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[综合类英语] 全国职称英语等级考试试卷及答案-综合类B级4

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  第5部分:补全短文(第46~50题,每题2分,共10分)8 |3 u- W! z' h$ \2 m1 a
! M7 Q; s* D$ y6 ?. ~$ t5 WA Heroic Woman
4 g- p  F: T; L! z! [0 |  The whole of the United States cheered its latest hero,Ashley Smith,with the Federal Bureau of lnvestigation saying it was planning to give a big reward to her for having a brave heart and wise mind.6 H1 ]. [$ \7 r6 W! w: Z6 q
  (46)She was moving into her apartment in Atlanta,Georgia early on the morning of March 12,when a man followed her to her door and put a gun to her side."I started walking to my door,and I felt really,really afraid,"she said in a TV interview last week.The man was Brian Nichols,33.He was suspected of killing three people at an Atlanta courthouse(法院)on March 11 and later of killing a federal agent.(47)
3 x3 b0 a$ c9 }8 {  Nichols tied Smith up with tape,but released her after she repeatedly begged him not to take her life."I told him if he hurt me,my little girl wouldn't have a mummy,"she  said.In order to calm the man down,she read to him from"The Purpose-Driven Life",a best-selling religious book.He asked her to repeat a paragraph"about what you thought your purpose in life was-what talents were you given."(48)
# N3 |; }  m, ^( c  _! E  "I basically just talked to him and tried to gain his trust,"Smith said.  r5 o0 l! Q# b
  Smith said she asked Nichols why he chose her."He said he thought I was an angel sent from God,and we were Christian sister and brogher,"she said."And that he was lost,and that God led him to me to tell him that he had hurt a lot of peopole."(49)She said Nichols was surprised when she made him breakfast and that the two of them watched television coverage(报道)of the police hunt for him."I cannot believe that's me,"Nichols told the woman.Then,Nichols asked Smith what she thought he should do.She said,"I think you should turn yourself in.If you don't,lots more people are going to get hurt."
# Y2 W6 H, k9 g! S  Eventually,he let her go.(50)A US$60,000 reward had been posted for Nichols' capture.Authorities said they did not yet know if Smith would be eligible(有资格的)for that money.
3 m/ y0 [% }# f6 u; h7 |  A The local police were searching for him.
) S% n" i6 `  S  C7 h) r1 [  B Smith is a 26-year-old single mother with a daughter.
% t1 H; C, s8 \( F! z  C Smith tried very hard to kill Nichols.: T4 |: y1 ]3 A2 q! d! j; }
  D She even cooked breakfast for the man before he allowed her to leave.
7 e: k2 b4 q" W& o. ^, [  E And the two of them discussed this topic.
; ^- B* W/ Q9 w3 M: X- d! S/ ~  F Then she called the police.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


  第6部分:完形填空(第51~65题,每题1分,共15分)4 m. [4 _; w0 x
! y# A9 |9 F6 `' K# ]3 U' R8 iHitchhiking(搭车旅游)
1 o7 @+ @( X& |$ ]5 b9 m5 {( O& g  When I was in my teens(十几岁)and 20s,hitchhiking was a main form of long-distance transport.The kindness or curiosity of strangers(51)me all over Europe,North America,Asia and southern Africa.Some of the lift-givers became friends,many provided hospitality(52)the road.
$ r0 `- q5 D+ j0 {, u: q4 j) t  Not only did you find out much more about a country than(53)traveling by train or plane,but also there was that element of excitement about where you would finish up that night.Hitchhiking featured importantly in Western culture.It has books and songs about it.So what has happened to (54)?5 z5 C4 b- n5 ^0 w7 r- ?1 m0 }  T
  A few years ago,I asked the same question about hitchhiking in a column on a newspaper.(55)of people from all over the world responded with their view on the state of hitchhiking.* J+ E" m* I2 O
  "If there is a hitchhiker's (56)it must be lran,"came one reply.Rural lreland was recommended as a friendly place for hitchhiking,(57)was Quebec,Canada-"if you don't mind being berated(严厉指责)for not speaking French."% R+ _% j! P/ }4 L, m
  But while hitchhiking was clearly still alive and well in many parts of the world,the (58)feeling was that throughout much of the west it was doomed(消亡).
9 T! o4 G' B/ ^& R1 Q  With so much news about crime in the media,people assumed that anyone on the open road without the money for even a bus ticket must present a danger.But do we(59)to be so wary both to hitchhike and to give a lift?/ B* ^% [' ~( Q* g9 j
  In Poland in the 1960s,(60)a Polish woman who e-mailed me,"the authorities introduced the Hitchhiker's Booklet.The booklet contained coupons for drivers,so each time a driver(61)somebody,he or she received a coupon.At the end of the season,(62)who had picked up the most hikers were rewarded with various prizes.Everybody was hitchhiking then."
; x  W7 c9 y. |5 Z8 v; D( }: k  Surely this is a good idea for society.Hitchhiking would increase respect by breaking down(63)between strangers.It would help fight(64)warming by cutting down on fuel consumption as hitchhikers would be using existing fuels.It would also improve eductional standards by delivering instant(65)in geography,history,politics and sociology.
7 [: k& P! Y. b, g  Y  51.A.made                 B.took                 C.traveled                 D.crossed
% n, K" l# T' F  52.A.above                B.over                 C.at                        D.on& {, Y1 P; ]# E& V4 z
  53.A.when                 B.after                 C.before                D.until
3 \5 [. n' M6 o9 L  54.A.the books          B.them          C.it              D.the songs& t2 a$ j5 ]3 e) ^' Y6 i
  55.A.Hundreds       B.Hundred          C.Thousand             D.Dozen  p4 U  B/ Z& ]0 ~, @) B9 y
  56.A.sky        B.space            C.map             D.heaven4 |# F$ n# f2 Y. c  ~
  57.A.like       B.as               C.for              D.since" e& G  n" x3 F  l$ Q5 a! f6 J
  58.A.big        B.large             C.general           D.little5 s8 O  [6 A4 k# L8 _0 y
  59.A.have to       B.must          C.should            D.need: @( `7 K, a. ^
  60.A.according to     B.owing to         C.due to             D.with respect to
. z( g: A) P/ l' p# {9 K4 v7 ?  61.A.sent         B.picked up         C.selected             D.brought+ K. j  X% t! @; ^- |7 j) t6 y' Q5 y
  62.A.passengers        B.hikers           C.drivers            D.strangers
  h2 u, @# a" c0 [  63.A.fences         B.barriers           C.gaps             D.stones
" o4 q* H  V6 H8 e  z+ [  64.A.global         B.total          C.entire           D.whole8 E# l3 [+ A- ~" s
  65.A.discussions       B.debates           C.consultations        D.lessons
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