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[职称英语模拟] 2012年职称英语理工类完型填空模拟题1

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 An intelligent car& _* U* \2 _$ R  U" q# o
  Driving needs sharp eyes, keen ears, quick brain, and coordination between hands and the brain. Many human drivers have all __1__ and can control a fast-moving car. But how does an intelligent car control itself?
7 A  |8 {" ?/ A: m% n6 R8 k1 H  There is a virtual driver in the smart car. This virtual driver has “eyes,”“brains”,“hands” and “feet”,too. The mini-cameras __2__ each side of the car are his “eyes,” which observe the road and conditions ahead of it. They watch the __3__ to the car’s left and right. There is also a highly __4__ driving system in the car. It is the built-in computer, which is the virtual driver’s “brain. ” His “brain” calculates the speeds of __5__ moving cars near it and analyzes their positions. Basing on this information, it chooses the right __6__ for the intelligent cars, and gives __7__ to the “hands”and “feets”to act accordingly. In this way, the virtual driver controls his car." F/ W/ E' c- H4 C$ L2 j0 {. U% G
  What is the virtual driver’s best advantage? He reacts __8__. The mini-cameras are __9__ images continuously to the “brain”. It __10__ the processing of the images within 100 milliseconds. However, the world’s best drier __11__ needs one second to react. __12__, when he takes action, he needs one more second." f3 v  d& J0 Q7 K, V# k
  The virtual driver is really wonderful. He can reduce the accident __13__ considerably on expressway. In this case. Can we let him have the wheel at any time and in any place? Experts __14__ that we cannot do that just yet. His ability to recognize things is still __15__. He can now only drive an intelligent car on expressways.
: w( P5 f4 g6 H" q5 m2 ]$ \# t, \  1. A. these B. them C. this D. that7 b) W7 j9 i8 N" d# Y
  2. A. within B. above C. to D. on
& O# T3 A. ^4 {( ?$ U  3. A. police B. traffic C. trucks D. buses6 w2 m' `9 F- U2 O; @4 Q% {
  4. A. mechanical B. moveable C. automatic D. electronic$ Y& X& ], v" {+ @: D1 _
  5. A. another B. other C. each other D. one another" f7 D/ Z* e8 V7 D& Y, t/ {: X1 s
  6. A. line B.lane C. track D. path
0 a3 Z! o+ h0 \$ X7 l  7. A. space B.locations C. instructions D. time
8 o" w# o, A( d. Y8 a0 q2 z6 F  n  8. A.quickly B. cleverly C. virtually D. safely
" u4 }2 b; t3 y) i0 q  9. A.bringing B. taking C. sending D. carrying) T$ D3 e& P7 X; A/ N
  10. A. selects B. completes C.uses D. tests) U& P# G* ?2 r& ^- L% M
  11. A. at least B. at most C. at last D. at best) ]" R4 k2 r: n2 M% v# i
  12. A. So B. However C. Besides D. Therefore+ w$ _2 f9 i# ]( g3 l9 `6 A
  13. A. count B. amount C. digit D. rate
; l( {, X2 u* W7 }' L  14. A. warn B. suggest C. invite D. check
, o  J  Z+ ?, f& Q  15. A. unknown B. few C. untested D. limited$ u, b, T) @+ s; r/ v
, v- i# \% V( P+ j0 `4 K

1 V: h1 f0 ~/ B3 S, g4 R 

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


 解析:1.A. 解析:根据all的习惯搭配结构:all + 指示代词, 因此首先排除B(人称代词)。 结合前句内容,空格处的代词应该指代前句中提到的“敏锐的眼睛和耳朵, 反应迅速的大脑, 手和大脑之间的协调”, 因此应该选择指代复数的指示代词these.</p>  2.D. 解析:与side 搭配的介词是on.(on the side of.../在...的上面)
6 R; y# _  t( r: @' t5 {% U) s  3.B. 解析:空格所在的句子说“它们观察智能车左右两侧的...”, B(车流)放入空格中最恰当。) C, U) ]% {. F( t* B
  补充: to:(表示相对的位置)在
/ M' L7 f) W5 h  e.g. The village(村庄) lies (位于) to在 the east(东边) of the woods(树林).
3 T! q- S! x, T( d  4.C. 借助空格所在局部搭配结构“高度...”,直接判断“高度自动化的”搭配通顺,因此C 是答案。" i6 s7 B6 {' s
  5.B. 解析:B和C都是“彼此, 相互”,互为近义词, 所以相互排除掉; 空格后出现的是复数名词(cars), 因此B是答案(another修饰可数名词的单数)。
# M8 ?4 o  ]2 i" i3 a  6.A/D.解析:空格所在的局部机构说“根据这个信息(在其附近移动的汽车的速度和位置), 它为智能车选择合适的...”, 因此判断A 和D(路线)合适。
& `0 B& Q" T( Y! q  7.C.解析:根据空格所在的局部结构(给...给“手”和“脚”, 以使它们做出相应的动作)判断C(指令)是答案。, V3 U! u; i2 h: w" \" I" @, p
  8.A. 解析:空格所在的句子说“他(虚拟司机)...反应”,结合前句内容(什么是虚拟司机最大的优势?)及常识判断A(迅速地)最可能成为答案。0 }  ^2 c( c, ?/ s
  9.C. 解析:空格所在的句子说“小型照相机连续地把图像...到‘大脑’”, 因此C(发送)放在空格中合适。: f5 X: g/ T  z+ f$ [8 x
  10.B. 解析:空格所在的句子说“它在100毫秒的时间里...图像的处理”, 根据该句内容判断B(完成)是答案。
( {3 D! i$ z5 |5 d9 `, W  11. A。 解析:B和D是近义短语结构, 因此相互排除掉。 空格所在的句子说“然而, 世界上最好的司机做出反应...需要1秒钟”, 因此判断A(至少)是答案。 第10题和第11题所在的句子把“虚拟司机”和“人类最好的司机”进行反应速度的对比(虚拟司机反应速度快),显然这是利用具体事实的分析以论证该段开头部分的观点句(He reacts quickly), 因此进一步肯定第8题的答案是“quickly”。
. D  v: q( {  C; V7 R3 g# X" Q' b: f  12.C. 解析:因为前一句已经是however引导的表示“转折关系”的句子, 因此不可能接着又出现however引导的另一转折句,所以首先排除B。 空格位于句首,而且有一个逗号与句子其他部分隔开, 因此空格处应该出现逻辑副词。 A 和D在用作逻辑副词的用法和词义上接近, 因此相互排除, 因此答案为C。 从空格所在句子的句意上看, 该句引出另一信息, 因此从句意上判断也需要“besides ”—引出表示递进关系的句子。. c7 e0 o. z% T9 t. ~% c0 h' H
  13.D. 解析:直接借助空格所在的局部搭配结构(事故...)判断((事故)发生率)是答案。
0 |2 J5 k1 R) ]: d  14.A. 解析:空格所在的句子说“专家...我们现在还不能这么做”, 因此判断A(警告)是答案。. Y$ f9 I! B$ y9 W3 D
  15.D. 解析:空格所在的句子说“他识别不同东西的能力仍然还...”, 空格后句说“他现在只能驾驶智能车在高速路上行使”。 既然能在高速路上行使,则其应该具备一定识别物体的能力, 而且应该已经经过检测, 因此排除A(未知的)和C未经试验的); few应该修饰可数名词的复数形式, 而句子主语(被修饰词)是单数, 因此排除B, 答案是D(有限的)。
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