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[综合类英语] 2012年职称英语考试综合类B级押题考试卷

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第一部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分):下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。     1. Their style of playing football is utterly different.3 _% Q- Q7 ]8 v1 d6 X% ~8 ?
  A. barely
0 `7 n, F: }% ?& `9 p5 B  B. scarcely
/ l' @+ Y$ v" D* {5 h" d$ I( E  C. hardly; V2 q1 z, ]! E; X
  D. totally
- Q1 X# I* N$ i% Q2 }" o  2. Her sisterurgedher to apply for the job.% F6 B* Y( k. u
  A .advised
- C% j+ R: i) S! h/ J  B. caused
8 O' R1 U/ W  O* G$ M2 A  C. forced
9 M  i9 H0 R1 G) x0 ~  D. promised+ q' B* \- F4 P& m
  3. There is a growing gapbetween the rich and the poor.5 T! }9 F8 B- z' w6 F
  A. conflict5 i. i/ f2 I. J" p' m) _* l; Q
  B. tension
% o1 A$ \9 H! f$ a/ z# R) _  C. gulf
: E) s% w" u" S+ g0 a  D. confrontation5 U5 ?2 ^8 I# U
  4. It seems that only Mary is eligiblefor the job.8 c3 }+ A: ?0 q  R% P
  A. prepared, D6 c% d) b' s3 ~4 \
  B. trained
1 J8 a) ~( t, ]5 Q# L  C. qualified
: K  i. T0 {/ ]9 C  D. guided
/ [0 [3 q$ U7 w( y/ ?* a  5. This poem depictsthe beautiful scenery of a town in the South.
" m- R% ^4 \9 y2 O  A. praises; `' d) C( e! j9 \7 D* ?  d: n
  B. writes: y3 W- z" J" |$ H  z) d8 O1 `
  C. imitates1 I! L) B& f# _3 A! V1 X
  D. describes

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  6. There should be laws thatprohibit smoking around children.2 t8 c& F2 V' y/ I) E0 k* A
  A. forbid
1 I/ P0 `. p; i% s! W' r' j' G  B. advocate( X; N6 ?5 z# b+ G3 e! q8 ]; y- H
  C. consult+ c5 A% Z; B# ~, [7 w' l+ n# e# M
  D. withdraw; @* s3 o6 N% }1 V: K0 G
  7. Would you please callmy husband as soon as possible?6 ?3 ]2 T5 r: ~
  A. visit
3 L5 u* [# W7 L* p4 u  B. phone
0 C( S% J( |9 A6 [  C. consultD. invite9 p6 R9 b9 }! {0 X
  8. we had a long conversationabout her parents.
, _! P+ y5 X$ l) ~, {& _  A. speech
7 z, g+ I# T$ h1 y/ H  f" Q  B. question: R- s% m/ w, x( r
  C. talk, t3 d5 {9 k9 P; `; G1 I
  D. debate/ r& I; W$ e2 ]1 ]2 ~
  9. If you want to keep healthy you should varythe foods you eat.
- q. t; @. W" U. R% L2 j6 ]5 k8 T  A. reject5 E7 N; z3 l( p; `' |
  B. accept  E# ]+ c; j, a6 ]' ^, j7 F
  C. change
3 M; w4 V) m5 m9 ?) [$ j  D. choose3 ^) s. R0 l8 w& F4 Z1 B' w
  10. She found me very dull.
% s, Z  ?8 q7 X: {  A. dirty  o/ o/ |' U- `- t
  B. sleepy
! M# w; y: N2 W( S4 z: {  C. lazy
. F; Y& |4 O5 p9 W) G) M/ G1 q8 O& t8 X8 R
  D. boring
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:37 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  11. Only a small minority of the mentally ill areliableto harm themselves or others.
) Y5 f; R4 o9 b$ w+ E) w% R& s9 C  A. easy
7 z9 J- \) c8 l) G* l0 |5 q5 T6 x! L4 [$ y  B. possible
, ?% X- M) w/ |0 W$ d5 y9 P" `  C. likely# [2 a" ^- r! Q" z' R, I
  D. difficult0 L; X1 U3 \* Y8 X
  12. They have the capabilityto destroy the enemy in a few days.( @* c4 p3 e- j5 @/ f% n
  A. possibility
$ `4 V- J/ r3 C4 J2 s  B. necessity: S# T6 Z* V- \- Q) d, h" w
  C. ability' E; F' o! N( R3 L1 ]
  D. probability
& f5 M- `" a9 ]$ p3 }0 M; e" G  13. Jack eventually overtookthe last truck.
/ \3 j& A4 k7 E) y  A. hit! e4 e& t# {1 N" Z  l
  B. passed
2 j3 J6 ?: r" g0 O  C. reached
# a# k( w. E: W  D. led
1 _5 o% x/ p" A  14. Sometimes it is advisableto book hotels in advance.
* s  m9 W# O. R- V: s& A% B* q  A. possible7 V+ c2 S+ y8 F: ~2 s
  B. profitable6 N4 r8 z, L3 s* f. M
  C. easy
  ~6 ]8 G& H- A8 j2 S  D. wise
) p' C4 w1 I6 m! t! L  o7 H  L) |  15. Obviously these people can be relied onin a crisis.
/ m5 O) V0 W$ u0 y  A. lived on
5 l4 T0 O" e5 ^# `  v4 M1 O' e  B. depended on' ]; B4 P: A* _( B9 b8 N( z' v
  C. believed in
$ I: `1 z0 S+ W  O; u* L  D. joined in
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:38 | 显示全部楼层


