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[综合] 金融英语备考辅导享受余暇时间:打高尔夫球

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  打高尔夫球/ s5 J+ x* }9 H4 G' [6 @) }
! `5 U6 _4 L  ]  I'd like to play golf.
& L8 Y! L5 {7 h5 ?! C+ d  I'd like to play golf. (我想打高尔夫球。)
5 y' T3 r$ G9 `3 B: Z  Who would you like to play with? (和谁打呀?)6 z5 }6 P3 ]" S. \. ?
  明天打高尔夫球,好吗?5 w/ s# b( ?" u' H* Y3 ?+ K
  Would you like to golf tomorrow?2 w6 x0 t/ h1 ?0 ~. {$ x* C
  Would you like to golf tomorrow? (明天打高尔夫球,好吗?)
& P# a% _1 M' _. \( W. \  I'd like to. (我挺想去的。)3 @% A* m' J% D" t0 z
  How would you like to play golf tomorrow?% h, g1 w( [' e2 l
  Do you want to play golf tomorrow?( Z8 z! A/ M) }' D
  Would you be interested in playing golf tomorrow?' q3 u  t7 [& z! `
% c' K$ L8 w% t; ^8 w+ A% w( O  Do you want to join me?" x8 K; L' k: q8 t; e; I
  Would you like to play golf with me?+ j- J$ [3 x) g9 [% S
  这附近有高尔夫球场地吗?  b6 p( E: C- D4 ?: u  k2 L
  Are there any golf courses around here?1 p: o. {( Z/ t: e( ?. F  `
  1个人多少钱?9 [# a+ [+ x  ?( |7 i
  How much is it per person?
3 _9 Z) d6 U& x; w) e- _0 c/ M  1天多少钱?, L+ u3 ?+ \- |( }3 D
  How much is it per day?
7 I( B3 {8 l8 J4 z% b) s5 P  此外还有其它的花费吗?
- I6 M$ |+ ]. d8 ]  Are there any extra charges?
" M3 D' {6 ^: t/ b) M$ I. Z, W6 P7 N; F  Is there any extra charge?
' Y9 I* V- i3 ^  我可以租用用具吗?
% |5 i- I7 W/ W5 V4 D  Can I rent the equipment? *equipment 表示“用具,必需品”。* g3 V2 @% g$ H3 d7 q+ G
( ^! v4 ^6 g( d2 J# v# g2 x1 T  Please make a reservation for golf.7 T+ u9 O% k( G/ g% ~
  Would you make a reservation for golf? (能帮我预约高尔夫球吗?)
5 n' K+ q6 t8 m- k; _  我想预约高尔夫球。(由自己提出请求时), V/ N, h- [1 O0 V
  I'd like to make golf reservations.
5 _1 P* J. n% C( N! j* a- w  要什么时间的?
! Y+ J0 M. M& k# b  When would you like to play?. Q0 g5 c; R* Q/ f1 O0 h
  When do you want to play?7 e7 f1 {: i( h" h: o' K1 A  J2 ~8 ]# B
  如果可以的话,请订这个星期五的。3 b/ D* V- }1 T' _2 v
  This Friday, if possible.3 h  u5 G' @- @; w: W4 e
  我们一共4个人。+ [' z7 q, Q; A& f3 M
  There are four of us.
3 D1 ?/ _, C, N' q  Four." I8 \3 K( C) G0 g6 _4 ?
+ a& m) L/ ~5 E  What time are we starting?

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