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[综合类英语] 2012年职称英语综合类C级完形填空新增09

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The First Bicycle
  i! S' h/ d+ b9 F* W. ]: S; e/ ~  The history of the bicycle goes back more than 200 years. In 1791,Count de Sivrac (1) ________onlookers in a park in Paris as he showed off his two-wheeled invention ,a machine called the celeriferé. It was basically an (2) ________version of a children’s toy which had been in (3) ________ for many years. Sivrac's "celeriferé had a wooden frame,made in the (4) ________ of a horse ,which was mounted on a wheel at either end. To ride it ,you sat on a small seat ,just like a modem bicycle ,and pushed (5) ________ against the (6) ________ with your legs—there were no pedals. It was impossible to steer a celeriferé and it had no brakes,but despite these problems the invention very much (7) ________to the fashionable young men of Paris. Soon they were (8) ________ races up and down the streets.0 r8 y# \+ B0 u, z, }, D+ [
  Minor (9) ________were common as riders attempted a final burst of ( 10 ) ________ . Controlling the machine was difficult ,as the only way to change (11) ________ was to pull up the front of the "celeriferé" and (12) ________it round while the front wheel was (13) ________ in the air. "Celeriferés" were not popular for long ,however ,as the (14) ________of no springs ,no steering and rough roads made riding them very uncomfortable. Even so,the wooden celeriferé was the (15) ________of the modem bicycle.6 d& c- x7 f* N. w8 G
  词汇: 7 j" j/ z$ x; `0 N1 J  R$ u9 T8 @
  count / kaunt / n. 伯爵 brake / breik / n. 闸,刹车
- ]$ C, j2 C0 X( k, c0 s0 ~5 @% t  onlooker / 'ɔn,lukə / n. 观众 burst / bə:st / v. 爆发,突发,爆炸
9 r. m5 B0 s" @# w  pedal / 'pedl / n. 踏板,脚蹬子 spring / spriŋ / n. ' 弹簧
4 }/ C0 x7 G7 ^. G2 f  steer / stiə / v. 驾驶,操纵,控制 rough / rʌf / adj, 粗糙的,不平整的
# U/ x& i: f6 b  注释:
1 P/ m7 _3 _3 X( u+ m  1. ... which was mounted on a wheel at either end: ……两端都装上了轮子
, ]1 }- W& s9 O9 {. T3 i3 a  2 ...as riders attempted a final burst of speed:……当骑手尝试最后冲刺的时候
; M) A" k& F4 j( q. J, y- @  练习:1 [: s! }  O! W- d8 ^4 ]/ B8 u
  1. A) delighted B) cheered C) appreciated D) overjoyed来自www.Examw.com
3 O' a7 Z/ ]5 O$ N; g2 ~  2. A) increased B) enormous C) extended D) enlarged
; R5 L1 I; S/ g- |! V/ p  3. A) use B) play C) operation D) service. O, C9 i( L9 n2 V  {
  4. A) resemblance B) shape C)body D)appearance, m# p& i# ]( l2 s) K
  5. A) fast B) deeply C) heavily D) hard5 [! [" e6 F9 r1 V
  6. A) surface B) ground C) earth D) floor
: r# b: f1 G) Q1 U. p  7. A) attracted B) appealed C) took D) called6 U$ C+ e8 b: J# ~% l
  8. A) going B) getting C) holding D) making
( Y( k, [( @* `; I  9. A) wounds B) trips C) injuries D) breaks8 _/ X3 t- e! n2 i# ^; z4 s) E2 d
  10. A) velocity B) energy C) pace D) speed
8 ^& P) f: n: \2 x  11. A) direction B) route C) heading D) way" v& r- z: o0 ]. B& O; f
  12. A) ro11 B) drive C) turn D) revolve
5 z4 I; r$ r% _  13. A) cycling B) circling C) winding D) spinning# B( M4 t4 [) w# i7 E" c
  14. A) mixture B) link C) combination D) union, v  L5 v! M) I* s1 v+ a! B
  15. A) origin B) design C)model D) introduction

