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[考试试题] 2012年金融英语考试模拟试题及答案(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  SECTION ONE (Compulsory) :Single-choice questions. ; x9 B# B! J& o% H0 u
  from the following four options, select a correct and fill in its labeling the brackets. (A total of 10 points)
8 [! c8 c3 I1 G: Z8 N2 \  1)Which of the following will NOT cause a shift in the demand for baseballs? ( )
9 P* y9 v8 g: P0 B: G# f* g0 q  A. Very good weather. . Y4 V9 F4 l0 C% U7 v2 M
  B. A decrease in the price of baseball hats. $ W* S; ?! \* d8 H
  C. The consumers’ expectations.
4 ]. D! A; W5 I$ o: g  D. An increase in the price of baseballs.
: V+ {2 F3 G0 H$ t. O  2)Decreasing returns to scale may arise from ( ) 5 l. q9 Q/ Q+ n7 K  Q
  A. Specialization of inputs. / k! o: p; X  V" Y# L, v
  B. Duplication of plant and equipment at equal cost.
" V# t: j2 S! }! T0 j1 Y  C. Inefficiencies in management. " q/ }/ T( z- |# X, L2 P
  D. Using inputs in unequal proportions. . {( f# o( h' m% o2 B" w
  3)If the marginal rate of technological substitution (MRTS) is more than the price ratio of labor over capital (w/r), then to minimize cost the firm should ___ the input of capital and ___ the input of labor. : Z& M( M9 }- T3 U- \
  A. Increase, decrease
0 i0 M$ b) P% f8 M. [& K  B. Decrease, increase ; m6 S1 A+ F. v! z/ y; t7 \
  C. Decrease, decrease
7 E8 p: x3 @* j4 y$ U& P  D. Increase, increase 0 ^( M% C' o1 |1 I  u
  4)The price of a good changes, both the substitution effect and the income effect reinforce each other, then the good is a (n) ( ) ' q1 c8 u, f0 b9 M
  A. Normal good.
- L0 g" y  [% k2 ~' U" I  [  B. Inferior good.
$ ]1 |/ v& C6 L: @+ C4 a  C. Giffen good. 2 w6 ^/ S' h1 a
  D. None of the above
; n0 K3 e9 |/ E3 c  5) What market is the Most in need of the advertising? ( )
: e% h8 k! C. D  A. Fully competitive market
0 u% s* k1 @+ e  B. Monopolize market . \; {. Z" h% f  }: y
  C. Competitive monopoly market $ W3 Y3 A- `0 h" ~$ ^( G$ M
  D. Oligopoly market 0 C. p7 z9 k* g) \& {
  6) American economist Modigliani’s life-cycle hypothesis is that: ( )
- n  x9 c! S) P# Q5 O+ c$ B  A. based on the current income to make consumer decisions
/ K, K8 ?# ~3 b2 w$ d" F  B. Work time after retirement savings for the consumer finance 8 q1 c* a& @6 r9 z0 ~: x! ~% \" W
  C. based on income to make the lasting consuming decision-making
- t& h  h9 ]2 A3 [+ ]) i1 T  D. revenue in the consumer durable basis for decision-making to the impact of temporary revenue estimates into account
" D0 w* t" }. g4 H0 t  7)According to the rules of debit and credit for balance sheet accounts: ( ) % t6 Q5 ~; c1 X4 ^, X; u& |
  A. Increases in asset, liability, and owner’s equity accounts are recorded by debits 5 |# S8 K* I  ~2 o
  B. Decreases in asset and liability accounts are recorded by credits 3 p& \+ K$ C  o* i
  C. Increases in asset and owner’s equity accounts are recorded by debits 4 C- ]+ o) b: {, n4 h
  D. Decreases in liability and owner’s equity accounts are recorded by debits 265
8 ~8 C9 i1 U) l( q3 o* v3 q: w# p  8)Individuals will accept the medium of exchange in return for goods and services only if they are confident that: ( ) # `" x6 w2 t6 h% r, J, [
  A. The inflation rate is zero
/ k; b2 ~! ~0 r9 k  B. It possesses intrinsic value ! R8 q( i6 g: ^4 c" F
  C. They can pass it on to others 6 a8 r$ i) u* e8 i
  D. They can exchange it for gold : ]4 ?, o# W8 X
  9)The prices of meat products in a competitive market are determined by: ( ) ) `  N4 r. b1 J+ l4 D' b
  A. Government. 6 N5 ^' [+ p( n0 j  w$ `
  B. Business monopolies. - {7 x' W1 r& \  g0 a$ ~
  C. Supply and demand. 6 {& |) {: ^- N- k
  D. The Consumer Price Index.
6 }: x0 U# y) m& t/ U4 e  10)Which one of the following is most likely to improve the wages of American workers? ( ) " D$ e4 w+ [- w4 W/ c1 i
  A. An increase in business inventories. - |( F- f& \. H$ N( ]; g; H
  B. An increase in productivity. , u# H" s2 T" z
  C. An increase in interest rates. ' [3 t) O  J  u1 u- Z" V( E
  SECTION TWO(Compulsory): Reading Comprehension (10 points) - I! P+ q- j5 \5 {# M
  Monica Lewis, CFA, has been hired to review data on a series of forward contracts for a major client. The client has asked for an analysis of a contract with each of the following characteristics: & z" [6 U/ ?1 @9 K! U
  A forward contract on a U.S. Treasury bond ( _  L2 d  z$ c' d: r6 H
  A forward rate agreement (FRA) 8 \3 P- z/ z, E% I) j
  A forward contract on a currency 6 P0 K, B$ ?1 J5 M1 x
  Information related to a forward contract on a U.S. Treasury bond: The Treasury bond carries a 6 percent coupon and has a current spot price of $1,071.77 (including accrued interest). A coupon has just been paid and the next coupon is expected in 183 days. The annual risk-free rate is 5 percent. The forward contract will mature in 195 days. # A( M- u7 s) r# A2 v8 `  q
  Information related to a forward rate agreement: The relevant contract is a 3 x 9 FRA. The current annualized 90-day money market rate is 3.5 percent and the 270-day rate is 4.5 percent. Based on the best available forecast, the 180-day rate at the expiration of the contract is expected to be 4.2 percent.
