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[综合] “金融世界” 英语广播(15)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
上一讲中我们为您介绍了 floating exchange rates 和 fixed exchange rates,浮动汇率与固定汇率。澳广金融节目主持人巴里克拉克介绍说,二十世纪的固定汇率制不仅未能保持汇率的稳定,而且还为投机者提供了机会。
2 E; M0 R# U- j
$ |& C5 R& J1 i! Q- Y7 [但是实行浮动汇率制也同样有它的不利之处。不断变化的汇率为工商业的运作带来许多不确定因素。+ v9 v& V6 ]$ c
7 G; A8 Z! Z$ c# P
不过,澳洲广播电台金融节目主持人巴里克拉克继续介绍说,各国的中央银行或储备银行大都会在关键时刻对市场进行干预,以减缓货币汇率的剧烈动荡。$ b& i, C  L6 O% b3 U6 @8 t6 t
4 x( _3 e% L6 G6 ?+ t
巴里克拉克在他的讲话中提到了这样一些词汇:4 t( s' V8 K% `( S5 m- `8 n

: M. x) ]' }* C- e1 Reserve Bank 储备银行
  Z, X( t3 W2 }2 cushion 缓冲垫,减震器/ @0 M% O- T3 P0 _8 @+ T/ x) c% C5 W5 ]
3 intervene 干预5 T6 x. P% [6 M) P! b
4 contention 辩论/ X' T  S- k% `0 u: T9 \5 x0 i- G' U
5 on balance 总的来说& q1 s9 N9 c. Z) p0 {* c
6overshooting 过火,过激
9 O3 t0 c$ P( \  B- T* p% b+ v3 K" c5 b- S1 r/ n4 v
下面我们听一遍巴里克拉克的谈话及中文翻译:( W/ ^: u* D# o9 c$ X

3 F) K; ~2 h8 z! U8 B% QThe Reserve Bank tries to play a role in providing a comfort cushion by intervening from time to time in the foreign exchange market with a view to limiting its more extreme fluctuations.) Z( r; H, c  m& [  ]8 b1 b' k

3 F7 t( q) H( p/ e9 sWhether the central bank should be doing this, and whether it actually can influence exchange rates in the face of market forces, are matters of some contention.
8 E& |" X4 X9 ?- E; r+ ?% W) i. Z
1 X; Q. _3 O/ ^7 l- ]. [/ P9 sFrom its own analysis, the Reserve Bank is persuaded that, on balance, it plays a useful role in limiting overshooting in the market.4 `( h( e8 Z9 W. ^

" i, i1 q# |( T4 X7 A, u* ^巴里克拉克说,储备银行试图在减缓市场冲击力方面发挥作用,对外汇市场不时进行干预,目的是要限制它更剧烈的动荡。
5 O0 F" V. j" L, p, U( I# `8 }. n! H/ u' k& \0 u
中央银行是否应当采取这样的行动,以及它在面对市场力量时是否真能对汇率发挥影响,是需要继续讨论的问题。( r$ A! q0 A6 V1 Z0 S3 a

( h- t6 q5 X' F/ ?( Z# c储备银行通过它自己的分析,确信它总的来说在限制市场的过激行为方面能够发挥有益的作用。& T0 X  t$ B/ w" G
- F# ^+ B, s! S- [
. w, {3 r9 m! X8 ?" u0 F$ I* o/ r3 [2 N+ \1 L. l% _5 Y
刚才我们谈到了中央银行对外汇兑换市场的干预。许多经济学家对中央银行进行干预的效果持怀疑态度。美国斯坦福大学经济学教授安妮克鲁格就是其中之一。她说:5 _$ U' W2 N" E* `. v

% J. I# P& e$ p; EThe first question is: can a central bank out-guess the market in terms of where the underlying market forces are taking the exchange rate? More interventiongs than not, I think, historically, have been when the central bank has been betting against the market. You may recall in 1992 when you had the upheavals in the European currencies, where there were a lot of bets against the markets and a lot of money was lost on the part of a lot of countries, including the Bank of England. So that basically, there's a real risk in central bank intervention.
# y# ?' l3 i- K+ T8 h! ~, X$ u$ r6 ?7 l  x' Y
. _% o2 o0 u; c4 ]
! |/ N6 j) J" w9 q3 aI think central bank intervention is dangerous. They're betting on one side of the market and then that gives speculators a one-sided bet, because they know that they can't really lose by going on the other side.
: @8 O  A+ m1 n" q) s0 {9 H" G, K" w8 Q& c1 i

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