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[综合类英语] 2010年职称英语综合:词汇指导(三)1

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、The weather here has been exceptionally mild.
% h& w8 C+ M, z3 y  U# @8 c1 V7 UA:extremely . o/ y7 I3 q2 [; y0 L0 L& |4 l
B: identically
# m* F5 `8 u# a8 oC:fashionably4 Y0 T. C+ E( Q" L; T* |- x
D: faithfully
2 f5 m: u; W/ x7 |( u+ N" N本题正确答案为:A: o5 `7 A0 f3 [. J: K( K
本题解析:exceptionally是程度副词, 其含义是“非常地”, 所以A(极度地, 非常地)是答案。identically是“相同地”, fashionably是“时尚地”, faithfully是“忠实地”。 该句的大意是“这里的天气一直非常温和。”
" f4 _, W9 a5 C! }  Q2、He was said to have been removed from the position of manager for a recent conflict with an important customer.
4 f0 I* u6 `- B9 p7 D# C& cA:dismissed% r* U  C& p  R, {6 _! `
B:released % ^. q; R& }9 H$ u0 Y
C:picked + |( O! F5 ^# h; [! h( _
  v/ w# ?5 L; \9 K4 W6 {: t2 [, z本题正确答案为:A
1 f0 O" J4 m( I1 W9 p本题解析:根据搭配结构“被从经理的职位上…”判断A(解职)是答案。该句含义是“据说由于他最近与一个重要的客户之间发生了冲突,所以被解除了经理的职位。” Dismiss vt.解散, 下课, 开除; release n.释放vt.释放, 解放;pick vt.摘, 挑选; expose vt.使暴露, 受到, 使曝光。
% K& M7 G  t* ^1 y# p3、I didn’t immediately realize that how serious the situation was.
; [$ S- t6 Z. p2 M/ MA:once more
3 e) ?1 O3 Y0 h; {8 p. K# i3 p/ RB:right now" F4 ^' Z8 X" D; x$ S: W1 u; Q
C:right down" o  s; y4 _" y! k
D:once again
  X: o+ e' }3 C本题正确答案为:B& [- v3 p" s6 Y! e4 D! C
本题解析:借助划线词所在的搭配结构“…意识到”判断B(立刻)是答案。 该句的大意是“我当时没有意识到情况有多严重。” once again =once more(再一次,再来一次), right down是“一直朝下;明明白白地”, right now是“现在, 立刻”。4 h5 H9 ^' G% Y+ C& R5 N) S
4、I reserve the right to disagree.
. ]9 C. d+ s' P( n4 P& `/ {8 gA:deserve9 V. b  K+ W. v% X2 I; ^! i
B: keep
: N( e6 J5 C% y! K+ \2 T+ yC:perceive : k' R& y# g9 \1 U* _
2 d3 Q! {' R! u2 E5 g本题正确答案为:B
+ X- v6 S- o8 z1 _) O本题解析:借助句意(我…不一致的权利)判断答案是B(保留)。reserve: v. 保留;预订;预约;perceive vt.察觉, 感到, 认识到; deserve vt.应受, 值得。3 s! Z1 c' J, N9 g& m
5、Do you believe these two intimate friends used to be enemies?+ @: a! g% d. d3 R0 a+ j7 U2 t
A:bearable7 r, U9 Q# c0 m$ t  I+ G
B: internal
' ]2 b: y+ A8 S& m2 kC:close: i8 L; n# k5 F0 o& n# I2 r, T
D: believable9 j2 Y: l( f. H9 T5 K+ k% d6 O
/ N) v6 E7 e+ C2 L& V4 C本题解析:该句含义是“你相信这两位亲密朋友过去曾经是敌人吗?” intimate adj.亲密的, 隐私的; bearable adj.可忍受的; internal adj.内在的, 国内的; believable adj.可信的。

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