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[职称英语综合] 考试辅导:2012年职称英语英语句型语序技巧(4)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  点击二(***):感官动词see, hear, watch, feel, notice等后既可接不带to的不定式作宾补,也可用v-ing形式作宾补。前者表示动作已结束,后者表示动作正在发生。试比较:
. @- q/ x: y* J0 v  He saw a girl get on the bus. 他看见一个女孩上车了(上车的动作已经结束)! u  T9 z4 L0 q: A: V: I
  He saw a girl getting on the bus. 他看见一个女孩在上车(上车的动作正在进行)。
& I1 \% I2 d! I' x5 c( A. G  在语法的第一讲里,我向各位学员介绍了英语中有关句子的一些基本情况和“家族”中的一部分成员-----主要是简单句,在今天这一讲里,我将继续给大家介绍句子“家族”中的另外一些“成员”——并列句和复合句。+ Q9 C- \2 D# f, B
  A. 并列句:(compound sentence)' {+ z  `5 Z) @% Y& W1 H
! B9 g/ Y4 |3 v, M  主要并列连词有:and, but, or, for, so, while, however, either...or, neither...nor, not only…but also, both…and 等
- N4 v, w# J* h9 U' M  主要并列连词的用法
7 h4 L. F; G- ]2 A/ X  N  1 and: 意为“和,而且”,表示同等关系或递进关系
4 t4 ]6 b4 o9 u7 m  v  1>. I went there by train and she went there by plane. 我乘火车去那里的,她乘飞机去那里的。. X7 Z  I" Y0 o$ R+ i
  2>. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a teacher. 她父亲是医生,她母亲是教师。- f  t& x( @+ l. ?# k" s, Y
  3>. Tom finished his homework, and they went out to play games. 汤姆做完了作业,他们就出去玩游戏了。
& _* L( O: \; K6 ^) D+ a  2 but: 意为“但是”,表示转折关系。- E% s! L+ N% y3 i. Q0 Q% j; I0 }
  1>. She is very old but she is in good health. 她年纪很大了,但身体很好。+ r9 x( n8 f5 f+ X
  2>. He is poor, but he is happy. 他穷,但是他幸福。
* S% B  A" c1 m; d! R# A0 @7 V  3>. The man shouted to the policemen, but they didn't hear him.
6 q; u9 m4 t7 \. s  4>. Some people don't like summer, but I quite like it. 有些人不喜欢夏天,但是我很喜欢。6 H. f$ `+ B8 w5 x
  3 or: 意为“或者,否则”,表示选择关系。
9 D6 ]. |7 b: q+ u2 U  1>. Are you going with us or will you stay at home? 你同我们一起去,还是呆在家里呢?* U& f3 a. s" U0 H
  2>. The students can go swimming or they can go mountain climbing., M! |& |/ N6 G8 a: q
  学生们可以去游泳,也可以去爬山。7 ~7 n& ?  N* ]( i
  3>. You'd better go by taxi, or you will be late. 你最好乘出租车去,否则要迟到了。7 c" S) x+ t! X: J! o
  4 for:表示“因为,表示因果关系”。是“前果后因”。
5 g9 n4 W* H# q* d8 Y  v# M  1>. He is late for class every day, for he gets up late every day.& x( S7 m- G8 |) [3 i/ v
  2>. We passed the exam, for we studied very hard.
1 j7 s4 S# G1 O' j0 V+ t  5. so: 因此,也表示因果关系,是“前因后果。”
" ~4 B5 A1 U4 }* f( W3 ?  1>. He gets up late every day, so he I slate for school every day.
; p6 k, U8 |6 ^: L. M, J, P  2>. We studied very hard, so we passed the exam.
; p$ r& I2 {: v! W8 P( `  6. not only...but also意为“不但……而且”,表示同等关系。
% u' v% g) S+ }- V  1>. Not only can he drive a car, but he can also repair cars. 他不但会开车,而且还会修车。  \1 v  F& S( i) A1 e
  2>. He was not only a good father, but he was also a good husband. 他不仅是个好父亲,也是个好丈夫。, g: a# K3 I/ d! b" z  n% n. }! D
  7. either...or意为“不是……就是,或者……或者”,表示选择关系
+ t8 r# W% d8 B; d  1>. You can either do it by yourself or you can ask someone else to do it.5 ]+ e; ^  W7 A# y7 O
  你或者自己做这件事,或者请别人做这件事。8 g+ J7 ?5 A- I4 D
  2>. Either the teacher didn't explain the sentence clearly, or I didn't understand it.- z6 e4 Q# a* q* s+ Z; {! k0 u

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