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


  答案与题解:' r9 n. d6 N9 }6 C5 @) T" c0 ]
  1. A 根据句意,西夫拉克伯爵使公园里的观众都感到高兴,能表示"使……高兴"意思的只有 A 和 D ,而 D 选项 overjoy 意思为"使……过度兴奋,狂喜",感情色彩过于强烈,这里应填 delight"使……喜悦"。
! F' T6 \# r& u2 Y: M9 q  2. D 一开始发明的自行车应该是个儿童玩具的扩大版,increased" 增加的" ,enormous" 巨大的" ,extended"延伸的"均不合题意。 2 I# Y! |, n  A* O% R# A- k
  3. A 此处有三个选项都可以与 in 搭配,in use" 在使用中" ,in operation" 生效,运行中",in service"服务中",只有 in use 填入此空符合逻辑,故选择 A。
9 o. q6 T7 R' ?+ J3 K. J" W7 y: ^  4. B 最早的自行车是用木头支架做成马的形状,弄懂意思后答案一目了然,resemblance 意为 "相似,相似物" ,appearance"外貌,外观"。
3 Q: [3 W* }% [% {; m6 B  5. D 此处意思为"用脚使劲蹬地",故选 hard。heavily 意为"沉重地,猛烈地"。 , O  N% F) Y' [) J8 ]9 W
  6. B 四个选项都眼"地"有点关系,surface" 表面",ground" 地面,土地",earth“泥土,陆地”,floor"地板,地面",比较之后,只有 ground 比较合适。
, h1 O+ s7 L$ T& D; z7 I2 o9 ]0 r) q# K  7. B appeal to 意思为"吸引" ,attract 本身就是及物动词"吸引",后不需要加介词 to ,take to意为"开始喜欢,开始从事"。
6 V1 L% ~- m( X' O4 S0 V  8. C hold races 在这里是"举行赛跑"的意思,其他选项不合题意。 外语学习网
' T, G9 w8 K% o% \& G  9. C 人们在最后冲刺的时候,受点小伤是很常见的。只有 wound 和 injury 有"受伤,伤害"的意思,wound 做名词一般指"伤口,受伤的地方" ,injury 指"小伤",为正确答案。
6 ~2 k) `3 R5 e6 ]2 z3 V  10. D 此处表示"最后猛一冲刺" ,一定是速度很快,除了 B 选项之外的三个选项都有"速度" 之意,velocity" 速率,速度",为科学用语,pace“步调,步法”,speed" 速度",是常用词,故选D。 * a2 [1 D# T: E0 ?. a3 L
  11. A 此处的意思是"改变方向",并不是要改变路线,只有 A 选项符合题意。
$ b/ w4 F! M7 W6 V5 U6 [) J. o  12. C 想要改变行车方向需要抬起车头在空中掉转,turn round 为惯用搭配,意为"旋转,掉转" ,roll 和 revolve 本身就有"旋转"的意思,后面不需加 round。
9 H8 T2 J) e/ s  13. D 这四个选项都有"转圈"的意思,cycle"循环,骑自行车" ,circle"旋转,环绕移动",wind"缠绕,上发条",spin"自旋,纺纱",此处主语为 wheel ,轮子在空中一定是"自旋",因此选D。
4 Q$ W3 n1 t& a& F9 k6 c- F  14. C 四个选项都有"综合"的意思,mixture 表示 "混合,混合物" ,link" 连接,结合", combination"结合,组合,联合" ,union"联盟,联合",全句意为"结合了没有弹簧、没有方向舵,以及遭遇不平整路段等问题,木制双轮车骑起来十分不舒服",只有 C 选项的意思放在此处最恰当。, t* p8 N. p  o* r8 S6 Q
  15. A 综合全文大意,我们得知法国人发明的木制双轮车便是现代自行车的始祖,A 选项符合题意。
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