第二部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分):阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。如果该句提供的是正确信息,请在答题卡上把A涂黑;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请在答题卡上把B涂黑;如果该句的信息在文章中没有提及,请在答题卡上把C涂黑。 4 _/ a6 B3 P3 @& S) S  p# N; G
  Help Your Child Become a Reader
7 `) l" K, h, ]" ~; e0 p- q  Encouraging early reading skills Call build a path to a lifelong(终身的)love of reading and can he]p your child get a head start in school. While reading to your child is still the most important thing you can do to build reading skills, there are many techniques that Can help." R6 C. ]+ [) P- {
  Make reading fun. Play games with your child as you read. Many traditional children's games can be adapted to encourage reading skills.
  ?' ?# Y' W$ b* ~- J* A. D  While reading or during play, tell your child, "I spy with my little eve,something that begins with the letter b. " Help the child find something on the age or in the room that begins with that letter. For example "I see a barn. " This also be used to teach beginning letter sounds. "I spy with my little eye. Something that begins with the sounds. Help the child find a word that begins with the "s" sound.
6 J7 a. q2 e2 i0 n  In this variation on the popular game, instruct the child that, "Simon says, point to something that starts with the letter n. " The child call then find an object in the room or a body part, such as the nose, that starts with the letter presented. This can also be used to teach beginning sounds.
  g. e" i' y1 @/ _6 I8 I8 O  W  Make a game out of rhyming(押韵)words by making up silly words to rhyme with the Child's name or favorite toys. This sets the stage for rhyming real words by showing the child the similarities of sounds. As the child masters making up the words, begin rhyming real words to one another.
3 I" t6 A3 n( ?+ c# l  Tips to raise a successful reader:
. k* C  T* C1 L' [/ j7 q  Put books in places where the child plays. If books are easily accessible, children are more likely to pick them up.7 [/ R9 ]; ~* C% {8 i; q1 r- \
  Let children "read to you" by looking at pictures. Making up stories to go along with illustrations helps children discover how words relate to pictures.
9 m  j& }2 f- R; N9 T* V  Take books along on trips or even short visits to the doctor's office or grocery store./ a7 }7 p: H; i+ Z& ~! V3 l( U
  Have children help you shop. Reading grocery lists and looking for specific items helps build sight vocabulary.) F3 b5 d5 r5 C, Y5 O
  16. A good reading habit can help your child do well at school.* J2 P6 G. c$ L1 V1 p
  A. Right
: i7 |" L6 [/ G. B- X  B. Wrong
8 N$ U! m) x" m% m+ B% Q7 r0 f" R# N1 h. X# r- l
  C. Not mentioned
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:39 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  17. Computer games call be used to help children develop their reading skills.
1 Y6 c' q! w# h6 F+ c5 K* A- I  h. Right* k% j. x; Q' N
  B. Wrong
  R; y6 U8 Z0 m/ q; ~  C. Not mentioned. A+ |! [+ M9 F, x: y
  18. One of the useful games is to play spy.
; j3 w1 @- a3 e( P! [  h. Right
4 a) S( `9 k8 Z0 V. b! O' P0 Z6 s  B. Wrong8 U0 r5 f# ]8 r+ H5 ]+ V1 y
  C. Not mentioned
5 J: p1 V9 P8 z5 }  19. When playing a game you should ask your child to find something starting with the letter b instead of C.. A( _! h* J* m. T
  A. Right! t" t; w. E1 q) Q$ L0 g
  B. Wrong
4 \" p5 {4 i) U: ^) m1 u  {" Q  C. Not mentioned( o, z4 ~3 M( B+ {% U
  20. The purpose of the rhyming games is to make preparations for children to write poems.
! Z% P: V$ ]6 r4 _) x  A. Right7 u/ N1 L" m+ d3 A2 s8 v+ O9 g# n
  B. Wrong
/ N9 C' c$ Y& Z8 }  C. Not mentioned
7 ?2 f+ ?5 J$ G5 _  21. You Can ask your child to tell stories based on pictures.% g/ U* ~3 D7 y4 ~
  A. Right
& q$ y! V. ]+ T& G) B: _' B  B. Wrong4 K9 Y$ u0 t0 B% W- w- p
  C. Not mentioned
) Y8 i2 h  s% O; R( i0 J  22. You should take books with you when you go out with your child.) {2 x. ?# [: w( k) a" S
  A. Right" J- r" y1 K" J& p, `* V% Z- j
  B. Wrong6 b8 ]( M7 y- a; U0 {  g$ e7 p/ x
  C. Not mentioned
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p> 第三部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23~30题,每题1分,共8分):阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2~5段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 / A" j1 t5 I! N4 b

