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[职称英语综合] 2012年职称英语考试阅读辅导资料六

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Workplace Killer
+ k+ |" p+ \/ T1 y6 b1 L* k8 m6 G  
0 k+ m6 w8 V; L" ?, n# c; l# L    Pressure mounted on Britain on Monday to take action on passive smoking with new research showing second-hand smoke kills about one worker each week in the hospitality industry. 3 s8 @! u: S( d
    Professor Konrad Jamrozik, of Imperial College in London. Told a conference on environmental tobacco that second-hand smoking kills 49 employees in pubs. Restaurants and hotels each year and contributes to 700 deaths from lung cancer, heart disease and stroke across the total national work force. " r+ H! X, y& E# x+ o8 z
    "Exposure in the hospitality industry at work outweighs the consequences of exposure of living with a smoker for those staff," Jamrozik said in an interview.
9 o- q1 I* ]% |+ @3 C. ]    Other researchers have measured the levels of exposure to passive smoking but Jamrozik calculated how it would translate into avoidable deaths. # E1 ~! N# M7 q9 {6 R" W
    His findings are based on the number of people working in the hospitality industry in Britain, their exposure to secondhand smoke and their suffering of dying form it.
  {2 J9 \! N/ ^+ g) V- w' k. _    Jamrozik said the findings would apply to most countries in Europe because, to a greater or lesser extent, levels of smoking in the community are similar. . `) n# F8 _0 X& f7 i
    Professor Carol Black, president of the Royal College of Physicians. Which sponsored the meeting, said the research is proof of the need for a ban on smoking in public places. ) B2 r4 j: m+ u; Z& s
    "Environmental tobacco smoke in pubs, bars, restaurants and other public places is seriously damaging to the health of employees as wells as the general public," she said in a statement. % ~- i. i1 l  g9 I; m! s( N
    "Making these places smoke-free not only protects vulnerable staff and the public, it will also help over 300,000 people in Britain to stop smoking completely." she added.
- g  X. ]' o7 h  E9 j' w    Ireland recently became the first country to introduce a national ban on smoking in public places. New York and parts of Australia have taken similar measures. [卫生类C]
1 y/ f) t! H: O3 g! j2 J/ x  
9 y: X" \$ c! K6 v3 B8 H被动吸烟是工作
% r( E9 ?1 O; v* i9 M# o# y7 M% Q场所的杀手 . B, [4 F1 o+ b
9 u: C& @* n, T& g% u" a    当新的研究表明在服务行业二手烟每星期导致一个工人死亡后,英国在星期一就受到新被动吸烟采取行动的强大压力。
- y4 Z+ q* T! ~; B+ h0 c+ C    伦敦皇家学院的康拉德·吉姆罗兹克教授在环境烟草大会上说,在酒馆、酒吧、饭店和旅馆,二手烟每年杀死49个工作人员,使全国的工作人员中的700人因为肺癌、心脏病以及中风而死亡。
3 C; [: d5 W/ F5 {    吉姆罗兹克在一次访谈中说:“对员工来说在服务行业工作比和吸烟者一起生活产生的后果更严重。” 4 U9 y: Q0 T* [* j: u2 R
    其他的研究者衡量受到被动吸烟威胁的程度,而吉姆罗兹克计算这将如何转化成可以避免的死亡。 2 b- x5 A5 W7 e$ p
    他的发现基于英国服务行业的工作人数,他们受到了二手烟的危害并且有可能因此而死亡。 2 h, N- n, y, p& z# }
    吉姆罗兹克说这些发现应该用于欧洲大部分国家,因为在这些社会中吸烟的程度或多或少有相似性。 2 T# C" g' A, k& {0 |: A
    主办这个会议的皇家医学院院长卡罗·布莱克教授说,这个研究证明需要禁止在公共场所吸烟。 ; J: n$ z7 w) K& M2 X  g! |
, @  ^5 j( T( e) w& D    她又补充说:“使这些场所禁烟不仅能够保护易受伤害的工作人员和公众,还可以帮助英国30万人完全戒烟。” 4 u! X$ R2 ~& a1 o/ q

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