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[理工类英语] 2011年职称英语考试理工类C级模拟(7)

发表于 2012-8-16 00:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
23 Paragraphl% ~) H  {! R: `, J# u9 p  f
24 Paragraph2
6 l8 k" p: r" e7 f25 Paragraph3
  C; C# t2 ?  s+ V' t26 Paragraph4
, T; m4 Z1 T# C# BA Why do we forget things?) F/ p9 ~# y" ]* ~
B How do we measure memory?
& x: ^( h8 B/ }$ wC What are the stages memory consists of?
; m! B0 q& G( ?' l+ M, i8 TD What is the difference between short-term memory and long-term memory?
$ u, k7 Q3 @! w- q% k. LE What is memory?
' O# q( }( Y* R1 h/ _- DF Who may have a poor memory?
$ [4 m) C. h3 I9 K0 p27 Remembering involves getting the material back out when it is8 h9 N' K  T! |- I. L) m( w
28 Grouping bits of information into larger chunks helps improve the capacity of our/ \  Y9 c9 b" P5 X3 |; {+ \
29 Long-term memory has an almost unlimited capacity and a
' B0 A4 M* p' Q9 ^30 As a measure of memory ,relearning is more sensitive than 5 N2 g) i; X8 E8 t* ^9 }% x
A short-term memory! g8 X& W) @* i& m1 k" X: }
B relearning
! P, f  Y' @" KC needed
9 j" U; C: X+ o7 s; Y$ HD coded4 [+ Z# ]6 j/ E9 Z: g
E recognition
. s5 L* O0 w# e) K$ O: {Fslow forgetting rate

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