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[综合类英语] 2010年职称英语综合C类:词汇选择高分点拨(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一部分:词汇选择(第1-15题,每题1分,共15分)" q' T' Q3 q: Y! v% Q0 H
  下面共有15句子,每个句子均有一个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的四个选项中选择一个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。; I9 N! D: f* s3 q% }
  1. While serving in the Senate in the early 1970s Barbara Jordan supported legislation to ban discrimination and to deal with environment problems.
5 x) d% Y: {1 t5 }+ A  A.list1 i. C3 Z6 @) U- T9 a0 T
- a/ {  Y' f. ~' D  J) q  C.handle
: t- _* c" S. r2 c! E  D.investigate
' H. n$ F. v' K; W, A  2. The company recommended that a new petrol station should be built here.
7 x2 ?2 t' L6 N( x7 m  A.ordered
& Y6 ~$ ^% J2 ~2 g  B.insisted
* k+ |- k8 o. Q: F# X/ n  C.suggested8 \7 J, r$ L' D: h1 m1 {
; D) N% u+ J1 x/ ~  3. It hard for the young people to imagine what severe conditions their parents once lived under.0 z2 Y6 m  ~. U! Y8 b$ e  B
  A.sincere$ E+ D* f0 i% S
; l) n8 _+ p" P; _& X. [  C.strict0 \, Q, A) r9 H( d0 m* B
6 S1 v& n% i/ X3 @( S" i. m" b; h  4. The house stands as steady as a rock in the wind.
" u' f1 ~4 r: V2 h. z$ H% h  A.continuous; v2 S" H/ b9 J# @$ e$ i. m( m
  B.quick8 P0 @1 W5 `0 Y2 @. W! N
  C.firm. ~' Y. T1 o% t
  D.exceptional: ?  Q* ^, r; @8 y/ p
  5. You must shine your shoes.
2 F7 r0 c  w* }3 J! M! O  A.lighten
, u( y! ]1 I* g5 c- T  B.clean1 g9 m. R0 G9 k, O( p5 c4 K
  C.wash: k6 Y1 T+ C, m: x- }
  D.polish2 n+ B7 c9 W1 A
  6. First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money.
2 u2 e0 P; R. n7 X5 D" B5 E  A.at any place- v% K; w: Q4 X$ H- X
  B.at any price
! a, i/ q7 g' [0 }% i& e! m  C.in any language/ k, ~( a+ a2 [  D5 h: F# o4 I
  D.in any country
5 E9 }0 s2 j- h/ o  7.A beautiful woman attended to me in that store yesterday.$ o3 b* K6 X# X% y- S" R; c
  A.waited on
# R) b1 s9 ^; w, V9 U5 H  B.talked to6 R* X; U8 f; m. L
  C.spoke to
( }4 L' h7 O3 k- s2 S  D.stayed with6 w( i3 G# U5 s4 a: y% u
  8. Loud noises can be annoying., x/ w& l$ X1 p* T. M/ L/ r2 E
  A.hateful4 {% \7 l  U1 e& `* \
, p3 i: g7 o' D1 t  C.horrifying
% c( U9 b7 s$ X2 t4 G0 |: g  D.disturbing. [$ ~9 r6 @1 p
  9. Her words offended me.
5 @5 K; S  Z6 y. J  A.made angry: @3 {) o$ I. o) x/ b$ K
  B.made happy5 ?3 f/ P# H; ~' H$ E/ r
  C.made excited
: D* T( f* i0 C  D.made disappointed
. g2 E. s! k# k0 f  @2 K# a  10. Successful leaders dominate events rather than react to them.
# ?6 O; y( h& F1 k. ~; G) s* b  A.control
+ N) O: F; v% r7 o& a- i' A" E: j, x  B.contribute4 K* W) K" b, V
  C.convey( A1 ?0 |& T6 g$ Y6 W, p' s" r, @
; i9 v! c; R; z& K) @3 T  11. The example was fundamental to the argument.7 L% Y# [" n# _( g+ R( k
  A.impressive! Q9 }' m5 F7 ]3 R
5 [! z; n, w3 m# S- g% R8 e8 c  C.essential; C$ ^" w3 P$ d* j
. @/ o% ?+ T. Q; Y5 e9 U5 A* Q; g  12. They are still calculating the impact of automation on the lives of factory workers.2 y' z* D# u- U( i+ v
