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[综合] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(15)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Look, these goods will have to go a long way before they arrive at our port. What if dampness gets into the package?: z( S" d+ n& u6 r8 D8 c# \
但这些货物必须经过长途运输才能抵达我港。包装受潮怎么办?& j" Y* ~6 Y; H' |6 K
damp :adj (-er, -est) not completely dry; slightly wet 不完全乾燥的; 潮湿的:' H7 g/ r6 _2 U
* damp clothes 潮湿的衣服 * a damp surface 潮湿的表面# F) d. _' B& E! X- B4 j2 z4 a& m
* Don't sleep between damp sheets. 睡觉时不要用潮湿的被褥。
1 F3 d: s, @; u+ ]; G' F7 H% lAll the cartons are lined with plastic sheets, so they're absolutely water-proof, I can assure you.
/ a" T7 z4 x- e所有纸箱都内衬塑料袋,我可以保证绝对防水。6 ^7 A; i* |3 P3 v9 B+ P
Most of them do. But the background color should be a little lighter.$ D8 m0 T# Q1 E: H" a! f
大多数人是的。但底色好象应该再淡一些。4 }! Y6 I6 u* k
No problem. What do you think of our logo?$ S$ n& ^# f8 q5 K4 F
好。你觉得我们的标识怎么样?  H! F- g/ ^& u) }9 P
logo / 'lэugэu; `lo.go/ n (pl ~s) printed symbol designed for and used by a business, company, etc as its emblem, eg in advertising (企业、公司等的)专用标识, 标记, 商标(如用于广告中的)。. s9 P+ v7 s9 Q$ S
Very good. Maybe you should move it a little closer to the middle.6 P6 C2 \$ U: v
很好。再往中间靠一靠更好一些。* c7 z0 Q+ V5 I, ~3 v: R! Y
Alright. Do you have anything to say about the outer packaging?
0 f* s1 X* n* j( q* x( G好。外包装如何?: j2 h& k9 p/ g) n  T4 u
You mentioned cartons, didn't you? I’m afraid cartons are not strong enough.: |( {6 \% q0 L4 p# W! I  u# B
你说的是纸箱吧?恐怕纸箱不够牢固。! \/ i/ d2 o% I7 }% K; |; n$ D
Please don't worry. All the bags are beautifully designed to come in line with the local market preference at your end.
+ Q7 X, ]( s. c$ M没问题。所有袋子都设计得很精美,符合你们当地市场的口味。
0 e+ E1 ?& }0 Nin line with sth: similar to sth; in accordance with sth 与某事物类似或一致:
. x2 g" {3 @& r' e% z5 M* in line with the others/with the latest research 与其他的一致[根据最新的研究成果, q! v; q+ V  e- F
Have you got any samples here? I'd prefer to have a look.% R' e; A- T1 n0 P$ X4 G5 H" |
( }# y+ Y; K3 J( L9 \: jHere you are.
- a0 k; {# c0 M& O请看。* o+ d) F% r) b
It does look good. Especially the little swan.
& {7 L" k' e  J- W确实漂亮。尤其是这个小天鹅。
* [, r* j4 ?6 F( `6 k8 fThank you. We understand that your people regard swans as a symbol of good luck.& B# T, S  {" i- L+ ]7 Z$ v
多谢。我们听说你们那儿的人把天鹅当成幸运物。 Waterloo bridge : lucky charm
' ~/ D) Y, L! c+ K" ^+ h. P6 A/ e6 \Thank you. Let's call it a deal.
$ D! p" L2 C' b9 Y& n6 R1 `1 z谢谢。那么成交了。
3 H7 U6 C9 P% {4 j4 }4 YExcellent.
5 x  s2 G, M( D太好了。
  D8 ]3 G2 k4 j) |( oCan we discuss the packing today?" `- g8 c1 @: J4 _

/ D* x. V" u5 K3 N' h0 {7 j我们今天谈一谈包装好吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:23 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Sure. We usually pack our skirts individually in polythene bags, ten dozen to one carton.- E9 q% n. y: f/ M' W
好的。我们的衬衣通常每件单独装一塑料袋,10打装一纸箱。9 B1 a& z/ F7 H* K. T" N
polythene / 'p) liθi:n; `palэθin/ n [U] type of plastic widely used in the form of flexible, often transparent, sheets for waterproof packaging, insulation, etc 聚乙烯:1 ~; \2 y; V, }% {) D, ]' @
[attrib 作定语] a polythene bag, cover 聚乙烯塑料袋、 套。; n- Y* R0 A6 ?  s( n
Acceptable. But please pay attention to the design of the inner packing. All the packages must be ready for window display.0 i$ S8 D( F' n( J  h6 ]3 L
0 [% I; K5 E) w6 T3 LOh, I'm afraid the price you give is too low. The best I can do is 2%.+ e# |) j8 z! f' J5 w
: ?/ \4 @# l) J5 h1 ~% o  r1 EYou say 2% and I say 4%. How about splitting the difference and meeting each other half way? Let's settle at 3%.
* ]7 \0 e" m8 C4 ?你说2%,我说4%,我们来折中一下,双方各让一半怎样?就降3%吧。8 W( g/ R( |1 v6 r
split the `difference : (when making a bargain) settle on an amount half-way between two proposed amounts (idm )(讲价时)各让一步, 折中。2 q4 ]5 ~2 p. W: }# R, i2 _$ c* r
No. I'm afraid it’s still not acceptable.
% Q2 N- s  h; N2 J0 P不行,恐怕我还是不能接受。2 a5 v. b5 `2 v/ d, l' o
What do you say to 2.5%, then?# J2 I/ G* ?' H: ?
' `/ j3 |, @8 ]8 h! |1 ]: u7 JHmm…I appreciate your efforts and sincerity in this transaction. As a token of our cooperation, we accept your bid.
  P/ u' h* N; P7 w; [! |: P噢……我非常感谢您在这笔生意中所做的努力和诚意。为表示我们愿意合作,我们接受您的递价。
0 d  ]' W( _# Y: H! P% Etoken / 'tэukэn; `tokэn/ n3 q# [" }7 w- _/ `9 }
1 sign, symbol or evidence of sth 表徵; 标志; 证据:7 o- n$ m) @& ^
* A white flag is used as a token of surrender. 白旗是用作投降的信号。
( k$ R* ]  J0 |! K- }* These flowers are a small token of my gratitude. 谨以此花聊表谢忱
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