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[考试试题] 金融英语证书考试(FECT)Exercises-2(3)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  41.The danger to the exporter in open account trading is that by surrending the shipping documents to the importer, he ______ control of the goods before he has obtained payment for them。   7 x5 W7 |1 N* n* F" ^; E
  A.is in
, O. j. z6 h4 G  z- H; T6 {  B.loses* ?, ~+ h0 `+ k! ?9 K  w3 X0 I
, Z9 V0 z4 ~+ o5 o  D.gives up
2 t- u& ~* G" j" e0 W3 {3 ]  42.The primary purpose of showing special types of events separately in the income statement is to 。
1 _+ G  F- n5 w5 f; r  A.increase earnings per share
, S) p2 M- Z2 z: F  B.minimize the income taxes paid on the results of ongoing operations  O" E' K* |3 w
  C.prevent unusual losses from recurring+ N* ~0 h  f2 j: \5 ^* m
  D.assist users of the income statement in evaluating the profitability of normal, ongoing operations& \  G3 r( V: R$ \+ ?3 ^0 w) N7 l0 F
  43.If commercial banks have ample excess reserves, a lower discount rate will _______。
2 @: v! f$ C( \3 x  A.encourage them to borrow more
' I/ N4 p+ v4 L" @7 B  B.encourage them to raise interest rates on loans% Y) |" S5 F9 |$ `. x2 c/ Q
  C.have little impact on bank behavior
) j' v5 J8 j+ {1 A' O' ~6 l8 E  D.increase bank reserves/ _$ z/ E' E0 g4 ]
  44.A bill of lading is a receipt for goods.When is a bill of lading issued? ______。
! \- j- z4 o3 B- g5 J5 k  A.When the shipper makes up the order% M- \# A; n' S9 O$ w+ z
  B.When the carrier receives the goods' z) V* J$ \# E2 f
  C.When the carrier delivers the goods to the consignee
3 N7 X: ~( D7 \8 x' @" a3 ^  D.When the manufacturer produces the goods; @8 t) N  Y) E0 x
  45.ABC Co.Ltd.sold marketable securities costing $80 000 for $92 000 cash.In the company's income statement and statement of cash flows, respectively, this will appear as ______。, [( m' @7 Y$ ~- }' t. F7 q
  A.a $12 000 gain and a $92 000 cash receipt2 a) g) k* t/ c# @$ l
  B.a $92 000 gain and a $80 000 cash receipt% _. S; G2 `3 f
  C.a $12 000 gain and a $80 000 cash receipt; w/ n# Y$ ^8 T% G1 [
  D.a $92 000 sale and a $92 000 cash receipt' R( R% j  v1 l! y" w
  46.Which of the following central bank actions would be appropriate to combat rapid inflation?  。
( L) B6 y; f5 M: s  A.A reduction in the discount rate
& K4 K- M3 |& ]/ v0 I  B.A reduction in reserve requirements
/ @& J: ?/ o' x0 w  C.A cut in taxes
; \5 h# O0 b, n' C& @( O4 T/ Z2 z  D.A sale of government securities% T- J- f5 ~: \. q, j
  47.In a currency pair, the first currency is referred to as ______ and the second as ______。
6 }) p& w2 B* U% {; {' S1 @, q  A.the base currency…the counter currency9 P! p) M0 L0 R- h0 G4 x" e6 z
  B.the quote currency…the base currency
0 H" q, o7 \* |6 @( s" o  C.the base currency…the exchange currency
" h7 ]2 U9 F! ]. d  D.the trade currency…the base currency
) I5 ]9 j  v% y3 O1 D( P5 e9 E5 B& F) u5 |  48.What is the expected return of a zero-beta security? ______。6 O; M% y; X* |
  A.Market rate of return) T+ D5 N- r% l$ s+ X1 C+ k8 C
  B.Zero-rate of return
' b7 f, ~2 K2 h  h% b  C.Risk-free rate of return5 }. ]4 E6 d+ }! Z/ x, A* l3 j3 u
  D.Negative rate of return$ y1 S- m. m6 i) R; H1 U! m
  49.Capital asset pricing theory asserts that portfolio returns are best explained by ______。
4 V) `  b* F( |( X& f# x6 ^3 B0 _  A.economic factors
+ n% v& H1 A4 |5 A8 b/ L1 c, _  B.systematic risk
% b" n9 `# Q3 S, P& N. x2 E7 y7 ]* Z4 t  C.specific risk: F# [9 m7 _0 s  M* r* U4 `9 C
% ]# Q7 d. T2 B: \  I3 S& i6 k  50.The______ informs the beneficiary that another bank has issued a credit in his favor without adding its own engagement。
- @# i' B+ P( `1 o" b  A.advising bank
+ W+ G3 b8 P+ H1 a  B.confirming bank
5 N! i/ G- `4 R" B% I% V# _) s  C.drawee bank

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