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[职称英语模拟] 2012年职称英语卫生类阅读理解习题(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑。: Q- i1 U! `; |$ Y
Breakfast# i2 a3 q# u" @5 E. K
Studies show that children who eat breakfast do better in sch001.It doesn't take much further thought to believe that adults will feel better and perform better at work as well. Whether you work at home, on the farm,at the office, at school,or on the road,it is not a good idea to skip(故意略去)breakfast.$ l. O: l) {  Z  g; _  {9 r, L" \$ t
People who eat breakfast are generally more likely to maintain a healthy weight. Many people believe that they will lose weight if they skip meals, but that isn't a good idea. The body expects to be refueled a few times a day, so start with a healthy breakfast.7 o! `& y% D" R9 K9 y  Y
A healthy breakfast should contain some protein(蛋白质)and some fiber(纤维)。Protein can come from meat,eggs, beans, or soy(大豆)。Fiber can be found in whole cereals(谷物), grains or in fruits A good example of a healthy breakfast might be something simple like a hard boiled egg,an orange,and a bowl of whole grain cereal with soy milk.& H/ J& Y; U+ G* J4 R) H
16 Adults who eat breakfast will perform better at work.
5 T* x4 U+ V5 a) Y9 DA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned6 A  N! Y9 C! q$ Z. v
17 It is okay to skip breakfast if you work at home.) @" [; U; d2 [5 c/ d# F: i+ n( _
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
% X" L: L) D6 F+ g4 @3 A1 a18 Men are more likely to skip breakfast than women.  `" L. _% j1 S" u  L
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned$ i/ J# D( z8 |& G# r  |5 M
19 A person who skips breakfast is more likely to eat unhealthily at lunch., j" _8 I: C) o6 `9 x5 Y: S
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned6 X. J# Z2 q1 h" D# V3 t8 k) |6 l  D
20 Skipping breakfast is a good strategy for losing weight.! o& l% k9 d! r/ o* O5 J$ ?
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned9 u# M; g8 W" k% f( R( I: s! h
21 A simple breakfast cannot be a healthy breakfast.1 X. r5 @3 _0 S- c. q3 o+ y
A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned
6 w+ g2 Z+ X" z9 v22 People who eat breakfast are seldom in a bad mood.
7 v0 S6 x& Y" ]) H5 p' f, l( hA Right B Wrong C Not mentioned; m: O" a: o6 p
If we don't eat breakfast,we are likely to become tired when our brains and bodies run low on fuel. By mid-morning, a lot of us grab a cup of coffee, or wolf down a sugary candy bar to wake up again. This might work for a few minutes, but by 1unchtime we are hungry, bad-tempered, and perhaps our mood might make us a little more likely to make unhealthy choices at 1unch.Eating a good breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day.  F" h/ ^% z* K
6 y. [$ Q) C0 q0 P6 f- q! x16. A  17. B  18. C  19. A, }3 v8 r) [7 g! F+ V7 O2 W
20. B  21. B  22. C

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