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[综合类英语] 2012年职称英语综合类C级完形填空新增13

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Old Gate
; B4 ?4 c# ]8 Z/ f  In the Middle Ages the vast majority of European cities had walls around them. This was partly for defensive (1) __but another factor was the need to keep out anyone regarded as undesirable, like people with contagious (2) __. The Old City of London gates were all (3) __by the end of the 18th century. The last of London’s gates was removed a century ago, but by a (4) __ of luck, it was never destroyed.  2 a2 b/ i  z$ w; S& n
  This gate is, in (5) __fact, not called a gate at all; its name is Temple Bar, and it marked the (6) __between the Old City of London and Westminster. In 1878 the Council of London took the Bar down, numbered the stones and put the gate in (7) __ because its design was (8) __ it was expensive to (9) __ and it was blocking the traffic. % |" o  [- D: p( s% k
  The Temple Bar Trust was (10) __ in the 1970’s with the intention of returning the gate home. The aim of the trust is the (11) __ of the nation’s architectural heritage. + l. a6 X; I" q. H; \
  Transporting the gate will mean physically pulling it (12) __, stone by stone, removing and rebuilding it near St Paul’s Cathedral. Most of the facade of the gate will probably be (13)__, though there is a good (14) __ that the basic structure will be sound. The hardest (15) __ of all, however, will be to recreate the statues of the monarchs that once stood on top of the gate.
, k' O8 D1 ?/ V! N  词汇:  
* ^) a. Q' t' Q  contagious / kən’teidʒəs / adj. 传染性的,会蔓延的 demolish / di’mɔliʃ / vt.拆除,破坏  & p. M  N  s) p9 F
  stroke / strəuk / n. 打击 preservation / ,prezə’veiʃən / n. 保存,保留  
2 L' D$ |3 G& w7 T  boundary / ’baundəri / n. 范围,分界线 cathedral / kə’θi:drəl / n. 保留,保存  4 S% B0 L/ w; v
  注释: # Y6 Z& k. I& l$ i
  1. mark the boundary between ... and... : ……在……和…… 两者之间划定界限  
  B0 m, Y. L/ E2 A2 T4 _  2. there is a good chance that... : 很有可能发生某事,有……的机会  
- h1 V& [, j: n/ T' J8 ~7 a  练习:
" E. C" t4 [( l0 P, W- O  1. A) grounds  B) reasons  C) causes  D) purposes 2 }9 c9 `& E! U  |3 ]
  2. A) injuries  B) symptoms  C) colds  D) diseases
# Y! i/ U' ^* E% }+ S, K5 f  3. A) devoted  B) demolished  C) declared  D) decreased
3 i9 E+ V5 _* l3 c3 ~  4. A) stroke  B) wave  C) hit  D) blow ( T; Z; O9 `6 F  L! J1 `4 k
  5. A) real  B) contemporary  C) actual    
: h* k. X- C. Q1 G! f6 i9 T  6. A) borders  B) part  C) boundary  D) current ; s# p. g% {/ n0 h6 S1 ?. j7 O
  7. A) storage  B) store  C) storing  D) line 7 ], Y. ?+ K$ v, f7 J% T& {: J" i
  8. A) unrealistic  B) unfashionable  C) unavailable  D) stock
0 Y5 s, d& B; r' @! Z( [- n' B2 ?  9. A) maintain  B) afford  C) repair  D) unbearable
# q# D9 l3 T' Q  10. A) set out  B} set up  C) set off  D) fix 中华考试网& h! I% O$ T/ X" x' d
  11. A) preservation  B) reservation  C) conservation  D) set back
8 o( C! @( |4 Q! R) t$ _) o0 q  12. A) up  B) over  C) on  D) down  8 l5 f8 S7 O( a: D0 I' I
  13. A) replaced  B) substituted  C) exchanged  D) overtaken

