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[职称英语模拟] 2012年职称英语考试模拟通关训练营54

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  训练内容:完形填空1 \2 N  k$ N' g- c0 ~* ]! n
  训练要求:下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。4 k5 P4 Q, u. F  [
  Sex change surgery guidelines drafted0 [; g% t/ m9 \! t
  China is set to  1    its first clinical guildline on sex-change surgery,according to a notice put on the website of the Ministry of health yesterday.
/ M$ Z: _  ]! C" `2 Q, L6 @; w  The ministry is now soliciting public and professional opinions on the draft guideline. The coming guideline aims to regulate and standardlinze sex reassignment surgery, part of a treatment for gender identity disorder in transsexuals0 G( [# l! q  k& }
3 {3 @$ s% C5 z- S
  Experts 2___nearly 2,000 chinese have undergone sex-change surgery while 100;000 to 400,000 are still considering it, however ,no official number is available.in the draft, the MOH sets __3__ criteria for both surgical candidates and medical institutions.8 E( P' e* p+ D
  0 ^& j6 r/ D7 P8 |; e0 N$ `
  Camdidates for the surgery must be older than 20 and single , the draft guideline said. They are also required to prove a persistent desire for a sex change,to live for at least five consecutive years full-time in the new gender role, and to engage__4__ mental therapy for at least one year.
+ h7 z/ l% G0 Z- [' l0 \" y, U  
, t& Z" `) B% \7 b4 q6 [  Before surgery can take place, a candidate must receiver a recommendation for the operation from a ___5__ after an appropriate series of therapy sessions.
6 y3 `4 s% W4 |. u2 X$ o  # {; _) G! J( V$ x5 _
  Also ,several legal requirements __6__ be met before the procedure.: _* _2 F. }, M' [" U; O
  The candidate must provide proof from police that he or she has does not have any criminal offenses in the past, Police must also agree to change the sex status on the identity card of the __7___ receiver before the operation can tanke__8___.2 K, W4 o- L/ q
  The advent of such a guideline ___9__to show that the government is concerned __10__ the needs of a relatively small __11__ of people who want to change sex.
6 C$ Y3 V( \/ l  But doctors also warn that all stakeholders, including the hospital and prospective receivers ,should be highly cautious about this surgery.
, n- ^  T9 e+ P9 T* y  The operation is more than a medical procedure due__12__ its huge social and legal consequences. doctors should make it clear to those__13_ sex-change surgeries that the option always remains to continue to live in the original role. the guideline requires surgeries to tell patients about other options__14_ hormone therapy. they are also required to explain the risks involved ,and underlying social barriers including discrimination, and administrative recognition and approval.6 q- O: V# j4 V4 h+ C' t7 |  U
  For the candidates, the surgery itself is not big issue __15_the long run, the real issue is the kind of life he or shw will have to lead afterward./ b: F, h# ^' @+ R
  1.  A) issue      B) provide           C)withdraw      D) bring about
- t+ y  v0 m+ o$ S1 t/ n  2.  A) boast      B)estimate        C) blame        D) offer2 I( h: Q. Q5 ?! ?! _
  3.  A)maximum       B) minimun         C) less    D) few
! Z- b; ?/ b: F# f# ^, V# a* _  4.  A) in              B) into          C) on        D) onto' r- R7 h4 H( T' Y/ O& n
  5.  A) physicist           B) chemist      C) psychologist    D) geologist, ~, V6 g5 ~5 P' n8 H% ~
  6.  A) can             B) must            C) may       D) cannot( g1 R. V6 J) ~1 s* `& ?
  7.  A) respective     B) prospect        C) expecting      D) prospective
! f) J' `5 ~0 c- t  8.  A) positon           B) location      C) place        D) scene. K' Y9 P3 i* v# g  |
  9.  A) believes             B) is believed        C) is believing      D) believed9 Y! O6 H% l1 Q/ ^# a
  10.  A) about          B) with     C) around     D) of
  S2 x8 Q) l4 \, k1 u  11.  A) numeral          B) figure         C) digit       D)number9 j2 Z, ]7 H! W
  12.  A) in           B) with         C) to     D) into5 y5 o& b6 G/ Q- c: f+ x
  13.  A) seek         B) seeking              C) sought           D) have sought, |& G$ c+ S! @
  14.  A) as            B) such that          C) as much       D) such as
  n: d7 A! y' v' ^. F* ^  15.  A) in           B) on         C) under       D) below
) @/ e' {+ U% f, Q* }2 N  答案解析:
/ @" y4 Z4 A2 @9 ~* J# }/ n  1 A issue在这里作动词使用时,表示“发行”、“颁布”的意思。Withdraw表示“取回”、收回,bring back表示“恢复”。因此,issue符合题意。
' w  p  L7 |' {9 g7 m9 I7 q. G  2 B 四个选项填入后得出的句子在句法和语义上都成立,但最佳答案是estimate,因为对于无法准确测量的数字专家只能作出“估测”。% a( Q, ^; ~# V1 b: c% E
  3 B 根据上下文的意义,卫生部提出的应该是“最低”标准。: \- ]% N& Z9 T2 R8 C" W3 N. d
  4 A engage in 是一个固定词组,表示从事或者参与某项工作或者活动。# a* e; y7 c7 u' H6 Z) ^
  5 C 这四个选项部分表示物理学家、化学家、心理学家和地质学家,根据上下文的意思看来,只有得到心理学家的许可是最合理的。
: B; S$ [- t9 b7 l; Y$ Y, p  6 B 法律或者法规中的条文和要求是必须遵守的,因此必须用must.
2 H) H7 L. V. u, v1 p  B% S$ f  7 D prospective表示“未来的”,respective表示“各自的”,prospect是动词,表示“期待”,这几个词词形相近,容易混淆。
- y; x" q5 h/ N% I2 y: I  8 C take place是固定的短语搭配,表示“发生、进行、举行”的意思。
& t' k* \) y1 |1 Q' {  9 B be believed to 表示“确信”。
/ d7 b6 ?0 g& G' v  10 A concerned about 指“忧虑、担心”,而concerned with是指“关心、感兴趣”。0 j- ?2 K' B/ w; K
  11 D a number of 是一个固定短语,表示“若干、不少”的意思,用在可数名词前。" [' \+ T  z5 l- q
  12 C due to 引入原因,表示“因为、由于”。/ [1 @3 S3 v2 t/ U/ o5 c6 K
  13 B 在本句中,用seek的现在分词形式充当名词的定语,意为“寻求变形手术的那些人”。其他三个选项都是动词的限定形式,都是可以单独充当谓语的,因此不合要求。  S( W% P1 q8 h6 R* v1 X; R2 a
  14 D such as 用于举例说明的场合,表示“如此……以致……”  S0 E: W) @6 `% g6 O
  15 A in the long run是固定搭配,表示“从长远的观点来看,最终”。

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