R% Z; Q
  词汇: 1 ~% C& W1 J1 J$ l
  contagious / k?n’teid??s / adj. 传染性的,会蔓延的 demolish / di’m?li? / vt.拆除,破坏 / \% W& A0 I7 s  O, k# C) E
  stroke / str?uk / n. 打击 preservation / ,prez?’vei??n / n. 保存,保留 5 f2 q0 Q3 `* q" ]6 @. ~
  boundary / ’baund?ri / n. 范围,分界线 cathedral / k?’θi:dr?l / n. 保留,保存
" q: M9 H- M0 N) s) J8 @4 T2 F  注释: 4 c! ^6 d" |# e. r5 ~7 q
  1. mark the boundary between ... and... : ……在……和……两者之间划定界限 $ j3 m- d0 Z$ U
  2. there is a good chance that... : 很有可能发生某事,有……的机会 3 o' x5 S* T. ~+ N. U
  练习: 1 J" y; ~: W1 Y# u
  1. A) grounds  B) reasons  C) causes  D) purposes $ P* a! {) v# z% O
  2. A) injuries  B) symptoms  C) colds  D) diseases
) |  Y" M# q) J3 f7 V$ X  3. A) devoted  B) demolished  C) declared  D) decreased ( M1 V$ n6 e# v4 E
  4. A) stroke  B) wave  C) hit  D) blow 1 W! i/ C2 ]4 ?
  5. A) real  B) contemporary  C) actual   L$ h1 [0 {  a7 L: r& o9 C
  6. A) borders  B) part  C) boundary  D) current
+ X' I' M: z" A; u4 w: _" g  O  7. A) storage  B) store  C) storing  D) line
* C- y' y" t. A9 L/ Y5 p  8. A) unrealistic  B) unfashionable  C) unavailable  D) stock % B  Q, U; v" P4 W+ ^
  9. A) maintain  B) afford  C) repair  D) unbearable : d+ ?& V8 ]. w* E  \6 W
  10. A) set out  B} set up  C) set off  D) fix - R) x( ]1 E; T# a
  11. A) preservation  B) reservation  C) conservation  D) set back
& x  d0 C2 r( v- V) D  12. A) up  B) over  C) on  D) down ( k# L7 T* m; N. n: [
  13. A) replaced  B) substituted  C) exchanged  D) overtaken / @9 {  ~, Y0 z( Z7 i; H
  14. A) capacity  B) opportunity  C) possibility  D) chance
3 G! Z+ y5 B9 m) w  15 A) requirement  B) job  C) necessity  D) obligation

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