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[综合类英语] 2011年职称英语综合类学习资料词汇练习6

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)1 P" |8 t% }5 n4 i
4 Q5 O, b9 {# e1 |* k1.Will you please call my husband as soon as possible ? ( )
) x' f+ J, ]" U- R& |( pA) connect1 n! ~! v9 _7 c  r3 |" J
B) consult
/ O9 x$ V! v6 C7 ?$ T& DC) phone
  f! I* N0 V5 ~2 OD) visit# F. D% f  F- `# C
2.The workers finally called offthe  strike . ( )
! B7 R- k5 I" i" s3 ~! _1 a3 HA) put off9 t% l0 ?, u# ]% ?/ F8 ^+ r. W
B) ended- c8 S) E0 P  B( ?* c: |8 `  h# @
C) participated in0 o/ I' g7 q$ Z' v8 [' ^
D) cancelled" @, z; x- c' J/ A
3. We’ll give every teacher space to develop. ( )
9 i' X4 e3 ]8 c- Q8 NA) chance9 h; B- N' ]8 k  T9 r  ?
B) employment# s: O. j# ?& ~
C) room
" `( W" [, P: E" H- V0 kD) opportunity) n/ I5 R7 n- P) W- H2 j, L5 ~/ z' R
4. The herb medicine eventually cured her diseases. ( )
5 {. Y) Y) Q+ \8 w% x/ AA) nicely: G% I8 ^: M9 S" k9 A
B) apparently
5 W" u( L$ n; f  {C) finally7 }: s7 T5 P! R& W  H' x3 ]0 S1 X. z! L& p
D) naturally6 O  f" v" @3 S- b0 E/ j
5. The policeman asked him to identify the thief. ( )# C( r& I$ A0 C& p3 {; g
A) name- X9 Y" j4 P* M* _' g
B) distinguish
7 G, I4 u' u3 p& s3 k, qC) capture: M7 l; p8 l1 Z1 |8 d3 Q& y7 ?8 W
D) separate
  N! a0 f! \5 t4 o% g  t6.America’s emphasis on the importance of education for everyone has spurred scientific research. ( )8 ?. k% O( H! F
A) encouraged/ Z" P' S8 i+ p& d0 b
B) endangered' c( N8 g3 C% o" ~( t" `
C) prevented/ C0 O! |$ \0 A, d4 Y9 ^! r
D) enlarged# p& }: N: C) r+ Q9 o7 n8 B
7. Some of the stories were mildly amusing. ( )9 m% i% c1 t. \8 H, ^
A) slightly2 z: [# H1 \; _% Q" L9 R
B) hardly
# P5 g1 X- N& l- E* H; x/ J4 \C) faintly
# L2 G' H! J! v" n! \' S0 pD) sufficiently  f) Q, M, v9 i
8. Human facial expressions  differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be deliberately controlled and modified. ( )
8 n; A" M& S% M& VA) sufficiently
0 R1 ~# y" d! y$ I* dB) noticeably
5 p( ]9 L0 G9 N; d$ N6 ]C) intentionally. Z0 [: B9 a4 F
D) absolutely
4 ~$ v9 j% b' j! |9 _, q+ v/ _9.It was a question of aking sure hat certain eeds were addressed , notably in the pensions rea. ( )- h0 S0 c; M; q& b$ |
A) noticeably5 l! U4 g' ~- H3 _
B) remarkably7 H' @7 s; {- h+ `8 q6 @$ X
C) particularly
2 c* ?/ N' o1 B& P" K4 |1 eD) significantly$ l; B; {7 H$ Q* @4 d6 ]5 a4 d3 c
10. Academic records rom other institutions ften become a part of a university’s official file and can neither be returned to a student nor duplicated. ( )( J/ C4 {. @' s( _! v# M
A) borrowed1 D) ]& R  L$ p6 \
B) purchased
' R# M" a0 l6 n; l" h. S* K6 fC) copied5 \' I* X2 ]9 f
