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[卫生类英语] 2011职称英语卫生C类:补全短文资料(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! P( h' d3 d# x; g1 d, v& n$ D( R  Millions of kids and teenagers from every part of the world wet the bed every single night.
( b% J' e/ v( C+ Q  U2 T  J' O  It's so common that there are probably other kids in your class who do it. Most kids don't telltheir friends, so it's easy to feel kind of1 alone, like you might be the only one on the wholeplanet who wets the bed. __(1 )__- [  y! n" N' f* i/ `8 l2 I
  The fancy name for bedwetting is nocturnal(夜间的)enuresis(遗尿)Enuresis runs in families? This means hat if you urinate(排尿), or pee, while you are asleep, there's a good chance that a close relative also did it when he or she was a kid. ___(2)__
7 u9 H/ q9 U6 v7 N! ~  The most important thing to remember is that no one wets the bed on purpose.(故意)It doesn't mean that you're lazy or a slob.(粗俗之人) __(3)__ For some reason, kids who wet the bed are not able to feel that their bladder(膀胱) is full and don't wake up to pee in the toilet. Sometimes a kid who wets the bed will have a realistic dream that he's in the bathroom peeing __ only to wake up later and discover he's all wet.6 Many kids who Wet the bed are very deep sleepers. __(4)__
- t2 C1 s. v1 f) ]0 _- l3 r: s# |# V' r# m  Some kids who wet the bed do it every single night. Others wet some nights and are dry onothers. A lot of kids say that they seem to be drier when they sleep at a friend's or a relative'shouse. __(5)___ So the brain may be thinking, "Hey, you! Don't wet someone else'sbed!" This can help you stay dry even if you're not aware of it.
1 o1 l9 v( Z8 H- B( [# C  练习:考试用书
# f- Z# q/ m' N5 I' R  A  The good news is that almost all kids who wet the bed eventually stop.
5 i. e0 k! J; G  D0 E0 [  B  Trying to wake up someone who wets the bed is often like trying to wake a log m they juststay asleep.7 e- Z3 z0 i( T; r1 [
  C  It's something you can't help doing.5
  o  p- R0 w9 B/ M% }" S3 R  D  Just like you may have inherited your mom's blue eyes or your uncle's long legs, youprobably inherited bedwetting, too?1 p6 B* [& g  ~" M. Y
  E  That's because kids who are anxious about wetting the bed may not sleep much or only ve~'lightly.7
% {" k, V, o- P# Q; y  F  But you are not alone.
, L4 s) o! l6 Q! L; J# |, h3 \* ]( g  练习答案1F  2D  3C  4B  5E

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