  A.affect! A. y9 }5 _/ \+ c% Y( \3 w9 a
7 @! J9 v, z6 p3 p" k  C.pressure: M% v' ^6 x' o0 F
  D.passion* c/ s# b0 u, L& S  ?4 J, n4 j5 Z
  13. She finally recovered herself one month after the operation on her stomach.
0 }+ {$ n& h% U% @  A.got along
* Z# h3 n- j+ }  B.got better
3 {/ X8 D- \1 \0 Z( x# m  C.got on
* i# ^4 I9 l$ _  D.got out4 T5 D2 ]6 ^6 a, h- v
  14. The minister headed the committee.! s6 W: t# Z7 g/ }5 d3 Z
  A.was on the verge of+ N5 B7 o( Q1 @
  B.was on the basis of+ V9 c  g3 a5 S7 T/ B. w* Y
  C.was at the cost of
, A- J" g5 }: `. C# M  D.was in charge of! \' e) P" _, c! }, M4 s, o9 T2 a
  15. These are our motives for doing it." u5 \% I- o9 ]! a
  A.reasons; M& y6 Z/ l, A, D
! S! q/ I' R% q/ Q& |! \  C.targets
4 g' d5 q% u& N" J7 m: n& k' p  D.pursuit

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


1. B.分析:借助句意(20世纪70年代初期当Barbara Jordan在参议院里任职的时候,他就支持有关禁止种族歧视和解决环境问题的立法)判断答案B(禁止)。Forbid(forbade; forbidden) vt.禁止,不准,不许;Handle vt拿;处理;应付;控制; Ban vt./n.(法律上)禁止: p  @% M; z2 U
  2. C.分析:该题考察与虚拟语气相关的常见动词。 recommend是“推荐”; order是“命令”; insist是“坚持”; demand 是“要求”;suggest 是“建议”。只有suggest与recommend语义相近,所以答案为C。- \2 p$ T6 ]0 h  `9 O1 Y
  3. B. 分析:借助与划线词直接相关的搭配结构含义(..情况)判断B(艰苦的)。sincere是“真诚的”; hard是“艰苦的”; strict是“严肃的”; tight是“紧的”。
7 H0 ?& R. b- E/ ]- M  4. C.分析:借助句意(这座房子在风中..如磐石)判断答案C(稳固的)。exceptional adj4 g- S# W: x( F% V
  特别的;异常的; continuous adj.连续的, 持续的' X1 K) H0 ~: X
  5. D。分析:借助联想法。画线词shine与常见词汇sunshine(阳光)有关。又因shine 的宾语是鞋子,所以推测shine 的含义与“使鞋子光亮”有关。所以polish(擦亮)D是答案。另外:lighten是“to make or become light or brighter/减轻(负担); 缓和, 使轻松, 使愉快,(使能发光的东西)变亮”,而wash是(洗); clean是(使干净)。( `/ C  D* }7 \/ \' R
  6. B.分析:借助划线短语中的基本词汇含义猜测短语可能的含义为“为了钱和爱”。而这四个备选答案中只有答案B (at any price/以任何代价)在基本用词上(price)与划线短语一致,而且在句意上也合理。该句含义是“某些流行书籍的首印版是无论如何也很难得到的。”
; X3 ]8 q/ v. g  7.A. 分析:该句含义是“昨天在那家商店里为我服务的是一位美丽的女服务员”。attend to v. 倾听,关心, 照顾; wait on v.服侍, 招待0 Z4 b) F* a; T. |# `. x1 ^" Q! U9 U" x
  8. D.分析:annoying adj.恼人的, 讨厌的; Horrifying vt令人感到恐怖的; painful adj.疼痛的, 使痛苦的; disturbing adj.烦扰的
  i1 t' f/ M# v9 H  9. A. 分析:该句含义是“她的话伤了我的感情。”结构“make + adj.”的含义是“使..怎样”。+ e9 D& \6 ], q6 G& |$ f5 N
  10. A. 分析:根据搭配结构含义(..事件)判断A(控制)合适。该句含义是“成功的领导者是事先控制事件而不是事后才做反应”。 Contribute v.捐助, 捐献, 贡献, 投稿; convey vt.搬运, 传达; contact n.接触, 联系vt.接触, 联系
8 \- i/ C% U7 v* Y3 S  11. C. 分析:根据句意(这个例证是论据中的一个主要例证)判断C(主要的)合适。fundamental
8 s( C, k& O) {# v7 `  adj.基础的, 基本的; impressive adj.给人深刻印象的; public n.公众adj.公众的, 公共的;slight adj.轻微的, 微小的
  Y; s- k, a% o- G+ G  12. B. 分析:借助搭配结构“..on sth.”判断B(影响) 是答案。该句含义是“他们仍然在估测自动化对工厂工人生活的影响。”influence on../对..的影响; impact n.冲击, 影响, 效果+ e" B, j1 Q/ c0 @2 H; z6 R* L
  vt. 撞击, 压紧, 对...发生影响; impact也是通常和介词 on搭配(impact on..),含义是“对..的影响”; passion 通常和介词for搭配,表示“对..的热爱”; affect vt.影响, 感动, 侵袭; pressure n.压, 压力, 电压6 h# `" _" ?  l! U9 K$ _) W9 w
  13. B. 分析:借助句意(在她做了手术后的一个月以后她终于有了好转(恢复了健康))判断B(好转)最合适。get along v.生活, 融洽相处, 进展; get on v.生活, 融洽相处, 进展; get out
+ S: Q+ f6 |+ @( Z; S  v.出去, 离开, 逃脱, 泄露
+ F. t) q; a# ^4 M# x8 D) A( n  14. D. 分析:借助句子的句意(这位部长..委员会. )和被选项中的核心词含义判断D(charge
6 O; e& f7 K7 K  n.主管, 掌管)合适。on the verge of adv.接近于, 濒临于;on the basis of prep.以...为基础; at the cost of adv.以...为代价* A. s0 {- ~  V# j  C) V$ {, K
  15. A.分析:借助句意(这些是我们这样做的..)判断A最合适。Motive n动机;目的; Target n.目标, 对象; 笑柄(for); argument n.争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, ~ (for ,against); pursuit n.追逐,追寻
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