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[理工类英语] 职称英语理工类C级:词汇选项题目练习(1)

发表于 2012-8-16 00:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  第1部分:词汇选项 (第三1~15题,第题1分,共15分)
7 t& _/ i& i1 C+ Y  下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。! }/ ?  X' d9 C
  1 The nursery is bright and cheerful.: L0 \; d1 ~: r
  A pleasant     B clean
0 O& |3 W8 U. S2 g+ F4 w- r  C peaceful     D large
" h8 W" Y' j1 W4 u& e  2 This kind of material was seldom used in building houses during the Middle Ages." I0 R. k- [% c) U" l5 a
  A never       B rarely3 ^. [. m, |1 x, [% R" _
  C often       D only
  N$ p" m3 t% q8 v0 y3 q4 p  3 People from many places were drawn to the city by its growing economy.
9 \  [. m- ?+ i7 ?* |; m" b" T  A fetched      B carried
( S% D; p4 K0 u6 M* q; f( W  C attracted     D pushed6 q5 C! }& y4 r- G2 w' |
  4 The soldier displayed remarkable coura ge in the battle.
# ]3 ]# W' b. b( ?' H6 a5 N  A placed       B showed
0 J; k- T  q# F$ [8 D. `! B  C pointed      D decided
& o1 s# L2 q$ e; c: k  5 How do you account for your absence from the class last Thursday?- Y( e  i' v8 N' t2 s: p" H. r
  A explain     B examine
3 s) n# H; ?* H$ P9 m3 D- E, C4 |  C choose     D expand) o9 j7 r$ X' q
  6 About one quarter of the workers in the country are employed in factories
& Z0 l- h5 `* ], R+ m, g  A third       B fourth0 f/ W5 X  K2 z. u. W# i
  C tenth       D fifteenth0 j- y5 s' O! W# p+ l/ |
  7 She was grateful to him for being so good to her.
6 a' `0 _+ d* P  A careful      B hateful& t7 i, s. I) R# F0 w
  C beautiful     D thankful
" k6 C; \: Z/ C, g2 f  8 There are only five minutes left, but the outcome of the match is still in doubt
3 h; j$ _4 q$ J0 O, _( [  A result       B judgement
/ X# ~* ?3 {# i9 ^  C estimation    D event
6 J, v1 C! ]% }9 P# _9 F  9 He is certain that the dictionary is just what I want.
  E5 G' D9 f* F  A sure       B angry& i" [$ B2 o6 K+ j& _5 n+ d# H0 P
  C doubtful   D worried
  Q8 A3 t- @; h; I! r  10 The last few weeks have been enjoyable" B  Y0 s7 `* ?; H! M$ _
  A close      B near9 [; g0 k! q# P! C3 U  Y
  C past       D several
8 m' B* h: Q7 \, o  _  M; r% g  11 What were the consequences of the decision she had made?" V# n# {/ x3 G3 L$ \5 |1 {( x
  A reasons     B results
5 I/ S, V. M+ o  \, J  C causes      D bases6 `/ H3 g7 ^& ]6 P2 z
  12 They didn't realize how serious the problem was.: [- z2 n, P) s$ n- C# A* H
  A know       B forget
. d6 D. s( {, ~& K# Q) H$ y" C  C doubt      D remember
% q1 @! ]+ z" x: {$ K  13 We shall keep the money in a secure place.6 i  {0 N! K0 N7 ~
  A clean       B secret
( n5 p: J3 t8 A( Y: f6 i  C distant     D safe! `! {+ `( }& A
  14 The great changes of the city astonished every visitor to that city- u* Q4 F. @, _. B& d. [. \
  A attacked     B surprised
9 p( x8 y* x  H- `; b  C attracted    D interested; N- g/ k: m, @" f
  15 The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center.
8 ?8 x4 @9 m2 ~- C9 _/ Y  A. get rid of   B set up
  y" C- w/ }- O, W  C repair     D paint$ F  ~: }- D4 q/ r: m
7 N  W. S3 A1 ]( x  01. A  02. B  03. C  04. B  05. A5 J$ j4 N3 d" \) h/ l1 L2 x
  06. B  07. D  08. A  09. A  10. C
& H' ^/ A6 ]8 e0 I  11. B  12. A  13. D  14. B  15. A

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