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[职称英语模拟] 职称英语模拟题:2011职称英语考试临考《词汇选项》精选题(9)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分): @5 U+ K' v- s. t+ f- m
  下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。! i2 ^7 c) I2 p. {1 }9 x& g9 D( z
  1 Our English teacher is sick.
1 O7 ~  Z4 K- M, ^  A fat* N% z2 E" m/ ?- ?. }* V
  B weak
. @/ [7 H$ m+ G0 x' N: }1 _  C i11
; x* _2 q4 z' M6 t! E+ Y$ X  D mad2 ?$ X2 {& F% \
  2 Mary is looking for the book she lost yesterday
  Y. X0 s: V8 A; x  A trying to find    6 b, E: m2 }( N1 T( G
  B trying to read
3 N2 @' q4 `* q0 \) i  C trying to buy " \7 }( A' u- A$ U; {6 q/ }& z! G8 X
  D trying to borrow
4 F/ S/ m2 ?+ p( w$ m9 B# `  3 I rarely play basketball.
6 J  ?5 ?- H+ v) K& ]4 S$ |; k! R' D  A normally   
+ Y& }& K1 t7 f& T+ ?( v. ^  B seldom
' v6 A$ @2 ^9 Q$ K# B7 |8 U; [7 `  C frequently    K( [6 a1 w' ^: g
  D usually* g0 ?* v; k0 Y' w( T
  4 My father is a physician.
1 L) B8 O! A+ J! c% D  A researcher    * m) }4 j2 m4 i7 R
  B professor
& [! o( S& F7 T' B  C doctor ( @! i5 [0 A% L3 e$ X
  D student( |/ q# L$ ?8 K/ }  j) A$ B' z6 c+ t
  5 The Foreign Service is a branch of the Department of State.) s/ d1 U  S" E, R. `
  A center    & N" ?' \9 F' i- s) F
  B division
( t. b4 [" K2 b  j/ S( O  C root
0 A9 }9 @2 D, h1 i0 U  D base  _7 ^: c; |5 }$ [, @/ s: y
  6 The index is the government's chief gauge of future economic activity0 U; A9 ~! `& w) i" N, {1 j1 V
  A measure   
# ^" |. i1 _  u# {& ~0 Z  B opinion
  }# I" [2 Q9 w6 W. ?; w# D  C method     % ^; t- ~: ^! N2 T( |( Z
  D decision% P+ p# H) B9 k. a" K
  7 It's sensible to start any exercise program gradually at first.
" L. h2 a/ r4 E3 [  A workable   
. ]' _. ?  F+ J  M5 m  B reasonable
; Y+ \+ j" k4 t, O  C possible     
: T# X7 X1 l$ {  D available
! e7 v) M+ {) g# r  Y: Q3 ?( ^' A0 ]* M7 d, h  v( V: E; A3 L6 h# {
  8 A lot of people could fall ill after drinking contaminated water.
1 q" q/ {! f* K  A boiled    4 T, \% D5 M4 B( l( m. G( L7 V# D
  B polluted
( v9 E/ m* a4 u, k) R  C mixed    7 T) i; {  t8 @) ]
  D sweetened
, v* g% g4 y; h  9 You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position