( g# q6 h- D6 v9 n  t
5 y' c  _! b" @/ q. P* q2 b4 q- R: U  23. Paragraph 2__________________.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:41 | 显示全部楼层


</p> 第四部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分):下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每题后面有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 ' A2 _. o! D& A, k

( E9 G1 E+ F0 X4 z( f% @  31. Who is Andy?
/ z- K3 F, U& s& {8 Q% O- N  A. The writer's father
; C* _. D8 B* |2 K4 c  B. The writer's uncle
: ?2 L; A1 Q( h+ h' m  C. The writer's elder brother  P, ~( H! b: L3 X! p& a5 f& F
  D. The writer's boyfriend- i  Y6 W; `3 h9 J  Y, l, I9 N& N
  32. When did the Writer and Andy fall in love?
" N6 v9 @: J1 T( O! K/ [  A. Three years ago
- ]% O, ?; {8 [* V& a; u- w1 d* {  B. Two days ago
7 ^9 V5 u3 |; d! T% O: |  C. On a cold winter night
4 q" g$ E' R  [5 U' L+ K  D. After a quarrel& [6 D2 h" D0 Q+ x* l" w9 C$ S! i% P
  33. Which statement is true of the writer?# _2 z$ v/ e% y% u: A
  A. She likes running after romantic guys; r2 Y( q0 W! P% `& v" y
  B. She does not like sweet words: @  r4 m" L) c2 B0 k! P
  C. She likes expressing her feelings directly+ S' X) y8 z* j$ `
  D. She does not like roses
) `: p5 V/ L: k% Y9 ]/ W) Q5 e5 }  34. The writer tells the reader two stories to show that6 e4 A* o, v* u& x( r: }
  A. Andy is a romantic guy
5 S! `2 N. e: H& ]( C  B. Andy has his own way to express love
  f8 g; h# y3 K  C. Andy is an insensitive guy) b$ r4 \$ L; U0 [* x* N. j3 e
  D. Andy is a foolish guy3 R2 J" ~- m* N7 j6 m
  35. The word "sullen" (paragraph 3)could be best replaced by
8 j2 o2 i3 d. L% W4 |/ r  A. "cheerful") H8 y' r6 V1 L) E! z
  B. "calm"# N3 i+ R" ^/ e0 v5 J) P
  C. "good"
5 _6 r( ~$ o( g; D2 I1 \9 {  D. "bad"
) n7 U' q. h" f% `, E7 C* n* Q! f  M5 P; f) p0 |* l3 H
  24. Paragraph 3__________________.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:42 | 显示全部楼层


