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[考试试题] 金融英语法律考题汇总

发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1.1   What is the objective of awarding contractual damage7 }& J) @, @# z1 E% z
  1.2+ d( m/ h/ d9 z
  list two vitiating factors that make a contract voidable, two vitiating factors that make a contract void.
/ u7 _5 ~% u5 I0 L4 b( H- i; [3 J5 f  1.3
" t; h- ~4 T, I- n( q  What is the “order bill” as regard to “bill of exchange”
5 ]7 e. b/ C3 w  1.4
* u( _" ], Y$ e& @+ Y3 m  What is Contributory negligence
4 e) P: t8 y  o3 n% V  1.52 b0 u5 q. M/ r% c7 \0 l% S
  Define “Right in rem”
1 B  [( r) @4 L. @7 R3 o  Answer 4 out of 6! n& G) r' u' {1 l1 r, h3 s4 W
- [7 v8 t: u8 E% n  ~% M, u" l  Non est factum
3 L" R/ b/ ]% G  2.
& T; [& [8 \$ p( P  Cheque 与bill of exchange 的区别
2 z) V! j$ N8 z. q  3.' V4 `( p/ K6 t; R0 k7 n
  关于offer 的两个案例分析% O# z; i5 z( l7 a/ d
  4.; U9 ^! h' I* `! U! T! f
  (a)define Conversion9 c0 m- T9 {( d( C
  (b) list three circumstance under which one is liable for the other’s tort (vicarious liability)6 Q& k8 t7 F2 u( G8 Y7 c( a4 q; l
  5.: J* Z0 K' M. ^6 w
* k6 J! U8 u& ~. [/ j& r  6.
9 N* b0 V. u' a$ ]2 v  (a)definition of mortgage
& A  X2 x: n; n( Y( {. N  (b)without assignment of interest remedies of default

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