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[职称英语模拟] 2013年职称英语理工类考试词汇选项练习题(12)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.In order to improve our standard of living,we have to accelerate production
5 Y7 r" `) X4 Q  A)step up
) F. A$ C  X% A5 T7 T/ Q9 `$ E; ]  B)decrease
( Y& T( g( v1 l  H  C)stop
& T/ z3 C& E' i0 N  C& w, _  D)control  D% e) z9 a7 T, R6 n
  2.Gas does accumulate in the mines around here.
2 m7 m& }; |) t; r9 j  A)increase中华考试网4 E' ]+ v0 O  m/ C# k
7 l" O3 u# B0 ^3 L' n- Z: ?; H' K  C)collect
6 u; t% o( q9 U, y6 _5 b' \+ l  D)grow$ w+ U$ _5 J5 x7 U+ E9 F4 ~/ N
  3.Our plan is to allocate one member of staff to handle appointments.
0 ]  V, m+ }$ C5 V1 K) t) ?  A)assign
6 Q5 [8 W6 o, X  B)persuade
! c% N1 g' ~$ B" N" x( `  C)ask9 U% C  }5 G$ t' O8 N) e% v0 t/ i
; l: T  p$ i8 E( L  4.Her behavior is extremely childish.0 |1 Z# t7 ~0 E# C  U' [
- U3 n6 y9 B$ [: {- [  S- I  B)immature
; P. X. n% ?0 I9 L3 \6 k  C)beautiful* n  d/ W4 e7 `
  D)foolish; k  K- O+ r9 W% Y1 T4 ]4 k
  5.We also want to use the water to irrigate barren desert land.8 S8 O8 r9 q3 N/ Z
  A)hairless0 Q6 q4 ?9 |  l, n3 D) l. m
  B)bare" T8 |6 L) V3 Z# p
  C)empty4 B! V! v1 j* Q1 W
  D)bald 0 S: M; y; H6 O; W
答案:1.A accelerate:加快o step up快。 Security is being stopped up to deal with the increase in violence.为了对付日益增长的暴力事件,安全工作正在加快。decrease :降低。 Population growth。is decreasing by 1.4‰each year.人口正以每年1.4‰的速度下降。stop:停止。Her heart stopped three times.她的心脏三次停止跳动。control:控制。 The federal government tried to control rising health-care cost.联邦政府试图控制日益增长的医疗费用。
1 u4 G! p" \/ T; a8 w7 K  2.C accumulate:积累,积聚。collect:收集;积聚。Dust collected on the furniture.家具上积了灰尘。 increase:增加。 Japan's industrial,production increased by 20%last year.去年日本工业生产增长了20%。spread:展开;蔓延。Fire spread rapidly~after a chemical truck exploded.一辆装载化学物品的卡车爆炸后,火势迅速蔓延。 grow:增长;长满。.The path grew withweeds.小径长满了野草。中华考试网- k3 }% B" X- S0 M( q& a# N6 r
  3.A allocate:分配;分派。assign,分配;指派。The company commander assigned me to stand guard.连长派我去站岗。persuade:劝说。They were eventually persuaded by the police to give themselves up.警察最终成功地说服了他们去投案自首。ask:请求。We asked her to sing. 我们请求她唱歌。 older:命令。The police ordered them to wait right there.警察命令他们就在那儿等着。
1 Z! i: L& a! I3 v* Q3 w  4.B childish:幼稚的。Immature:不成熟的。 She is emotionally immature.她在情感上尚不成熟。simple :简单的。He lives a very simple life for a man who has become jncredibly rich.对于一个已经令人难以置信的富裕的人来说,他的生活是极其简单的。beautiful:美丽。she is a very beautiful woman.她是个非常美丽的女人。foolish:傻。She is being very foolish about it.在这件事上她很傻。注意该句和下旬的区别:She is very foolish.她很傻。用一般现在时,说明傻是她的特征;用现在进行时,说明她在某个具体事情上犯傻,傻并非她的本质。
7 p8 R0 N8 h2 j( a, j4 C  5.B barren:贫瘠。bare:赤裸的,光秃的。 That probably is the most bare and inhospitable island I've ever seen.那可能是我见过的最荒凉的、最不宜居住的岛屿了。hairless:没有毛发的。 His body is smooth hairless.他的躯体光溜溜的,并且不长毛。empty:空。The room is bare and empty.房间空荡荡的。bald:秃的。She is going bald.她日渐秃顶。

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