</p>第四部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分):下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每题后面有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 6 p0 m" W0 |/ a  `

7 X  U1 F) r$ q# f$ j2 T8 s% X( d7 o( T' i8 [
  36. One of the reasons for proposing the point system is
! F7 Q% ^& _/ x  L  A. to give priority to immigrants from China' A  D2 |7 N$ V' m; a( Q
  B. to protect the US from terrorist attacks
/ ?3 b" X: n7 q+ w3 q5 G  C. to attract skilled immigrants
* @1 U( i! X4 ?# P) R0 g1 B  D. to increase population
( {+ k8 d8 y8 [# Q- M1 Q  37. What do critics on the right say about the proposed point system?' B/ w( I$ Z; y' \  \
  A. It opposes family unity6 i2 H: u' K1 _
  B. It is very difficult to apply+ Q+ B2 l" F: g& b: |
  C. It opposes American values
* I1 K& a% E( q  D. It does not meet the needs of high-tech employers, ~9 }& _5 Y: y% L+ B+ D5 p& F
  38. Which statement is NOT true of the current system?
9 p* ]! U( `" f1 q# Y0 b4 \8 x  A. It is kinship-based( F2 W' s7 Z2 q4 u
  B. It puts pressure on the US. \6 v+ x7 o% c' x: X4 m6 s. h6 }
  C. It draws low-skilled workers
0 ]% \3 C6 \! r  P5 ?$ p  D. It attracts highly-educated people
7 F8 w+ R4 f! A4 \7 n( o; J. H# F  39. Who can apply for family visas in future?1 F. S3 F9 a0 e8 A
  A. The uncles and aunts of legal immigrants
1 g5 c  e- @7 T4 L7 N  a" ?+ ?. x  B. The brothers and sisters of legal immigrants
$ t$ C9 S1 U& u/ u  C. The spouses and young children of legal immigrants
2 Y" n" K& E0 @0 M* S  D. The parents and grandparents of legal immigrants2 X; \. ~% D/ V. }4 x' q$ D
  40. Which country adopted the point system in 2001 ?
- T2 a) k- r7 q! k( a& ]  A. The UK
* S3 D# ?* F) Z& ?1 a0 O" d( Q  B. The US5 ?$ F$ L! M: }( d# l
  C. Canada
* o: v& k, |7 |$ a  D. Australia
& K5 E6 _9 a* o7 b# O5 @  25. Paragraph 4__________________.
$ C* u' i& c; R  26. Paragraph 5__________________.& X/ r- z4 C. z6 P
  A. Atmospheric Scientists! j; r3 ~+ t" w" m# P
  B. The Calculations Made at the Berlin Workshop
: G4 K( p% K& `6 `4 f2 A! }3 k  C. The Previous Calculations of the Effect of Aerosols
7 N# {7 h0 x5 B/ {  t  D. The Scientists' Agreement$ L, U  i9 x0 I8 t8 S* }# u
  E. The Authoritative Conclusion
. l7 n3 T: w$ L- ^( l  F. Greenhouse Gases0 S4 m+ }) r! r+ z! j
  27. When the cover diminishes in the coming decades, temperature.
/ y9 ?! P* ?: b4 [  28. The conclusion reached at the Berlin workshop
2 _6 y; [! H* n! D. @9 I' y4 D  29. The Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure9 z) M4 o3 @3 d) \4 L
  30. The increase of greenhouse gases3 E% T' e9 Q6 e0 Q1 S/ [
  A. will influence future-climate change
: |: R% p" `  ?3 R9 ~1 B  B. was somewhat surprising
- s  u' \1 n4 K6 i4 o  C. will rise rapidly
3 t3 w: K/ w9 r  k- [  B. was known to us all' J7 Q$ j1 i2 A. m& Y
  E. was much higher than had been expected
, ^, _; z" m9 c& D/ g& X: e. `3 s/ P
  F. will drop dramatically
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:43 | 显示全部楼层


