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[理工类英语] 2012职称英语考试理工类B级词汇练习题07

发表于 2012-8-16 00:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.With immense relief,I stopped running. ' c+ N- Z6 D6 w$ F
  A)much  . j# {9 o9 h3 S* z, w* M, X
  B)enormous  $ z; M& _0 R- M+ x9 _% m
  C)little  " K3 Y* j2 B4 Y- ]) e
" C# A( W3 I) Q3 A2.The scientists began to accumulate a huge mass of data.
' b! K3 ?: k4 n$ D+ M( D  A)build up  
4 p4 n# _/ d1 ]8 X& v) p0 g( Z  B)put up  ( `; q2 D1 X: W, o
  C)make up  , F) d. \3 ]0 b6 o& |) N9 N- k
  D)clear up
3 O" c0 F1 i  ^  k% P) a: b3.When Jack eventually overtook the last truck he pulled over to the inside lane. * W. N" L9 w+ R
  A)skipped  * W. O" e3 k) }6 N: N5 B
4 K+ {. z+ A$ Z2 J. X7 i3 y0 @% W  C)reached  & z2 A# _1 ^  D
' s. @* e7 a5 R- ~4.Because of the popularity of the region.it is advisable to book hotels in advance.
8 y' j  i- P+ k4 S$ D  A)possible  
1 N/ e9 \+ H3 z2 b) E  B)profitable  3 k: R6 `' C* D) a
) {# o# o) i8 h$ |3 H7 m  D)wise # R4 a, E7 U7 L+ z
5.Data from Voyager II have presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists. $ b3 `# j" q& _, f
$ ?% b/ Q3 w; S2 }  B) mystery  
; p; K' h* F1 j3 O- b  C) question  
2 c6 q9 m7 K" U1 J  D) point # T+ [$ ^2 I1 k/ J) O, b
答案:1.B immense:巨大的。enormous:巨大的。The expense of riving is immense today.现在生活的开支很大。Their losses were~llOrlnous.他们的损失巨大。much:许多。The students have given me much help.学生给了我许多帮助。little:小;少。The old lnall rived in a little house inⅡ1e woods.老人生活在树林中的一座小屋里。extensive:广泛的。They make extensive contacts with the Chinese people.他们跟中国人广泛接触。
* \2 z% f2 J4 q* ]! y  2.A accumulate:积累。build up:建立起。The old teacher has accumulated a 10t of teaching experience.这位老教师积累了丰富的教学经验。We have built up a good reputation.我们建立起了很好的声誉。 make up:编造。She made up a funny story to explain her absence.她编造了一个滑稽的故事,解释她为什么不来。clear up:澄清。I’d like to clear up two or three points.我有两三点想澄清一下。 , I8 I; e& l2 z6 E
  3.B overtake:超过。pass:超过。Japan has overtaken Germany in industrial production.日本在工业生产方面已经超过了德国。The police car has passed the mlck。警车已经超过了卡车。reach:到达。We reached our destination at midnight.我们午夜到达了目的地。lead:带。The blind mall has a dog to lead him.这个盲人有条狗领他。
7 A' ^' i- b9 Y# B) ^+ K  4.D advisable:可取的。wise:聪明的。It is advisable that everyone save money for further education.为进一步接受教育而攒点钱是可取的。No one is bom wise.人不是生下来就聪明的。possible:可能的。It’s possible for you to take a night train.你搭乘夜车是可以的。 profitable:有利可图的。The deal was quite profitable.这宗买卖是有利可图的。easy:容易。 John is easy t0 please.使约翰高兴很容易。 5 Z) k9 }% ?' f5 s, v4 G7 W0 j. ^
  5.B puzzle:谜。mystery:谜。His.death.has remained a puzzle.他怎么死的至今还是个谜。It was a mystery how the burglars got in.盗贼怎么进来的是个谜。problem:问题。We have lots of problems to solve.我们有许多问题要解决。question:问题。The clever student asked the teacher all extremely diffiettlt question.那个聪明的学生问了老师一个极其难的问题。point: 论点。 The point;that 1 want to nlak~here and nOW is that Ph.D.dissertations must be original. 此时此地我想要说的一点是博士论文必须是原创性的。

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