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[综合] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(10)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  in honour of sb/sth; in sb's/sth’s honour : out of respect for sb/sth 出于对某人[某事物]的敬意:& C5 Z7 e3 h6 K7 H1 j( k8 f+ f8 v
  * a ceremony in honour of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士而举行的仪式。) Q, D: A* S' `9 Q2 A% n) x
  Yes, that's fine. Thank you for your kind hospitality. I look forward to meeting your General Manager.
: e% [6 r) F3 a5 w$ Q  很好。感谢你们的盛情好客,我也期待着与总经理先生见面。- l$ ~, v% P# l8 P% Y  X. [
  Let's make it seven o’clock then, and I'll pick you up at 6:45. Is that all right?! E! l3 y' z9 ]% U6 ^1 y; p
  那就定在七点,六点四十五分我来接您,行吗?) h4 F" S; c# I+ P! k
  Yes, sure. Thank you for calling. Good-bye.
7 @+ C! {% F0 W  很好。谢谢打来电话。再见。. b  A2 I# P" E* x2 Y
9 D( c, e; D+ P* J+ z  再见。, p# j* \7 n9 F0 p7 B
  Mr. Smith, I wonder if you have any particular preferences?
0 f! Q! {  s! a( q9 q: |  史密斯先生,不知您有什么特别的口味?  z1 `0 J5 _- i; c
  preference: (a) [U, sing] ~ (for sth) liking for sth (more than sth else) (与他物相较之)喜爱; 偏爱:
  n: u  P, v' [/ c& }  S  *There is milk and cream do you have a preference? 有牛奶也有奶油——你喜欢哪样?& W5 P, p. `( E* q. |% r! \  a
  * It's entirely a matter of preference. 这完全是个见仁见智的问题。
8 x( w3 {$ @  H5 q  * She has a preference for blue. 她特别喜欢蓝色。0 _$ l9 _: |+ {3 S7 A" P" W
  (b) [C] thing that is liked better or best 偏爱的事物; 特别爱好的事物:% I% N, V7 M, U5 b
  *What are your preferences? 你最喜欢什么?
/ [6 y+ g" W/ F+ E* g( z  When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I only want to taste real Chinese food.: U+ N) S, Z3 M* L
' K& \3 r: }6 |6 @' d# m/ t  This is a Beijing restaurant, specializing in Beijing cuisine.: M# c7 I. e. A& K+ E5 W
2 J% c/ }) ~: g" D# L( K  Would you like to try some Chinese drinks?- a6 p0 I7 F, Y# N/ w" [/ w/ @
$ C7 Q/ q5 \/ k" P  Yes, I'd love to. I’ve heard Maotai is very popular in China. Could we try some?
" c: o8 v! L! u7 a  Q; T  好的。我听说茅台在中国很受欢迎。咱们尝尝好吗?
! L* H9 \4 |2 b( O  Yes, of course. Maotai is the best Chinese wine. It would be a pity if you left without tasting it.
. s/ X- O# ^" {  不错,茅台是中国最好的酒。你要是不品尝一下就走,那将是一大憾事。
+ T( B. O3 S5 v" \; E1 I- {  Hello. This is Wilson speaking. Who's calling, please?. @$ v" ^, i) u/ f/ V3 j
& Q. I6 q+ z+ C, c  |) x. M  This is Miss Wang. I hope I'm not disturbing you. Did you have a good rest?
$ v: B# U" e1 H2 x( j0 b  我姓王。希望我没有打扰您。您休息得好吗?9 n1 a+ L, Y0 `  s( b
  Yes, thank you. I had a good sleep and a cold shower, and I'm now feeling positively refreshed.* W9 R7 |- L! F
( q( f& _; H; r4 X2 N  How do you like your room?
