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[理工类英语] 2011年职称英语考试理工类C级模拟(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 00:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
6 You’d better put these documents in a safe place
3 V1 a) c0 _5 ~: D4 wA dark1 I1 ~5 M7 @6 b! J2 r$ u
B secure" c- _/ O2 X/ D! M( C/ ~3 z- M
C guarded
1 ?( y3 c6 V! b% K& y$ S# A3 GD banned: \; C+ J/ o" X/ J/ h8 Z" \4 l0 ~, R/ i) |
7 The courageous boy has been the subject of massive media coverage
! h, c* }* `+ ], {2 C- p$ ]A extensive
/ f& ~2 B; x  [, Z1 b: u1 F7 A: IB continuous
% L/ i- q6 M+ x2 DC instant 2 \. F( u: W; _% h4 a
D quick# q" E  v8 l9 T4 R
8 The town is famous for its magnificent buildings) O# h. ?2 c& P6 M9 z
A high-rise
  q4 g" n0 _; v& M6 h2 g6 ]6 bB modern
2 n; _: M. p( _. J1 ^+ i' T" Q+ ~* kC ancient
. C, r& `- R3 s! ^! k% y3 B9 GD splendid7 [" ]- ]# v, i2 P  X
9 The great change of the city astonished all the visitors
4 E  ^. O1 @# LA surprised & o/ U6 J8 ]8 @, ?  _0 C$ A
B scared! I) ]  K- ~2 j. _* h
C excited
) J$ g. p/ e7 t, vD moved# T2 a4 q/ V( q1 E; D0 V! f7 j! x
10 Jack packed up all the things he had accumulated over the last ten years( r6 P5 L3 _3 P  e. v# Z/ {- e3 g
A future . ?- h9 ?0 q0 p2 {. }8 _1 m
B far
" j7 r# a- g8 Y4 _C past
# Y  H0 Q7 U* d% K. J+ UD near

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