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[综合类英语] 2012年职称英语综合类C级完形填空新增15

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Helen and Martin
& I6 g0 l$ F4 `8 h3 f' k  With a thoughtful sigh, Helen turned away from the window and wa1ked back to her favourite armchair. (1) __her brother never arrive? For a brief moment, she wondered if she really cared that much. ( Z8 C! o' ~/ C- `) r6 f- S! @
  Over the years Helen had given (2) __waiting for Martin to take an interest in her. 8 I; D  A- s3 m3 o
  Her feelings for him had gradually (3) __until now, as she sat waiting for him, she experienced no more than a sister’s. (4)__to see what had (5) __of her brother.
. L& }. I/ i$ n  Almost without (6) __, Martin had lost, his job with a busy publishing company after spending the last eight years in New York as a key figure in the US office. Somehow the two of them hadn’t (7) __ to keep in touch and, left alone, Helen had slowly found her (8) __ in her own judgment growing. (9) __the wishes of her parents, she had left university halfway (l0) __ her course and now, to the astonishment of the whole family, she was (11) __a fast-growing reputation in the pages of respected art magazines and was actually earning enough to live (12) __ from her paintings. & ^' H9 v. x9 @: B$ M& o- s! _
  Of course, she (13) __no pleasure in Martin’s sudden misfortune, but she couldn’t (14) __ looking forward to her brother’s arrival with (15)__ satisfaction at what she had achieved.
! e& n& ~9 U& b) W  词汇: , ?: T6 j$ F7 B' D0 H9 B
  Armchair /,ɑ:m’tʃεə, ’ɑ:m-/ n. 扶手椅  reputation /,repju’teiʃən / n.名声,名誉声望  2 V! j* u9 m% D" m! L
  curiosity /,kjuri’ɔsiti/ n. 好奇心,好奇 misfortune / mis’fɔ:tʃən / n. 不幸;灾祸,灾难  2 X, @) u$ W& g# p$ V
  confidence / ’kɔnfidəns / n. 信心;言任 satisfaction /,sætis’fækʃən / n. 满意,满足  
9 F" Y5 G, q" k  \9 `6 O( E6 \  astonishment / ə’stɔniʃmənt / n. 惊讶;令人惊讶的事物  
7 I" y& `- P. b- i( `+ h$ Y  注释:
) O7 F+ J: B7 t+ F8 q  1. take an interest in ... : 对……产生兴趣  % ?, ]; I) ^2 m* F/ I7 E
  2. become of sb. / sth. ...: 发生……情况;遭遇… 3 s1 E5 a- F" I; S
  3. to the astonishment of ...  :令……惊讶的是……
9 v+ r' b. ]4 Q( Q) T$ j9 t5 R  练习:
2 u3 J4 M5 k; [& W( `5 Z  1. A) Could  B) Should  C) Would  D) Ought  
- P% Z* ]0 Y! V$ }6 j0 c  2. A) in  B) up  C) out  D) away 5 [1 v6 E, o6 V8 E) Y. @9 n
  3. A) depressed B) weakened C) lowered D) fainted
; H* x7 ]5 `2 I! e6 @/ V$ i2 V' [  4. A) wonder B) idea C) curiosity D) regard # b# Q2 x* W  Y8 W
  5. A) become B) developed C) arisen D) changed
8 P% i3 l( H1 O+ M- [' i  6. A) caution B) warning  C) advice  D) signal考试用书 9 [- S' U, K' \8 h/ l- q0 ?' Z2 {( H
  7.A) minded B) concerned  C) worried  D) bothered
. {+ h3 F+ |( v3 o6 J  8. A) dependence  B) confidence  C) certainty  D) courage
2 ~) ^1 u% W4 J6 t- U4 l/ L  9. A) Ignoring  B) Omitting  C) Avoiding  D) Preventing
  b1 d3 Q7 B( ?* }: Y  10. A) along  B) down  C) through  D) across ' @) I3 s0 ~/ n' z( F. W
  11. A) gaining  B) reaching  C) starting  D) opening
0 h5 l4 a) @' Y/ w4 |- q* F  12. A) for  B) by  C) with  D) drop
6 _; r/ \* P* s- M7 i  13. A) made  B) took  C) drew 2 _2 L- A! B) e( A
  14. A) help  B) miss C) fail  D) on