* Y, a; Q3 |+ K1 S; L1 z3 q. `6 @  不您对您的房间满意吗?  J% i5 t4 w/ o# R" w" e
  Very comfortable. And the attendants are quite obliging.3 R3 K" h/ P+ {% l" `
  非常舒服,而且招待员服务也很周到。+ O8 R* U4 m/ ]. W& E
  obliging :adj willing to help 愿意帮助的:$ x% G! u1 Q1 {- k- w- i
  * obliging neighbours 乐于助人的邻居, L! P* V" c2 Y9 S7 ?  E/ Z4 A2 z) g
  * You'll find him most obliging. 你能了解到他很愿意帮助人。# M! n! H/ r9 T" C
  I hope you will enjoy your stay here in Qingdao.6 u3 r- \. b' `9 U4 s' a
0 {6 I2 C$ r$ d" e. ]! o  H& m" p  Thanks. I'm sure I will.) w/ V& D5 b! V$ M
0 s4 R0 Z9 h5 _& E/ h: {  Hello. May I speak to Mr.Wilson, please?5 O4 g# W; v; Q7 [0 }& D
  您好,请找威尔逊先生。. b5 g$ Q5 Z, W
  Excuse me, are you Mr.Wilson from the United States?9 I) g6 Z9 h" h' n1 A9 Z. r# t
" s0 U% F0 G% X, b$ d8 B  Yes I am.
7 t5 ]+ {  P7 H- g9 K  是的,我是。
1 y; D; i  n% V/ X  n  I'm Wang Lan, the secretary of the Qingdao Textiles Import & Export Corporation.3 d* G) _# U, Z6 k0 s  M9 T7 q, q
  我叫王岚,青岛纺织进出口公司的秘书。8 c; ^; B+ H4 z% K
  How do you do, Miss Wang.
, P' T& S% J( ?; {7 O; s2 D  你好,王小姐。
! Y' o+ G$ D5 ~8 i9 H: }: _  How do you do, Mr.Wilson. Welcome to China.3 O# S. U  ^* |# U4 x
5 z2 M+ b9 ?( L6 O  Thank you. It's very kind of you to come and meet me at the airport, Miss Wang.
+ N6 [$ U) X2 K  j& }# |9 e  谢谢,王小姐。您特地到机场来接我,真是太客气了。' W0 `7 [8 o7 y7 J/ t. \9 x7 a
  It's my pleasure. I hope you’ve had an enjoyable trip., K5 n3 S/ _3 Y4 K) {! D+ v' X
  乐意效劳。一路上很好吧!) R/ H$ L  d* O! h
  Yes, thank you.
( U1 t' r8 A, s6 i1 l! K7 X  很好,谢谢。
7 ]4 i5 M6 R1 h/ I9 E8 C  I'm glad to hear that. Is this your first trip to China, Mr.Wilson?  c. T1 g- ]6 p& @: W& ]2 t) B' J& u
' p. E5 z& v6 S& e1 o& B- C! e5 B  Yes, the very first.
: ]0 F& k0 ~& P) g( @" y) e  是的,的确是第一次。7 C( Y/ J5 V8 G+ _+ ~" g
  Our car is waiting over there. Let's drive to the hotel. May I help you with your luggage?
/ l' i$ O6 D7 D3 P" f/ I  车正在那边等着,咱们现在就去宾馆吧。我来帮您拿行李好吗?7 U2 F& h8 J( A) l
  No, thanks. I can manage all right. Let's go." g! c0 `- W) m0 j% {) e1 L2 k0 S
! d5 y9 r) b4 {5 G! w& S, u9 z  U& U  The part you ordered is in stock./out of stock.- Y& c/ H/ T( [: ]
* `( b2 w$ q" d, o% r  Can you recommend an alternative?6 Q+ A' |6 c) h* V
. O2 C: Q; }+ T2 I  Can I suggest a similar model?- V, `) w. g" s8 w7 Q  \2 M
  我可以建议类似的型号吗?  {" o& j; \6 K8 G; G
  The alternative model is not what I wanted, so I'll have to cancel the order.  X  n; m! X0 M/ J8 g& W, e
, t5 u. Q" L8 R. ?4 J, E% @  O8 x; @  What does this mean for the consumer?! s& z, ?: B5 F. ?$ P
  这对消费者意味着什么?# E0 h) H/ j& V
  It's not company policy to give credit without previous arrangement.& l2 Y1 v# J9 b! D  y* c- Z
2 C- g8 e% ?* e9 \3 i6 v) x* B  Could you give us another month to settle an account?" v: w9 N( e* C% o3 z" b3 k6 p" p5 i- c
  你能再宽限我一个月结帐吗?" d6 j2 z) i; l/ H5 ^7 k
  If we don't receive payment immediately, we will start proceedings against you.
+ M4 f/ w$ ?" Z# v" @  如果我们不能立即收到付款,我们将对你动用法律程序

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