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[卫生类英语] 2012职称英语等级考试卫生类A级词汇练习三

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11. Smoking is not permitted in the office,
' c0 l+ q0 x1 z6 P# iA) probable       B) possible9 C7 b3 L6 o! s& ?- z1 y( U4 V
C) admitted       D) allowed: S$ @9 @) W+ J1 S! \/ I8 @" a/ O
12. The chairman proposed that we should stop the meeting.中华考试网
% }; m# j; p" u7 T. ?+ GA) stated        B) declared) K7 `% @" G& ~: S3 Y
C) suggested       D) announced
. Q9 w" e% G1 Z/ X& X$ D' B13. I feel regret about what's happened.& ]0 Q9 V9 ~" S: _
A) sorry         B) disappointed9 L1 P% K9 w$ M) x  h
C) shameful       D) disheartened
9 T& r, Z7 m3 S" Q! _14. She has proved that she can be railed on in a crisis.( y! G9 G2 A0 ]2 `( D; E8 V- X
A) lived on       B) depended on& b$ [  R3 c: {9 \0 l
C) lived off       D) believed in! b. Q8 G3 |9 W" ?; j
15. John removed his overcoat.% o) c3 \1 I) U' C7 O% X" b& ^) t
A) took away       B) left aside; z( A  g8 Y7 C8 |
C) took off        D) washed off" Y  }; \$ m% [+ g6 Q$ E! `; n

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