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[综合类英语] 职称英语综合类C级:完型填空复习资料(7)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
PASSAGE 13 / }4 t; Y% t& d3 u
The Central Problem of Economics
4 C: r) ]1 C* j+ A7 M: w# g( l& b- i5 a- |5 N& g! x( C
  The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.) A) v& Y+ I* i; b% D' w
  The problem we are faced with is that our resources, here identified as money, are __1__. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of __2__ and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and __3__ we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics-deciding just how to allocate our limited our limited resources to provide __4__ with the greatest satisfaction of our wants.
4 n' Z( x! |2 V3 [2 M& H# V$ \  Nations face the same problem. As a country's population ___5__, the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there __6__ are enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family living room, in the conference room of the corporation __7__ of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find __8__ of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.! I- O6 u: |8 G+ t% Y5 W
  A short time ago economists divided goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in __9__ abundance that economists had no concern for them. After all, economics is the __10__ of scarcity and what to do about it. Today many of these "free goods" are __11__ very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers' extra costs, and __12__ taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.: Q! C6 D( n2 L7 O$ @8 @
  In the 1990s, almost all goods are __13__. Only by effort and money __14__ obtained in the form people wish.9 f3 m& W% C6 j! P* G
  Meeting needs of people and the demands from resource available __15__ the basic activity of production. In trying to meet unlimited wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.
, K% i' x4 B7 V* gEXERCISE:
  u$ q! l  e+ C  W3 E3 T) Y7 Z1 [1. A) limited B) unlimited C) scarcity D) abundant3 u/ Q+ X; |; ^9 y
2. A) want B) problem C) wants D) resources2 D% u! E1 M' i
3. A) those B) some C) others D) many
5 o' B! o2 o7 ?- x6 g3 |4. A) them B) themselves C) ourselves D) ours7 s5 w4 J- p+ Y* }! w
5. A) expand B) extends C) grows D) increase
# L% ^9 c* E$ y/ B, y# q0 Q6. A) always B) sometimes C) often D) never0 V0 G! [' h$ {/ w* }% g7 O
7. A) management B) function C) board D) group
* a6 `7 c6 y+ e8. A) people B) economists C ) way D) methods( C8 O; q# N6 ~5 [2 w
9. A) so B) great C) such D) such an
" i( x9 N0 b. E10. A) form B) study C) means D) source) X+ C' @* \& T; X/ E) u& R" H
11. A) practically B) in practice C)in reality D) practicably
9 U- E: d/ u& `5 K6 j. z12. A) the B) / C) for D) with
0 E* Z8 D7 N+ \4 f5 {13. A) plentiful B) scarce C) abundant D) in full supply* V( _) i& `6 v3 p
14. A) they can be B) can they be C) they must be D) must they be8 p1 |: Y9 d9 |
15. A) are led to B) leads C) lead to D) leads to ) F+ a. O* R+ X" u: A. Y. i7 D
KEY:( a7 o  k; b6 t( n; T% Y- f# @

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


PASSAGE 14 . x; L( n7 J- V7 l. {/ ^9 |

) r' w1 l# \3 l. r2 bNewspaper Reports1 X! j, T" }, o- M+ M% [  k2 C
! U# f6 k8 G" H& A& A4 |
  There are many type of reports. A report is simply __1__ of something that has happened. The commonest are __2__. We get them in newspapers, over radio and __3__ television. Sometimes cinemas also show us newsreels.
3 R3 g& a% D1 j% \! L0 Z  The main purpose of a newspaper __4__ provide news. If you __5__ a newspaper closely, you will find that there are all types of news: accidents, floods, fires, wars, sports, books, etc. The news __6__ everything that happens to people and their surroundings. Sometimes there are news items which are very __7__.
% h6 S6 I2 U5 V2 H3 V: Z4 ?2 G  The big __8__ bold words above the news items are called headlines. Their purpose is to __9__ attention so that people will buy the newspaper because they want to read __10__ of the news.& b) s) U8 u: d
  A news report is usually very short, __11__ when it is about something very important, but it __12__ a lot of information. It is also written in short paragraphs. The first paragraph is in __13__ a summary of the news item. It gives all the necessary information: what, when, where, how, why. The other paragraphs give __14__ of the subject. There may also be interviews __15__ people. The words actually spoken by them are within inverted commas.
2 B' p1 [5 X/ S9 O2 n1 |0 v  Often there are photographs to go with the news to make it more interesting.
, S3 I/ S2 ?( R! u' F: z% m1. A) a count B) an account C) an accident D) an incident
2 R& {! z* ?0 w0 M2. A) news reports B) new reports C) news report D) new report5 _. W+ I; e9 ^. R
3. A) over B) by C) on D) through
" j+ a. ~6 v. K+ \4. A) is to B) is C) is to have D) is to be
1 F5 Q: }7 J( N1 K0 u5. A) examine B) watch C) look D) see( y6 o1 ^6 I8 G
6. A) concludes B) covers C) conclude D) cover
4 M& e& t4 \. K7. A) amuse B) amused C) amusing D) to amuse5 h: g: _$ Z, S0 c7 X' Z4 G! O- q
8. A) or B) as well C) both D) also7 M5 s1 W. A$ @+ L+ y. l0 m
9. A) give B) attain C) pay D) attract
* n+ j$ q% W7 Y4 x4 d. L# h10. A) the rest B) rest C) other D) the other
6 ]+ j* \% v( ~$ `# V; K, S) o11. A) besides B) apart from C) except D) except for
  y2 k5 e' }. G' U' Q& E2 h12. A) composes B) concludes C) confirms D) contains
2 E" F/ C9 D: U1 s/ E13. A) details B) reply C) all D) fact. g/ D) P0 w3 m5 E
14. A) fully details B) full details C) details fully D) details full0 i6 _; W  ~( N+ \: k* s: G6 ~1 `
15. A) with B) between C) to D) among9 p+ H  R# p8 h0 T. M( A; b

* E) f, E  _% R0 Q  b& o- G! ^0 oKEYS: BACAA BCADA CDDBA
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