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[综合类英语] 2012年职称英语综合类B级完形填空提升练习题三

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 Not a plant to be seen,the desert ground is too dry.But the air contains water,and research scientists have found a_________(51)of obtaining drinking water from air humidity.The system isbased completely on renewable energy and is therefore autonomous. # h+ F9 R3 i- V& X4 y) C: `1 R
  Cracks permeate the dried-out desert ground and the landscape bears testimony to the lack of water.But even here,where there are no lakes,rivers or groundwater,considerable quantities of water are stored in the air.In the Negev desert in Israel,for example,annual average relative air hu-midity is 64 percent-in every cubic meter of air there aye 11.5 milliliters of water.
" {; }+ {* @( a- i$ V  German research scientists have found a way of converting this air humidity autonomously intodrinkable water."The process we have developed is based exclusively on renewable energy sources_______(52)thermal solar collectors and photovoltaic ceils,_________(53)makes this methodcompletely energy-autonomous.It will_______(54)function in regions where there is no electricalinfrastructure."says Siegfried Egner,head of the research team.The principle of the_______ (55)is as follows:hygroscopic brine-saline solution which absorbs moistureruns down a tower-shapedunit and absorbs water from the air.It is then sucked_________(56)a tank a few meters off the ground in which a vacuum prevails.Energy from solar collectors_________(57)up the brine,whichis diluted by the water it has________(58).
9 y: P4 j( U. @* ]2 @% I" |/ h2 N  Because of the vacuum,the boiling point of the liquid is lower thaa it would be under_____ (59)atmospheric pressure.This effect is known from the mountains:as the atmospheric pressure there is lower than in the valley,water boils at temperatures distinctly below 100~C.The evaporated, non-saline water is condensed and runs down through a completely filled tube in a controlled manner.The gravity of this water column_________(60)produces the vacuum and so a vacuum pump is not needed.The reconcentrated brine________(61)down the tower surface again to absorb moisture from the air. ! y' O0 [( j8 L5 t9 _
  "The concept is suitable for various water_________(62).Single-person units and plants supplying water to entire hotels are conceivable,"says Egner.Prototypes have been built for______ ! t/ z  o. w# [
  (63)system components-air moisture absorption and vacuum evaporation-and the research scientistshave Mready________(64)their interplay on a laboratory scale.In a further________(65)the researchers intend to develop a demonstration facility. 1 E. h! @/ d  ~6 M4 Q! M
  51.A.road B.channel C.way D.path
) q# I  m7 b8 ?& z+ z& ^  52.A.in spite of B.because of C.as a result of D.such as
) e; N+ C- D) K. a: v: Z6 {  53.A.who B.where C.when D.which ( Z- ?' \; K2 I/ p: X! z2 ~
  54.A.meanwhile B.therefore C.however D.still
! C( D7 _% Z* q  55.A.prospect B.process C.progress D.product : g+ O9 X* z# j1 i" o& \! C
  56.A.from B.at C.above D.into
3 |! _3 S) a; _6 W- M. [  57.A.keeps B.brings C.breaks D.heats 6 ^. i3 z9 q1 f1 `% Z
  58.A.attracted B.affected C.allowed D.absorbed ! Z* X; I" \* _5 t0 i8 p: z
  59.A.normal B.different C.easy D.available
) t7 o* B/ B  t( t  {! ?1 l, b  60.A.continuously B.suddenly C.typically D.seriously 4 @8 J" p' W8 W3 m! P( ^" ?
  61.A.takes B.puts C.flies D.runs
/ r0 Q1 s: ~* \  62.A.users B.designers C.owner D.workers , K" ^7 R, e# n, e5 E
  63.A.both B.every C.same D.either , B% ^" }+ d2 w! O5 O" T+ m- \
  64.A.repaired B.cancelled C.tested D.copied
. u0 K' j) a: }! ?5 p( Q! ?  65.A.instrument B.step C.case D.ground 5 \' H4 j7 z! R3 q3 G
  51.c [解析]way方法;A.road;B.chennel;D.path。根据上下文可知"科研人员发现了一种可以从空气中水分获取饮用水的方法。"所以选C。 : j9 |+ _8 O: T" d& {- f4 v9 K
' X( `0 I) Z! H& M

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


 52.D [解析]sueh as;A.in spite of尽管;B.13ecause of因为;c.as a result of作为……结果。根据上下文可知"我们开发的这套工序完全基于诸如太阳能收集器和光生伏打电池的可再生能源"。所以选D。 </p>  53.D[解析]本题考查的是对非限定性定语从句的掌握,所以选D。
. h* X# }# \& J* Z, i9 t2 M6 n) U0 g  54.D [解析]still仍然;A.meanwhile同时;B.tIlerei]are因此;C.bpwever然而;根据上下文可知"这使得该方法在能量方面完全自主,即使会在没有电力基础设施的地方仍可起到作用。"所以选D。 8 i- p! @# H0 U
  55.B [解析]process过程;A.prospect前景;C.progress进步;D.product产品。根据上下文可知"这套工序的原理如下。"所以选B。 + h! H  ]$ P! X0 ~# O, Q/ K* |
  56.D[解析]本题考查的是短语SUCk into吸入,所以选D。 . ~, j4 Z# p1 C/ M/ f
  57.D [解析]lmats加热;A。keeps保持;B。brings带来;c.breaks打破。根据上下文可知"来自于太阳能收集器的能量将盐水加热,这样盐水就会稀释它所吸收的水。"所以选D。 ; p- M" I4 }0 F, m! F
  58.D [解析]aI)sorbed吸收;A.attracted吸引;B.affecteted影响;c.allowecl允许,原文同上题。所以选D。 ( F# l. I, `5 f. m
  59.A [解析]normal正常的;B.different不同的;c.easy简单的;D.available可以获得的。根据上下文可知"在真空环境中,液体的沸点要比在正常大气压下的要低。"所以选A。 ; R2 r6 S- a8 t4 }# Q, z
  60.A [解析]conti.nuously不间断地;B.suoldenly 突然地;C.typically典型地;D.seri-ously严重地。根据上下文可知"水柱的重力持续制造真空状态,所以不需要真空泵。"所以选A。 6 m3 y; S! F# i, f
  61.D [解析]runs原意为跑,但这里是流动的意思,run down是沿着……流动;A.takes拿;c.flies飞;B.puts放置。根据上下文可知"二次被浓缩的盐水会涪着塔状物再次向下流去吸收空气中的水。"所以选D。 6 a& B% M* ^# \* h% Z1 ^
  62.A [解析]users用户;使用者;A.owner 主人,拥有者;B.designers设计师;D.workers工人。根据上下文可知"这一理念适用于各种各样的水的使用者。"所以选A。 . V4 f, }5 [3 m- E5 d3 x6 E3 E
  63.A [解析]both(两者)都;因为这里是强调空气水汽吸收器和真空蒸汽机两个机器之间的作用效果,所以选A。
  @: S7 A& i  I9 m6 H+ q  64.c [解析]tested 测试;A.repaired修理;B.cancelled取消;D.copied复制。根据上下文可知"科研人员已经在实验室范围内测试了它们的相互作用的效果。"所以选C。
: [6 q' [  J- I6 n" Q! C. Q  65.B [解析]step步骤;A.instr
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