: F$ |% J  i. G6 E( k2 @0 H& h  Information related to a forward contract on a currency: The risk-free rate in the U.S. is 5 percent and 4 percent in Switzerland. The current spot exchange rate is $0.8611 per Swiss France (SFr). The forward contract will mature in 200 days.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:45 | 显示全部楼层


  1) Based on the information given, what initial price should Lewis recommend for a forward contract on the Treasury bond? ( )
* c" C( S7 c* w; @! i  t+ c. ]+ S  A. $1,035.12. ' K1 b) E, r9 d5 V
  B. $1,073.54.
1 F, ^% B7 T' O5 x1 O  C. $1,053.66. - d, R4 ^: m, Z7 z
  D. $1,070.02. / H6 l& B! P% [: X0 v0 V3 i! A
  2) Suppose that the price of the forward contract for the Treasury bond was negotiated off-market and the initial value of the contract was positive as a result. Which party makes a payment and when is the payment made? ()
( E5 t. l9 c# {. M# F% t  A. The long pays the short at the maturity of the contract. : {3 f# c+ B+ R4 [+ [! D+ V  S
  B. The short pays the long at the initiation of the contract.
8 m- H' J* |$ b5 ^* h: j8 s4 Q6 w  C. The short pays the long at the maturity of the contract. 5 G0 D/ n  Z; f! [
  D. The long pays the short at the initiation of the contract.
  K: ^% R) a( J' I$ F! N1 S" Y; R  3) Suppose that instead of a forward contract on the Treasury bond, a similar futures contract was being considered. Which one of the following alternatives correctly gives the preference that an investor would have between a forward and a futures contract on the Treasury bond? ()
7 j) S0 C% d/ _  A. The futures contract will be preferred to the forward contract. , j: x8 z2 d  ]
  B. An investor would be indifferent between the two types of contracts.
% w% u( C' a, t1 K/ n- W+ e  ]  C. It is impossible to say for certain because it depends on the correlation between the underlying asset and interest rates. * x  J$ o0 G! U! _5 W( w1 Z+ ~+ I
  D. The forward contract will be preferred to the futures contract.
, K1 C/ n8 g- |7 }+ i3 I  4) Based on the information given, what initial price should Lewis recommend for the 3 x 9 FRA? () 4 `* o8 W4 B( Y% p3 F9 D
  A. 4.96%.
* r  v  p1 L, y, Z  B. 4.66%.
; h7 Y2 ]$ O; u( m) k8 I" j  C. 5.96%. 0 n+ Q8 _- L- D3 x7 @4 [4 P
  D. 5.66%. 6 k1 O4 J. P& X! y( v3 A
   5) Based on the information given and assuming a notional principal of $10 million, what value should Lewis place on the 3 x 9 FRA at time of settlement? ()
: \% j5 \" m- u- s0 T5 U   A. $38,000 paid from short to long. " |/ e4 [' }$ G( H" e6 c* j
  B. $19,000 paid from long to short.
9 c! T, A+ X" N+ x+ K* [: c  C. $37,218 paid from long to short.
2 @' I5 C, L* ]( y  o( v% y9 f! m+ N  D. $19,000 paid from short to long.
. s  ]& O$ S  @  N7 x  SECTION THREE(Compulsory):Explanations of terms(25 points)
& B4 [8 D5 W' _$ x3 {  1. Security market line
. b) M& n# w# b  2. Negotiable certificates of deposit
5 ~9 |, e8 k( t7 W3 M2 B, Y- O  3. Risk premium ! y  p% U# |$ L, `
  4. Financial leasing
4 Q! ?8 |3 d8 {% G6 w  y0 s' K  5. Asset Price Volatility # N" ~7 e2 ]! e" C/ N7 y) {
  SECTION FOUR:Answer Questiones(32 points)
7 q! {8 n3 p' T' i  d  1.What is the segmented markets theory?
$ V8 a; D  p6 t9 |, m  2. What Are the Recent Trends in Reserves?
) j- D, K2 g1 b3 P; Q" b  3. Factors Affecting Choice of Investment Securities. $ c" f/ W3 {+ B- J
  4.What is Behavioral Finance Theory? 5 B8 g8 g5 S* T( h
  SECTION FIVE:Caculation(13 points) ; ]. L6 X0 U: @' A4 M
  In 2008, Chinese consumption ( C) is 100 billion yuan ,and its investment(I) is 80 billion yuan, and its government expenditures ( G) is 50billion yuan, and its net exports (X - M) is 60billion.Please calculate the the value of total domestic output (Y) according to the absorption approach. / Y& g" h% m, c
  SECTION SIX:CLOSE(10 points)
6 g) \* C- O1 Z1 q8 X0 A1 K  Do you think what the effects of monetary and fiscal policies on a nation’s external balance are? And then fill in the blank.
  s) P2 J! X: u  (a) monetary policy
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