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


  14. A) capacity  B) opportunity  C) possibility  D) chance  
% i! [! j$ g9 N  15 A) requirement  B) job  C) necessity  D) obligation ' D7 o( e% V  a5 O( L1 Z3 j
  答案与题解: ' Z& A. d2 G: h" G
  1. B A 选项 grounds 意为"理由,基础" ;C 选项 causes 意为"原因" ; D 选项 purposes 意为"目的;意志"。根据句意"城墙一方面是为了防御外敌……" for 为介词,表目的。for defensive reasons,为了防御的原因。故选 B。  
; D) S8 v2 h7 U, t4 J5 B: x+ f4 O  2. D 考查固定搭配。A 选项 injuries 意为"伤害,受伤";B 选项 symptoms 意为"症状";C 选项colds 意为"感冒";D 选项 contagious diseases 意为"传染病"。根据句意应选 D。  
1 l$ M! D$ r2 G/ R2 i* s  3. B 此句句意为"伦敦古城的城门,均在 18 世纪末被拆毁。"A 选项 devoted 意为"献身于……";B 选项,demolished 意为"拆毁,破坏",与句意相符;C 选项 declared 意为"公然的,公开宣布的";D 选项 decreased 意为"减少"。故选民  
$ X0 c6 l5 U  Y" i  4. A 考查固定搭配 a stroke of luck。  
6 d/ q" R6 t- @3 \  5. C 考查固定搭配in actual fact,为固定搭配,意思是"事实上"。等于 actually或 as a matter of fact 。  ( J9 n% f8 Y+ K
  6. C 此句句意为"它的名字叫圣殿酒吧区,是伦敦古城与威斯敏斯特的分界线。"A 选项 borders 意为"边界,边缘地区";B 选项 part 意为"部分"D 选项 line 意为"路线,排";而 C 选项boundary 意为"两地的分界线",与句意相符。故选 C。  
! ~- F. V$ x# B5 p1 r. b" _$ s  7. A 此句句意为"1878 年,伦敦议会将其推倒,给石头编了号,并将它们储藏。" A 选项storage 意为"存储,仓库",符’合句意;B 选项 store 意为"商店,储各";C 选项 storing 意为"储存,保管";D 选项 stock 意为"股份,股票" in storage 为固定搭配。故选 A。  8 P" [# l9 N5 k& Y7 `- Q
  8. B 此句句意为"城门的设计老套,维修费用昂贵,而且堵塞交通。"A 选项 unrealistic 意为 "不切实际的"C 选项 unavailable 意为"难以获得的"D 选项 unbearable 意为"难以忍受的",均与句意不符 ;B 选项 unfashionable 意为"不时髦的,老套的"。故选 B。  外语学习网+ G9 P* I+ {" b+ L9 ]' m& K5 p& e
  9. A 此句意为"……维修费用昂贵,并且堵塞交通。"afford 意为"支付得起";repair 意为 "修";fix 意为"修理,安装" 。(对建筑物的)维修保持意为 maintain。故选 A ; o; \" \$ h$ g/ E
  10. B 此句句意为"在..20 世纪 70 年代,最初为了恢复城门,建立了圣殿酒吧区信托基金,目的 是保存国家的建筑遗产。" set 叩意为"建立,开业"; set out 意为"动身,陈列";set off 意为 "启程,使爆炸";set back 意为"推迟,使受挫"。故选 B。  1 k! K) n/ X, ?" d
  11. A 此句句意为"目的是保存国家的建筑遗产。" A 选项 preservation 意为"(古物,建筑)的 保存",与句意相符 ;B 选项 reservation 意为"预约,保留";C 选项 conservation ,多用于"(环境的)保存,保护";D 选项 recreation 意为"娱乐,消遣"。故选 A。  
( g) c+ G3 C8 T  `  [% D  12. D 考查介词搭配。pull up 意为"拔起,阻止" ;pull over 意为"靠岸,开到路边";pull on 意 为"穿,继续拉",只有 D 选项 pull down 意思是"摧毁,推倒",与句意相符。  
$ E$ g) M: a0 y* W- S9 E  13. A 根据上下文,可以排除 C 与 D A 与 B 均有替代的意思,通常,replace...with ... "替换,更换(以旧更新)",substitute ...for ...替代"之意,不与原物进行比较。  
0 P0 v+ O' a6 B0 E1 Y) y& u# A  14. D there is a good chance that 意思是"很有可能发生某事,有……的机会"。 * l8 Z# H# b; U7 a
  15. B 此句句意为"最艰难的工作"the hardest job of all 为常用说法。A 选项 requirement 意为 "要求,必要条件" C 选项 necessity 意为"需要 写 必需品";D 选顶 obligation 意为"义务"。故选 B。
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