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[综合类英语] 2013年职称英语综合类C级概括大意模拟题(27)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2013年职称英语综合类C级概括大意模拟题(27)9 G$ {, r  Z9 z& k3 K
7 R1 r8 O0 n: G

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


36. According to the passage, which of the following is true? </p>  A. Eating less than usual might make us live longer.
" L3 i% D  o" u; ?# [( S  B. We don't need to go on a diet. www.examw.com
7 N3 E+ j6 _4 ?" A3 F/ A  C. A meager diet may be fun.
: A5 ]. c% x0 s+ i2 M  D. We have to begin dieting from childhood. ' w; F6 Q5 j% W! K( c- W# e( M9 h7 x0 ~
  37. How many mice were compared in Spindler's experiment in one group?
" j) Y8 _% N* x/ t: S  A.3.
' W- ?/ _$ i$ c6 O  B.6. 考试用书
  ~) j, h  d9 _7 n+ Z( B  C.9.
- h, {8 g* U* k* H2 W4 G  D.12. + w" ^7 |7 z4 a6 |
  38. What can be in{erred about the experiment?
% J9 x# L; y! C* [' G8 W  A. Completely normally fed mice will not experience free radical production.
# ?" h; Q  R2 n: E' w+ l0 O5 U  B. Mice dieting in old age are not prone to diseases.
- T% l9 D. y: y6 T% v* f( v2 p3 c; O: Z  C. Mice dieting all their lives live longer.
: a: h" h  {6 r4 I$ s  D. Dieting doesn't play any role in slowing down aging. $ ?4 g: ]6 l' t
  39. The researchers studied the mice. # u! k6 n3 Q, ]- W0 J- A/ ^2 D
  A. to tell us how mice's liver genes behave. 4 J& s- J4 P/ @! l+ @& }; q9 [/ s8 G
  B. to encourage people to diet to be healthy.
9 X; {  H& F; C! c2 H5 K+ W# h6 [  C. to try to make it work in people.
( M; I: N2 `  K$ D% _  D. to describe the influence of old age on mice.
. z" h7 F1 j. I" K' m5 |# v  40. According to the last two paragraphs, Spindler believes that
& F5 B( i+ Z! w& ]  A. dieting is not a good method to give us health and a long life.
- b) r, t7 A/ D6 _, q( f  B. seeing the effect of a diet, people will eat less than normal. 7 F' c+ Q1 E3 u
  C. calorie restriction is very important to young people. ' {) u6 D2 h  _" _8 h

3 g  b6 J8 c7 B3 ~5 Y" f  D. drugs do not have the effects of calorie restriction.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:37 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  答案解析:
3 r" _, |2 t) w, s  36.A【解析】题意:根据文章内容,下列哪种说法是正确的?比正常饭量少吃一点或许会使我们寿命更长一些。 3 Y4 J" _/ b: `
& P1 S7 ~+ b. f, c  37.C【解析】题意:斯宾德勒的实验中一组对比了多少只老鼠?9只。 0 O7 T+ i  K8 @1 W- Z# X& Z$ S
  短文第三段提到“斯宾德勒的研究小组给3只老鼠终生正常食量喂食,另外3只喂食正常量的一半。还有3只在34个月大的时候从正常食量减为一半”,因此一组实验中对比的老鼠数目为9只,故选C。 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)- z0 l% g! ^/ x4 P6 G
  38.B【解析】题意:从实验中可以推断出什么?老年期间开始节食的老鼠不容易生病。 / ]5 s. v; f3 [1 {4 G
0 b6 x- R+ L* U  39.C【解析】题意:研究者研究老鼠是为了把实验结果应用在人类上。 % p8 X8 V5 B3 ]6 {* g
- \8 M: n6 ?% a3 k6 p0 z- x8 F  40.A【解析】题意:根据最后两段,斯宾德勒认为节食不是一个使我们健康长寿的好方法。短文最后两段主要是讲斯宾德勒的观点,他希望“我们将根本不需要减肥”,故选A。
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