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[职称英语模拟] 职称英语模拟题:2011职称英语考试临考《词汇选项》精选题(11)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)5 n! s( q/ I; M% R# q( o) p# o
  下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。0 R' T  x2 p% M" W
  1 She read a poem which depicts the splendor of the sunset.$ {' {5 ~; l0 b
  A declares B asserts4 u& T. _$ i5 I7 T3 Y- W
  C announces D describes
1 p5 \  i6 a* j$ V0 O  2 From my standpoint, this thing is just ridiculous.
4 n7 r* a' w3 a) v( h+ ]$ {  A point of view B field
1 T0 g( y4 B' X4 F4 C  C knowledge D information
6 i9 _: l! \' m# i  3 The latest census is encouraging.2 e* y5 E( t& O. W0 z$ j
  A statement B assessment
8 V+ q) D# E3 T4 Z) t; n0 @  C count D evaluation
& o& U4 K& w6 I7 S. e; j% i  4 The curious looks from the strangers around her made her feel uneasy.  ]3 o% I! p& d" I" k2 g
  A different B proud6 K6 B; h9 o5 [: K5 A
  C unconscious D uncomfortable; F2 c" b' f1 F0 C' M2 y
  5 Reading the job ad, he wondered whether he was eligible to apply for it.+ e' F1 Z3 Z- j, R
  A able B fortunate
1 K5 Z+ p+ g1 V. a4 {  C competent D qualified
. W* d4 c6 E. U- y0 D  6 We can no longer put up with his actions
0 N+ \2 m! l/ q7 d; }6 g1 Z! L- M  A bear5 u/ P% Y0 z4 q& [- |; c
  B accept
8 B/ P6 ]- L& o  C support , u  W7 K. g4 ^
  D oppose
( o! E( d6 Q8 F, A9 u  7 Loud noises can be irritating.
3 X9 J# p+ H8 P/ C: r  A confusing   2 U. m) I3 ~" b" ~" a1 M; k5 l6 i
  B interesting. p' P% k* k; n. |
  C stimulating 8 {/ g: x* M2 `6 R0 E+ P6 |
  D annoying $ D+ S* Y" T& @# k0 f# B6 f
7 e/ _3 @# ]0 r  x: s
  8 That player is eternally arguing with the referee
. ?& J, g$ {$ {7 D7 s* @  i  A desperately
9 N) H" Z8 a( H, o  C eventually7 U( S8 X0 p. a4 f; E$ [$ V; ^. H% _
  B constantly- l4 i- ^& l) d0 E
  D extensively
0 b  Y1 H# b8 A2 D, G  9 The governor gave a rather vague outline of his tax plan.
7 _* I" i0 W4 w7 y  A unclear4 b. r7 s4 C: x; ]
  B firm
. Y# _7 E* u( T  C short  j* H5 D3 t3 Q: \4 o
  D neat# B4 a5 ?2 S! F5 t. R1 r9 P; O3 E, W+ ~
  10 Gambling is lawful in Nevada.
4 x( w/ o' w# c) B# F  A popular
( i7 s( h9 `  L: f6 D  B booming
( R3 q8 G4 [3 l) v. r5 b+ y  C legal
  ?0 q0 T. M4 e: q  D profitable
+ }3 F- E& P- ]( M  11 These are their motives for doing it-
$ y+ t  n- U/ \6 Q/ ~4 b/ k  A reasons
% T* m; A; r, S% m; _$ ]4 p4 g0 U  B excuses
2 _, a$ y0 Z4 K, z* w: r- J  C answers1 D0 D+ I3 n2 \, w
  D plans
: {0 J0 }% {' ~% L; I0 ]  12 The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west.
