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[职称英语综合] 2013年职称英语考试句型指导:比较句型(12)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2013年职称英语考试句型指导:比较句型(12); t8 S7 i! a5 q7 ^& M
 none the ...er for ... 6 s$ {7 u4 ?1 _$ d) W
  结构︰none the+比较级+for+名词 4 T5 v& p  z* {% ~: }: L# W
  说明︰此句型意为“即使…却一点也不…”。相当于“none the+比较级+because-子句”。for 为,之后接为其;because 则为,之后接+,引导。
$ p8 x' t& H' l) |9 ?  His health is none the better for his exercise (=because he takes exercise). ( O' A( h4 h8 e& J: w5 g' I
8 z2 H" W! ^5 P  She is none the more beautiful because she wears a fancy dress.
" L, n6 P5 J- G& J1 J8 o% y  即使她身穿时髦洋装,却一点也不漂亮。
2 i3 B8 q+ y- G2 _9 h4 b  He is none the happier for his great wealth. 即使他有钱,却一点也不快乐。 3 |8 M8 X  D) ~% {1 H/ \2 h. g- h
  He is none the wiser because he has read many books.   L5 E; `' o2 E
  他虽然读了不少书,可是并未因此而聪明些。 www.ExamW.CoM
" d% Q) h7 d) f0 K  S  none the less ... for ... 7 `: ]: k4 K3 _3 l/ W$ `
  结构︰none the less+形容词/副词+for+名词 ( }. {! i" |% E4 T' V
  说明︰此句型意为“即使…却仍然”。相当于“none the less+形容词/副词+because-子句”。none the less 为,译成“仍然”,可修饰,或;修饰时,置于该之后;修饰时,置于该之前;修饰时,置于该之前。
4 z/ i) p2 a" y6 E1 V  I love him none the less because he is poor. 即使他穷,我还是爱他。 + P& |9 z/ K) J. L& I. x4 ?0 N- }
  She is none the less beautiful for her shabby clothing. 即使她衣衫褴褛,却仍然美丽。 . K1 v- k" F0 E" M. r; s7 a0 z
  He studied none the less hard because he had failed. 即使他失败了,却仍然用功念书。

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