</p>第四部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分):下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每题后面有4个选项。请仔细阅读短文并根据短文回答其后面的问题,从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 8 T% t& X8 H" ^3 a! h* i7 z2 ~
" d) o; J" S+ c- e
* E: S$ {5 E% u" |. f9 w0 N  41. Which statement is NOT true of one-liners?
% i# `* }3 y6 K& d" i  A. They are unclear
7 h7 x6 w7 Q3 S/ L0 I! L  B. They contain a lot of information; }6 X7 r  \  c2 m- h- R
  C. They lack substance& w% B3 g" g  i
  D. They are carefully constructed+ `7 |+ k; A. V' E+ L; C
  42. What changed from 1968 to 199678 A$ h2 T3 E: c8 ?6 {* r( C
  A. Publicity1 r" i' O, l7 P
  B. Information* i  h, H. l$ y# `/ P5 G
  C. Communication; p7 g3 M3 o/ e# V7 v
  D. The average sound bite
/ ^7 d' b- U1 G8 {( U: @7 M5 p  43. The campaign slogan "Straight-Talk Express" aims at convincing voters( W  F* |, a. j& Q3 |( P0 Y
  that the presidential candidate is
, E) a' [" Z/ i: s  \! C- B' Z  A. honest) C2 `- T' B; t9 q. s# l4 j
  B. friendly
! k: A& C; Q0 C4 U  C. open-minded  e9 }7 K, X. |
  D. warm-hearted
$ H! o; [/ n" u8 R5 F5 m2 h' Q- q  44. According to Brooks Jackson, all campaign slogans are
- A) Y! o4 v4 f0 |  A. attractive1 E( Q& I! n. s! \
  B. impressive" e0 u) W5 B- l+ @! d
  C. deceptive
5 h% U0 o/ X( k. I+ t2 X  D. informative
  L6 Z* \& V" S$ J7 k; \, \- I# a  45. Which statement best describes strong partisans?
$ v/ \7 T3 v, ~4 K! m! \  A. They are very funny
  W) N' E6 g- M+ A# V0 k  ~  B. They are very healthy3 [5 o* b% c$ O8 i7 _; N1 I" e' @0 F
  C. They are very aggressive
6 W8 z. n/ `: y& J4 k* d3 r4 G- C1 H3 u& T7 A+ G
  D. They are very stubborn(顽固的)
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:44 | 显示全部楼层


</p>第五部分:补全短文(第46~50题,每题2分,共10分):阅读下面的短文,文章中有5处空白,文章后面有6组文字,请根据文章的内容选择5组文字,将其分别放回文章原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。 4 O+ V/ P+ e2 b# p
  Science and Technology* G# ~% |# _+ [& K) v: y
  There is a difference between science and technology. __(46). Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniques, and procedures for applying the findings of science. __(47)" ^8 n4 f. ?) p! T" ~$ ]
  Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to understand the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy and certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people' s likes or dislikes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. __(48). But even* D1 m. u: |/ ~' z, H
  an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides we have the choice of refusing to believe it ! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choice of refusing to hear the sound produced by a supersonic(超音速的) aircraft flying overhead; we cannot refuse to breathe polluted air. __(49)The purpose of technology is to serve people in general, not merely some people, and future generations, not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themselves.% ~* f2 o- v& t4 y% i1 U& P: t
  __(50) Many people blame technology itself for widespread pollution, resource depletion(枯竭) and even social decay in general so much so that the promise of technology is "obscured". That promise is a cleaner and healthier world. If wise applications of science and technology do not lead to a better world, what else will?
" H+ r, S6 f, J, M$ ?  A. Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.
& d3 u6 {  u2 E& i) Q2 G" @/ c2 g% Z  B. Unlike science, progress in technology must be measured in terms of the human factor.
" ~7 S! ^- A: d4 P9 f) o  v5 `8 l) G8 S+ Z  C. What scientists discover may shock or anger people as did Darwin' s theory% l4 r5 v" E4 K7 B2 e' x) ^
  of evolution.
8 R& H8 a# K- E; l# a  D. Science and technology are different.
- w# Z0 t/ Y1 n* i/ l  E. We are all familiar with the improper use of technology.# m2 \# X, f2 D4 f- ^4 z( d
1 m' b3 w! C: W5 f2 {/ I- @
  F. Science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems.
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