9 Z' A. \1 G1 P9 w' A, N0 w9 ?  A twists
- k5 }4 L- A  j9 k7 b8 ^1 v% y$ L  B stretches
" u) ^5 V  R( p) T, G% Q- l7 A  C broadens
+ i  q4 E$ f) G# |1 B% t( \( ?  D bends
. m9 x$ c1 a. X
, c7 y" ~$ E; ?% O. U  13 Henry cannot resist the lure of drugs-, n- [6 E6 V0 W  O9 Q6 t6 f
  A abuse/ \" h8 P* @6 i- }) b( m
  B flavor
5 l5 j$ F% H0 G1 c' i/ i$ G  C temptation9 U' j3 @; {9 h6 B' u. _
  D consumption
5 B/ K& d1 k, H( F8 E& [  14 These programmes are of immense value to old people?1 a+ s7 K$ X' t* [8 u% d6 y4 k
  A natural
7 @7 G) X8 z# J1 x# r! O  B fatal9 P6 i+ ~7 m; B4 D: I
  C tiny
' s. c" s1 m6 u8 M  D enormous# ], H+ G: u" f
  15 A great deal has been done to remedy the situation# O4 p/ _' Y0 H. g
  A maintain& |! `+ n2 C3 s
  B improve
8 l3 Y& y1 J, e% \$ k& U  C assess
. d; X5 w9 L. }  B5 s& C' A" ]: m  D protect

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  答案解析
! `4 D! s6 q# {6 V5 O" @( E  1 D 句意是他读了一首描绘华丽的日落的诗。选项中只有D是描述描绘的意思。所以选D。0 ~' j% @. [7 ?1 X. |2 P! E
  2 A 这道题主要是大家明白standpoint是观点的意思就可以很快得到答案。point of view 也是观点的意思。故选择A
* [9 T# \, _9 K4 h+ @  3 C census是调查普查的意思。A,B,C分别是观点,评估,评价的意思。只有C是计数的意思。所以选择C。
3 d) c  K9 s: x/ c. R" X  4 D feel uneasy 的意思是感到不安 所以A.B可以很快排除掉. C的意识是无意识的意思。D是不舒服的意思。符合句意。所以选择D" Y2 c5 x' C. Z* F% k) O, N- R
  5 D eligible在题中是有资格的意思。D是合格的意思。B是幸运的意思 C是胜任能干的意思。A是可能的意思。所以选D5 h$ Z" a. ?, v: h: d( z- ]
  6 A bear和put up with都有“忍受”的意思。accept是“接受”,support是“支持”,oppose是“反对。. U4 ]4 o+ ]" a
  7 D irritating和annoying都有“使烦恼的”意思。confusing:使人糊涂的:interesting:有趣的。stimulating:刺激性的,起激励作用的。: j- D* v0 g9 _0 D
  8 B eternally和constantly都有“持续地,不断地”意思。desperately:拼命地;eventually:最终;extensively:广大地。外语学习网+ P8 w; s# R- o/ G+ J$ {
  9 A vague:模糊的。unclear:不确切的,不明确的。这两个词意思相近。firm:坚定的;short:短暂的;neat:干净的。
0 z3 U2 z. @! v* [  10 c lawful和legal都有“合法的”意思。booming:兴旺的;popular:流行的。profitable:有利 可图的。We had a profitable talk.我们的谈话是有益的。6 V" @- Z$ e6 A* f
  11 A motive:动机。reason:理由。这两个词意思比较接近。There is no reason to doubt his word没有理由不相信他的话。excuse:借口。answer和reply都有“回答”的意思。
; f; ?3 w2 t9 ?( |5 d+ t  12 C widen和broaden都有“拓宽”的意思。twist:弯曲。stretch:延伸。The forests stretch for hundreds of miles.森林绵延数百英里。bend:弯曲。
* l' U" W) X4 R  13 C lure:吸引。temptation:吸引。这两个词意思相近。abuse:滥用。flavor:滋味;consumption:消费。2 F& O& t" m( z! y9 U- u
  14 D immense和enormous都有“巨大的”意思。It was an enormous disappointment 此事太令人失望了。natural:自然的;tiny:微小的;fatal:致命的。( o# M* g- U5 o# [- U/ t
  15 B remedy:补救。improve:改进。这两个词意思相近。Herbal medicine can be used to improve our health.草药可用于增进我们的健康。maintain:保持。protect:保护。assess:评估。
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