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


  15. A) soft  B) fine  C) quiet  D) still % U- |- w5 L* q; x5 v* i& ]4 F
* X3 {, s  e) ]- A  1. C 考查情态动词。根据句意"哥哥将永远不再回来了吗?"有"应该""应"意思的 B ,D 选项 应该排除。只有 would 有将要的意思,符合句意。故选 C。  % s8 ~4 {6 D$ I7 {% r
  2. B 考查介词搭配。此句句意为"这些年来,海伦已经放弃了等待马丁对她产生兴趣 " give in 意为"屈服,让步" give up 意为"放弃",符合句意 give out 意为 “分发,公布"give away 意为"泄露,出卖"。故选B * F7 r0 u$ y. R" W. u- C, U
  3. B depress 偏重表达"数量的减少或价值的降低 ”weaken 一般来说偏重"情感"方面的减弱、变谈;lower 偏重在"数量或质量"上的减少或降低;faint 偏重于"视觉"的变淡、模糊。此 句表达的是 Helen 对他的感情的慢慢变淡,故选 B ' L- H# j# c. k7 `( e2 `
  4. C 此句表达的是 Helen 非常急切地想知道她的哥哥到底发生了什么事的一种"急切的好奇的"感觉,故四个选项中只有 curiosity 最贴切,故选 C。  
; {. @& r4 ~, r$ k0 W+ [5 ?  5. A become of sb. /sth. ... .是短语,意为"发生某种情况;遭遇… "。故选 A。  ' z5 M" q1 n5 c& ~& h- p
  6. B 根据上下文可知,Martin 在没有任何征兆的情况下就失去了工作。caution 指"警察的口头警告" ,advice 意为"劝告、忠告" ,signal 意为"信号、暗号",只有 warning 有"征兆、前兆"之意。故选 B。  
: z0 X, w: P% ~$ p; t) A: e  7. D 此句句意为"在某种程度上他俩不会因为彼此的联系或不联系而烦扰",其中 A 选项mind 意为"介意"B 选项 concern 意为"担心、担忧";C 选项 worry意为"使担心、使焦虑", 只有 D 选项 bother 有"烦扰"之意。故选 D。 来自www.Examw.com . R4 r1 ]+ [0 x1 J2 g1 M7 D
  8. B 此句表达的是 Helen 对自己的判断的"信心"0 A 选项 dependence 意为"依靠、依赖"C选项 certainty 意为"确定性、无疑". D 选项 courage 意为"勇气、胆量"B 选项 confidence 可 与介词 in 搭配,意为"对……有信心"。故选 B。  0 }  K  I1 ~. \4 N# v8 H6 Z: c
  9. A ignore"不顾、不理、忽视" ,omit"省略、疏忽" ,avoid" 回避、避免" ,prevent" 防止、预防"。此句表达的是"不顾及、忽视父母的愿且"。故选 A。  9 l2 P- r% _' g$ D5 t
  10. C 此句强调的是在学业过程中,故应用 through 一词;across强调横穿,故选 C。  $ G4 C3 J. Q. m. V' J' Q
  11. A gain 意为"获得、博得" ,reach 意为"达到" ,start 意为"开始" ,open 意为"打开",此句表达获得声誉。故选 A。  . R& E  z: _$ D( @8 F$ O3 M
  12. D 考查介词搭配。……而且她的画作足以维持生活。Live for 意为"盼望,为……而生活"live by 意为"以……为生"live with 意为"忍受,承认";而 live on 意为"靠……生活"与句意相符。故选 D。  
/ {. w$ j6 T7 ^# l" O" b, q' W  13. B 短语 take no pleasure in ... "不以……为乐/感到高兴"。故选 B。  
7 C2 c; ^* q2 m  E7 t  14. A 短语 couldn’t help doing sth. ... "情不自禁做某事"。故选 A。
# X% l5 e5 P; {  15. C soft 意为"柔软的",自ne 意为"好的",quiet 意为"暗中的、未表露的" ,still 意为"静止的、不动的"。此句表达 Helen的那种未言语的欣慰之情,故选 C。
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