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[综合类英语] 职称英语考试:综合类C级核心词汇(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  C级核心词汇推荐:! D! A- k7 y: r# y$ l
  assembly n. 集合, 装配, 集会(assembly line/装配线);
0 @% S/ g: L8 v$ e  S) V- S# h  assess v. 评估(财产, 价值, 人物、工作等); (assess – evaluate – value评估)
0 K+ h. G6 [2 J) h0 g% `$ A  assist v. (在某方面)帮助,援助,协助 ((assist sb. in doing sth/to do sth/在…方面帮助某人))
- Z# M3 D, X0 V1 r' ^  assistant n.  助手, 助理(assistant engineer/助理工程师; assistant professor/副教授);- t, P$ G# v( w* X# x
  associate v. 结交, 由...联想到..., 把...联系起来(associate one thing with another/把某一事与另一事联系起来; ...be associated with sth./...和...有关/...和...有联系):
% X6 {% U; `( h+ d% V  association n. 联合,协会, 社团:
# D( K8 T; @0 C, s  assume v. 假设(assume – suppose ),承担(assume – take on - acccept), 呈(态度, 姿态, 位置) (assume new duties/ 承担新的职务; assume office/就职; assume responsibility/负责, 承担责任);4 D  U$ Y3 e& h- b4 ^
  assure v. 保证 (assume - ensure) ,使安心,让…放心 (assure sb. of/that…/向某人保证…)  s, {* M' `$ {9 m/ a* {
  astonish v. 使吃惊(astonish – surprise –shock)(be astonished at sth. /对…感到惊讶);
, g( G) c0 U" b/ v1 a  astronaut n. 宇航员
' U! ]9 _) m& S# v  at prep.[位置, 场所, 地点,时间]在…时,在…中,在…方面,向,(表示速度,价格等)以(arrive at…/到达…; at my uncle's/在我叔父家;at the foot[top] of the mountain / 在山脚下[顶上]; at the meeting/在会议上; at ten o'clock/ 在十点钟; at (the age of) forty/在 40 岁的时候; at the beginning of the month/ 在月初; at Christmas/在圣诞节; aim at…/对准..; throw …at …/朝…扔…;be pleased at…/对…感到高兴;be surprised [frightened] at …/听到…而吃惊; at one's request/应某人的请求; at the rate/speed of …/以每小时..速度);
, R/ \) D4 X3 P. W7 U7 E( P  athlete: n. 运动员
( A; V( p; w0 t. G* ]0 g+ K+ G- E  Atlantic adj.大西洋的;大西洋沿岸的(the Atlantic Ocean /大西洋);2 Y6 g' X. @% k
  atmosphere n. 大气, 空气, 气氛;9 b9 a; k) k, }( y- M
  attack n./v. 进攻, 疾病)侵袭,发作(a heart attack /心脏病发作);5 m& j; N& Q* t' n, ^4 `) y& D: P
  attach v. 贴上,系上,缚上(attach… to … 把…贴/系在…上面)" v9 E* ]/ @5 G3 }8 a! |
  attempt n. (常与at, on, to连用)努力, 尝试v. (常与to连用)企图, 尝试 (attempt to do sth./make an attempt to do sth. /试图做…);3 v# E$ D  i' _( F, m
  attend v. 注意, 出席(at), 参加, 上(学, 教堂) ( attend school /上学; attend a lecture /听讲课; attend (at) a wedding /出席婚礼;  be attended by/ 由...陪同; 由...照料);) ^/ W( w5 q  o+ O
  attention n.注意, 关心, 关注, 注意力( pay attention to ../注意..);* _: u: T5 L. s' ], H  x% |
  attitude n.态度, 看法, 意见(attitude to/towards…/对…的态度, take [assumed] an attitude of 取…态度);4 v- J+ G( k. `; A; K
  attract vt. 吸引(attract –appeal to), 诱惑(attract one’s attention/引起某人注意);$ K( k/ y; d3 C# X- t6 W
  attractive adj. 有吸引力的(attractive – appealing ), 漂亮的(attractive – beautiful – pretty );
1 j' X! b1 V' i. A( a  attribute vt. 把...归因于(to)..., n.属性, 特质, 标志(attribute ..to ../ 把...归因于);- I4 Z3 ^% _' D4 m, g  v
  audience n. 听众, 观众, 读者(a large audience/很多观众);
. N2 W7 v0 \0 ~$ l. O9 T+ D  August n.八月(略作Aug);
% I* R  C; ]6 u, `- E/ ~  aunt n. 伯母, 婶母, 舅母, 阿姨;
3 A9 J1 D, v$ h) z* v. ?' t; m  Australia n. 澳大利亚,澳洲:
/ u; |  h$ I2 P, k4 Z. D  author n. 作家, 著者(best author畅销书作者; joint author/合著者);4 [9 g' o3 g3 C: \, s: |0 n, A
  authority n. 权威, 权力, 权势, [pl.]当局, 负责人;
: w& v) s; U- R6 f  automatic adj.自动的,机械的;' \/ Z2 c5 U2 m$ }$ r
  automobile n.汽车,小汽车;; m/ j* q) w. L- D9 D" t# ]
  autumn n. 秋, 秋季(美国普通称fall) (in autumn/在秋天; in (the)late autumn/在晚[深]秋);
+ X+ |5 X/ N0 N- ], D% X  available adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的, 有空的;

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