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[考试试题] 金融英语:FECT-1(8) 单选题

发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  11. If a nation's interest rates are relatively low compared to those of other countries, then the exchange value of its currency will tend to ______ under a system of exchange rates.6 P+ S# P1 q( ~+ i5 l8 V
  A. appreciate... floating
$ R. Y) y. i6 V/ B9 @5 S# }  B. depreciate...floating
# r1 l# a* x9 @2 @! {: w  C. appreciate... fixed7 L5 u5 C" I/ C- w
  D. depreciate... fixed  e, x6 g: U; Y/ O/ v0 J8 v
  12. Which of the following is true of a company's balance sheet? ______.
1 o) R5 E6 |, m2 L9 c2 n  A. It displays sources and uses of cash for the period0 m/ X7 [8 p* C3 c! ]
  B. It is unnecessary if both an income statement and a statement of cash flows are available8 G+ C- X7 b/ [
  C. It is a separate representation of the company's revenue and expense transactions for the year
9 q5 o' a" i( v2 N9 f0 G5 E4 |) A2 g  D. It is an expansion of the basic accounting equation of Assets=Liabilities+Owner's Equity% C5 e. d6 t4 `0 H' K" [' X$ J1 X2 D; z
  13. When Americans or foreigners expect the return on dollar deposits to be high relative to the return on foreign deposits, there is a ______ demand for dollar deposits and a correspondingly ______ demand for foreign deposits.6 T2 y" k* z( D  o. q0 K. U9 ^! h* G
  A. higher... higher. `9 o# a! O% v3 F" G( F! H
  B. lower... higher
4 e) y2 ?; g8 n6 t  }( e  C. higher... lower
9 E" @: [6 b! j9 _8 R  D. lower...lower4 t  T0 q5 g$ C' z2 |+ l0 e
  14. Velocity is the ______." T; C- \! }  p5 E& a( D) ^
  A. inverse of GNP
$ U$ W8 u% O9 Q3 V6 P  B. speed at which checking accounts are converted into cash
, {( ^3 X0 h( E* {! N( E0 u* A  C. relationship between the price level and the money supply. Y3 j, R& h  n* e
  D. rate at which money turns over7 T7 z' }/ {( m8 r7 z1 y: p: b
  15. Assume that of your $10 000 portfolio, you invest $9 000 in Stock X and $1 000 in Stock Y. What is the expected return on your portfolio? ______.4 W* n8 |. P4 w2 r! b0 U
  A. 18%$ R7 N  G( O8 q" {
  B. 20%) ^- r6 c# M. t$ t5 o3 M
  C. 19%
; }/ ^/ Q! Y2 P8 L" n0 f, I  D. 3%! t6 L: ?+ e+ l7 T
  16. Which of the following would you expect to find in a correctly prepared income statement? .
8 N% Q# i+ D! j: @  A. Cash balance at the end of the period
: d- n, ^8 [' z; M  x: |+ D  V) u  B. Expenses incurred during the period to earn revenues: L9 R  `6 N) x- }! H
  C. Contributions by the owner during the period  s- z, w. d. n! i. Y$ o. o" C
  D. The reported company's financial position at a specific date
, Z9 K9 x$ w* C8 \  17. The concept of beta is most closely associated with ______.. y* ^  I) a/ Q$ i; X+ I0 H6 C% j$ q
  A. correlation coefficient' d$ D7 z6 E& W. s8 q
  B. the capital asset pricing model; {3 `3 T2 V8 H0 Y
  C. nonsystematic risk
( b" f* w2 ^) w! N  D. mean-variance analysis# y3 P6 q: k$ [$ W
  18. The velocity of money for a given year can be calculated by ______.4 u& Z1 U7 ], \/ c+ l
  A. dividing GNP by the money supply( g  {. M9 ~) p5 c7 |; A+ v
  B. dividing aggregate supply by aggregate demand
1 Q6 k( |! f; a  m  C. dividing the price level by the money supply
! w. H; b. @- I6 V3 G% n! K  D. multiplying the price level by total output
, w9 m2 R  U4 g. X7 }  19. The theory of purchasing power parity states that exchange rates between any two currencies will adjust to reflect changes in ______.
8 }( |9 t! H$ H! w: }& `) }+ Z8 P  A. the price levels of the two countries4 {% j4 o8 ?" u* B' b) O" Z
  B. the current account balances of the two countries
9 F  K, m7 X- w1 v) G0 i  C. the fiscal policies of the two countries* R2 P7 @% h& }$ U& V: o
  D. the trade balances of the two countries1 Q6 B' H, _' y2 s( J  V- S9 B
  20. Before issuing a credit, it is important for the issuing bank ______.5 }0 U, m- A' `) v* Q% W3 t
  A. to make certain of the importer's creditworthiness2 p1 d" ]: g8 y3 m( Y) c( H, u) B
  B. to go through the contract terms
. v; ?; f2 M0 z+ U  |+ v  C. to have a thorough understanding of the exporter
5 l  I3 \3 Q! u% x  D. all of the above
! N' r2 j9 M9 j% }6 E! c1 S  答案:+ ]3 u2 d, v9 L% E# j4 P
  1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.D
$ |) d! M4 i9 T% g1 y- n+ u3 q  11.B 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.A

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