5 F( S2 R- U7 S: h# e  A maintain   
! \  T6 _: x2 R, \  B better# p0 u" t) h  i* |" b- y/ P
  C acquire   
# G2 I6 A' g. }# U  D support2 k/ |4 Z9 V/ k, r
  10 She stood there,trembling with fear.& v3 w: M' L( |8 X3 X5 q
  A jumping   
0 _1 r, C# M2 G0 z2 U  B crying
  Y" H" f' t6 c- e( V$ w) _  C moving     
" }0 t# J$ ]! ~& z' d& I) G  D shaking% |) B7 R+ M& T8 F3 t3 k
  11 Medical facilities are being upgraded.
; D! X6 E+ x" X! E0 t  A expanded    ! ?( s' i' j) v: v) |. d
  B repaired$ U9 V+ |+ I: V
  C improved   
) r% o# E/ j$ d3 _7 l- Z) H  D transferred
, Q# s3 e( v- v- F. \  A  12 Rock climbing is hazardous  i. d8 Q) }0 A
  A interesting    6 v$ v, D; W1 k4 o# @
  B dangerous
- @3 K/ W& N! J. l& G  C attractive      1 _1 B+ t- |( B3 D( [8 K+ O
  D useful
2 R3 V; j% i* }' k) \: Q. i% ~: O6 m
  13 John is eligible for this job.
% f- v3 p$ e1 }0 f  L8 q6 D  A accepted   
7 I+ f6 H/ }1 G; i) M  B recommended
& k+ y- ?: e# u  C rejected   
* D1 P9 j# @, m1 R  D recommended& o* O! L  o+ |, j
  14 In order to improve our standard of living,we have to accelerate production.
$ l0 i, |- ]; p* @$ s' x7 u0 S  A involve   
; k# C* \( ~# b5 k! ?6 g" J% ^  B decrease
* N. A% q' q9 F. |& u  h5 b  C speed up   
; a) X; j9 ?/ ^4 }5 g- [8 J& H  D give up! ^; H9 V% |! O7 Z
  15  Mary looked pale and weary.6 K" ~9 c0 E) o
  A worried   
( T5 C. E6 g  I$ X2 i  B ugly
+ ]! `% v1 Y: E, h: L, Z  C silly      
4 R0 E6 _0 }' X4 ]. e. _( C  D exhausted

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  答案解析5 E4 j( h9 G  `
  1 C 题干中的sick是“生病的”。i11也有此意。fat是“胖的”。weak是“体弱的”。mad是“发疯的”。8 j; ?3 v9 t4 k& m7 C" N3 |; }
  2 A look for是“寻找”。它是活动动词,不一定有结果,进行体是它常见的形式。find是在瞬间中能得到一个结果的动词。Many people can not find work许多人找不到工作。find不适合用进行体。try to find是“试图找到”,也就是说,这种努力不一定有结果,因此在意义上跟“look for”近似。Read是“阅读”。buy是“购买”。Borrow是“借入”。6 x8 v+ A6 ^" Y- Y9 N) P
  3 B rarely:很少。seldom也有这个意思。She seldom shows her feelings.她很少流露自己的感情。frequently:经常。She frequently attends academic meetings.她经常参加学术会议。usually:通常。Influenza usually breaks out in winter.流感常在冬天爆发。normally:正常地,常态地。
7 O+ d5 s  ]0 p  4 C physician:内科大夫;doctor:大夫。是内科大夫必然是大夫,因此用doctor替换physician对句子的意义没有太大的影响。researcher研究者;professor教授;student学生。
5 V( y2 X: |, S  5 B branch:分支机构;枝。division也有分支机构的意义。center:中心;root:根;base:基础。来自www.Examw.com
4 R% U: }1 Q" l4 p1 g. f  L- n  E% `  6 答案为A。gauge的意思是“估计,精确测量”。选项A(measure)的意思是“测量”,与画线词意思相近,故A为答案。
8 b: ^, a5 w: k$ V0 L  7.答案为B。sensible的意思是“明智的”,与选项B(reasonable)意思相同,所以选B。
! r' I4 U) W5 o  8.答案为B。contaminated在这里是形容词,意思是“被污染的,弄脏的”,选项B(polluted) 的意思也是“被污染的”,两者意思相同,故选B。& s, \9 V/ E2 c
  9.答案为A。sustain在这里的意思是“继续保持”,与动词maintain意思相同。sustain one's position的意思是“继续保持自己的职位”。
! t# z$ [, t4 g) K; }4 \  10.答案为D。题句的意思是,他站在那儿,害怕地发抖。tremble是一“战栗,颤抖”的意思,与选项D意思相同,故选D。/ ~3 m2 F( [" E! j0 n1 i" ~
1 |' o& }2 o; Y. e; |9 L4 I  12.答案为B。hazardous的意思是“危险的”,与dangerous意思相同,故B为正确答案。
& n' K8 Y1 o8 s2 s  13.答案为B。eligible的意思是“合格的,有资格当选的”,与选项B意思相同,故B为答案。
" P! |8 i+ g# R) h; A  14.答案为c。accelerate的意思是“加速”,与speed up意思相同,故选C。
1 y6 S& ?. G6 y  15.答案为D。本句的意思是:Mary看上去面色苍白,浑身无力。weary的意思是“疲倦 的,萎靡的”,与exhausted意思相近,故选D。
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