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[卫生类英语] 精选职称英语阅读理解中英文对照:卫生类(5)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1. A small boy lay flat on his stomach in the royal garden of the King of Hawaii. Looking into the water and very excited, young Austin Strong saw shapes of double-tailed goldfish- a recent gift from the Emperor of Japan to His Oceanic Majesty, King Kalakaua. Austin lowered a bent pin attached to a piece of string.1 Z. I1 w( z+ r8 j8 k* P* m
  1、一个小男孩趴在夏威夷国王的皇家花园的地上,小奥斯汀·斯特朗非常激动地望着水里,因为他看到了形状各异的双尾金鱼,它是日本天皇送给夏威夷国王陛下卡拉卡瓦的一个新礼物。奥斯汀放下一个细绳系住的弯针。6 O8 }7 N  r7 j3 R
  2. A few minutes later he ran from the park, a royal goldfish flopping inside the crown of his straw hat. But on the road he heard a horse and carriage. It stopped. He was caught.
& c" F( F! t/ ~7 Y! j3 l4 j6 `1 T  2、几分钟后他从公园里跑出来,一条宝贵的金鱼躺在他的草帽壳里。但是,他听到了路上有马车的声音。马车停下来,他被抓住了。
* R! ~- O4 r! i! R1 m4 w6 X  3. The frightened boy was led to the carriage. In it was King Kalakaua himself. Austin told of his crime. He had stolen the fancy goldfish./ K4 o; v/ g2 m. H/ |
  3、受惊的孩子被领到马车前。在马车里的是卡拉卡瓦国王本人。奥斯汀承认了自己的罪过,他偷了奇异的金鱼。! V' O/ v/ F, z% m% }2 x
  4. Austin expected to be shot on the spot. Instead, the king sent a runner for fresh water. Placing the fish in the bowl, he presented it to the boy and took them home. The next day came an envelope with the royal seal. Inside was a letter signed by King Kalakaua giving Austin the right to fish in the royal park for the rest of his life.% A( M9 P7 O& m; P. f
7 L& r' s" P+ R  5. Today fish collecting is still an exciting hobby in the Unite States. More the 20 million Americans own pet fish. Some raise plain or fancy goldfish, some collect fish found nearby. But the majority stock their tanks with "tropicals"-guppies and gouramies, bettas and angelfish, or others of the more than 150 kinds.% T" P5 y1 m+ L& W$ y7 N6 w
) B8 p( m& {0 S* R( ?- N  6. Fish collectors pay from 19 cents for a guppy to $100 or more for hard-to-breed fish. They subscribe to such magazines as The Aquarium, and join clubs. They also spend more than a million dollars a year for fish, tanks, planes(应为plants), sand, shells, food and gadgets for heating and cleaning aquariums.
  D: y& E6 _1 G/ G2 I" n! J2 D* z: A( R" T, u! L
- i# n* S; x1 |/ W$ I  E  h  7.Collecting tropical fish dates back to World War Ⅱ in this country. But raising of pet fish goes back to the early days of the Sung Dynasty in China, about 900 A.D., when they were raised in small bottles as house pets.
  g. _/ I8 G) ]7 f! i" u2 o. E  7、在(美国)这个国家里,收养热带鱼的习惯可以追溯到第二次世界大战。但是,人们饲养观赏鱼可以追溯到中国宋朝早期,大约公元900年左右。当时,观赏鱼作为家庭宠物饲养在小瓶子里。! g5 e) _  V7 e1 N% k- \8 X
  8. They chose a small member of carp family, Carassius auratus, better known as the goldfish. From them they obtained different shaped and colored fish. There developed more than 100 beautiful kinds with such names as Falling Flowers, Seven Stars, Eight Melon Seeds, Piled-up-Gold, As Europeans began to go the Far East in numbers during the 17th century, it happened that they too grew to like the little carp. A jar-full of goldfish was then taken on a long sea trip back to London in 1665.By the late 18th century the fish were widely popular in England and soon the goldfish bowl was seen in many homes.* V( [4 g7 W. T& U; X

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:34 | 显示全部楼层


  9. In 1853 the world's first public aquarium- The Regent's Park Fish House- was opened. So far, home aquarium contained only goldfish or other local plant life. Then from the Amazon and the Congo, from Pacific Island and West Indian reefs, scientists began to send home hundreds of strange, beautiful fish. Many of them have become popular pets. They are called tropicals./ U0 ]0 j7 O( ^
  9、1853年,世界第一个公共水族馆:REGENT公园观赏鱼之家开放了。不过,到此时为止,家庭的水族馆仍然仅仅喂养金鱼和其它本地水生植物。之后,科学家们带给水族馆数以百计奇特而美丽的鱼,它们来自世界各地:从亚马孙河到刚果,从太平洋岛到西印度暗礁。它们之中的许多品种已经成为流行宠物。人们叫它热带鱼。  D  ^: g, T! {3 X) O
  10. Today a busy aquarium store may sell up to $20,000 worth of fish in a good year. The most sold are still tropicals, especially guppies, swordtails and millies, which people like because of their bright colors and because they provide the tank with new young fish.
7 I% [/ m6 q8 l5 U9 V% ^+ P  10、如今,一所兴旺的水族商店在好年份一年可以销掉价值两万美元的观赏鱼。大部分卖出的依然是热带鱼,尤其是虹鳉,剑尾鱼和米莉。人们喜欢这些鱼的明亮颜色,而且它们能给水族馆提供新的年轻的生命。! i' }% b5 `, w  b. @& b* v
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