D) lost
. F# L, i0 P* T0 M3 N11.Why can’t you stop your eternal complaining! ( )
. @, i: b3 O* Z% W  J5 y+ EA) everlasting# a  P5 e* V9 I2 Z3 y2 g- C5 d
B)long$ ?8 r" d8 q' V" {) s) o, L) t
C) boring
* ]2 r& r" P, A, v2 z( QD) detailed' ?2 `; k  p6 d7 o
12. We have to put up with her behavior. ( )
5 V8 P5 E- U' F0 z6 J7 @A) tolerate
# \- V# R6 @3 ^8 a: C5 b8 H4 G" GB) accept" \0 V- c- u/ `" N9 P1 u
4 ~9 T: e8 S' R  gD)ignore4 G; m5 y+ I4 d) v% P
13.Charges for local telephone calls are outrageous. ( )
( }- ]. `; O* p9 s; A4 M& H* RA) unheard of1 K/ j" s2 M# W; W9 n0 P5 I7 @7 s
B) unacceptable
, Z! l5 @# }% Y9 JC) unbelievable
1 L9 ^/ q; Z% _7 y+ w# X  v7 v4 cD) ridiculous- h4 T. l. A# f7 U+ q
14. Many economists have given in to he fatal lure of mathematics. ( ). p5 H/ ^, N: W2 @6 Q
A) error
* ]( n0 ^+ I0 d# `0 W! N' IB) function3 J6 d5 a2 L5 Y3 r/ M0 F
C) attraction
! ^# N- J8 N  fD) miracle
; h* g3 w0 c. U0 z15.In their productions, choreographers of modern dance have introduced  humor, protested social injustice and probed psychological problems. ( )& R, [2 A8 ?" S% M9 F6 Z1 {9 F
A)solved1 }  |$ p7 z2 q1 e* O5 s+ C5 L
B) explored
2 L" A0 V& s8 m8 @# d/ PC) involved
: y( n0 U$ P- W$ o/ ]. w; [+ yD) disputed4 x6 l: P5 p5 h; S
参考答案:- q* ]" T+ T; K7 S- u
1.答案选C.call是多义词, 其常见词义为“叫喊, 打电话, 拜访(call at a place/call on sb.),起名 ”, 在句子中的含义是“打电话”,相当于call up。 Phone或phone up: 打电话。
3 p' z, i( t) ~4 |0 {- k2.答案选D. call off的含义为“取消”,因此D(取消)是答案。put off是“推迟”,由off组成的短语结构在复习中需要关注的有(off的基本含义为“离开,中断”)。
- b/ B! Q' c- V: }4 m! D$ g0 e3.答案选C.space的基本含义是“空间”,因此C(空间)是答案。room是多义词,常见的词义为“房间, 空间, 余地”。选项A和选项D词义均为“机会” , 彼此排除掉,employment是“雇用,使用,职业”。
" k- H' |1 |- R  Q, x4.答案选C.eventually是派生词,其词义为“最终,终于”,所以C(最终)是答案。  X$ y3 Q& f1 u  U3 @# L  j" A6 p4 \/ {
: \  s3 ?  c, C$ e! D$ z. O  k6.答案选A.spur的基本词义为“激励;鞭策”,因此A(鼓励)是答案。, s+ A" C7 |6 j  w" `
7.答案选A.mildly的基本词义为“温和地, 稍微”,mildly在句中修饰amusing(有趣的),因此mildly在句中的词义为“稍微”, 因此A是答案。8 |2 F9 K( F& ?. x3 X
8.答案选C. deliberately是单义词, 其基本词义为“故意地”, 因此C是答案。
7 z/ |0 y! X+ C. U0 Y1 O7 n9.答案选C.notably的基本词义为“显著地,尤其”, notably在句中修饰介词短语结构“in the pensions area(在养老金这个方面)”, 由此可见notably在句子中的含义为“尤其”, 因此C是答案。% h. e5 K8 L2 z* e
10.答案选C. duplicate在句中充当动词,其词义为“复制, 使加倍”, 因此C(复制)是答案。
7 v% ~6 t8 o/ w: O/ @2 F- U2 Z% F11.答案选A.eternal词义单一, 其基本词义为“永久的”, 因此A(永久的)是答案。
0 _4 L  G: D4 `/ C# d12.答案选A.短语put up with的基本含义为“忍受”, 因此A是答案。3 d: Z' p9 s7 \: M; \
13.答案选B.outrageous的基本词义为“残暴的, 令人不能接受的”, 因此B(不能接收的)是答案。
, O" v' i$ w! Q9 F4 @" {14.答案选C.lure是单义词, 其基本词义为“吸引”, 因此C(吸引)是答案。
' \) |! J7 E; R3 Q" e15.答案选B. probe的基本词义为“探索, 调查”, 因此B是答案。

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