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[职称英语模拟] 2012年职称英语考试模拟通关训练营45

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  训练内容:阅读理解7 t/ S3 g3 Z2 P' v, r% b" Y
  训练要求:阅读下面的短文,请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。* `* ^# P; A, n5 L0 z* K7 Z
  Scientific research
6 H" ^: ]1 i3 p1 I$ g! M8 M4 G  Scientific research can be divided into basic science, also known as pure science, and applied science. In basic science, science working primarily at academic institutions pursues research simply to satisfy the thirst for knowledge. in applied science, scientists at industrial corporations conduct to achieve some kind of practical or profitable gain./ ~2 b2 m5 m& f& k' y0 i

, B: H  [6 S5 J; Z. f  In practice ,the division between basic and applied science is not always clear-cut. This if because discoveries that initially seen to have no practical use often develop one as time goes-by. For example , superconductivity, the ability to conduct electricity with no resistance ,was little more than a laboratory curiosity when Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered it in 1911. today superconducting electromagnets are used in an ever-increasing number of important applications, from diagnostic medical equipment to powerful particle accelerators.
1 j. Z; J5 Q: x4 L) `/ {  Scientists study the origin of the solar system by analyzing meteorites and collecting data from satellites and space probes. They search for the secrets of life processes by observing the activity of individual molecules in living cells. They observe the patterns of human relationships in the customs of aboriginal tribes. In each of these varied investigations the questions asked and the means employed to find answers are different. All the inquiries, however ,share a common approach to problem solving known as the scientific method, scientists may work alone or they collaborate with other scientists, in all cases, a scientists submit their findings to science forums(论坛),such as science journals and conferences , in order to subject the findings to the scrutiny(详细审查)of their peers.
. e( J8 o) {  K2 m/ Z; _* |( z  31. in applied science , scientists work in order to   ^2 o. Y( R9 g6 W7 h5 m6 e  c
  A make it more advanced than basic science.
, e& O- L5 V8 `( \; ]/ w  B get something beneficial and make a profit." T/ a$ o7 Q+ k2 y+ W; q
  C satisfy the desire to know more about the universe.! |# ]7 q- ~+ }2 H
  D change the function of a device.
8 J0 Y4 `6 o  N6 _5 _1 G, z, t  32. the write uses the example of superconductivity to tell us that
0 c* I3 ~. n- I# N' U  A that superconductivity can be used in diagnostic medical equipment.- ?. S8 c" L( t6 Y# y- r
  B that superconductivity can be used in powerful particle accelerators.4 d0 l% S; `* d5 C# x
  C that it is Heike Kamerligh Onnes who discovered superconductivity.* U1 V9 G! M6 R) e# l. G" V
  D that pure science can be turned into applied science as time goes by.
5 m# N+ g8 c9 D& o9 m8 e; p3 T4 l  D  33 all scientists are the same because they
0 C6 e! D5 k3 M$ m* C  A search for details by analyzing data.5 q4 V' S9 R* a, R3 Y
  B try to tell the secrets of the universe.
. u8 b2 i* j& {+ |; d- Y- H5 T5 `. f7 r  C obey the rules set by their forefathers in the scientific world.
6 g* L% Z3 f2 D% {. `  D adopt the scientific method when solving problems.
* V& G% ^" [( T  b2 o; c  34 what is the advantage of publishing the science papers in a science forum?9 x, K% k2 W. Q6 T, G7 h
  A they will be appreciated by the public.
* j& O9 l+ B& w, B. ^  B they will be tested by other scientists./ a% P/ B& W) T" K: l. H* B5 W
  C they will bring the author a lot of money.! F! S$ d4 [; ~, X  p
  D they will be ratified as the truth by the authorities.
5 J) @1 B0 |0 \9 p% ]$ S4 b2 j) F4 t2 b  y, o" E1 E
  35.what does the writer want to show us in the passage?$ Z9 }% E' J8 ~2 d
  A Pure Science and Applied Science.
9 F; `! P* b& s' D% X  B How Scientists Work.
; N1 W' y3 G& k  C Scientific Method.
& v7 p+ [; W/ s4 g) y8 D  D The discovery of Heike Kamerligh Onnes.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  参考答案; B D D B B
  K! y2 ]& Y! t+ ~  答案解析:
7 J/ p* Y9 K+ e1 J- i" V  31 B 问题问的是:在应用科学领域,科学家为什么而努力?第一段第三句话提到在applied science(应用科学)领域,工业公司中的科学家们搞科研的主要是达到实用和获利的目的。
+ h2 h. ]3 w. }  32 D 问题问的是:作者使用超导性的例子意在告诉大家什么?作者在第二段的主题句里提到:实际上纯理论科学和应用科学没有明确的界限。第二句作者就进行了说明:这是因为,原本是没有实际用途的发现随着时间的推移慢慢变得有利用价值。接着作者引用Heike Kamerligh Onnes的例子来说明自己的观点。
/ `/ [6 W& C9 K: L8 {9 a$ F  33 D 问题问的是:所有的科学家在哪方面是相同的?第三段作者提到all the inquiries, however ,share a common approach to problem solving known as the scientific method.科学家们所有的探索都使用一个共同解决问题的方法,既科学法。' T1 M8 Z& d6 S, R) K
  34 B 问题问的是:在科学论坛上发表科学文章的优势是什么?该题的答案见最后一句话scientists submit their findings to science forums, such as science journals and conferences ,in order subject the findings to the scrutiny(详细审查)of their peers.是“同等地位的人”与collegues(同事)意思相近。- q* m+ J8 J. ^) c' o% D. [
  35 B 问题问的是:作者想在文章中向读者展示什么?作者先介绍从事理论科学和应用科学的科学家们研究内容的不同,而后对科学家们的研究方法作了简单的介绍,左后讲到科学家的发现要符合科学界的标准,要把自己的发现在科学的论坛公开,以便接受科学家的审查。所以作者想象读者讲述科学家的各方面的工作。
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