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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读辅导:美国创业投资继续增长

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  因首次股票公开发行(IPO)持续增加,今年上半年向初创企业(start-ups)的注资增长了21%。) l: L. n/ V; i
  据周一公布的一份报告称,与去年同期相比,美国创业资本投资人今年上半年对新兴企业的投资增加了21%。据安永会计师行(Ernst & Young)和资讯服务商VentureOne跟踪的数据显示,南加州的创业投资仅增长2%。该地企业在87例交易中吸收了9.99亿美元,去年同期为9.82亿美元。该地区二季度投资从一季度的6.34亿美元回落到3.65亿美元。
* @1 f$ g( H; z' e# g! w( E  这份季度报告称,全美二季度创业投资持稳,期间吸收了51亿美元投资。创业投资者在今年头6个月中向967家公司中投资了102亿美元。全美创业市场核心,硅谷内的企业在上半年共筹集38亿美元,高于去年同期的31亿美元。: u) z! C( e% Y
  U.S. venture capitalists stepped up their investments in emerging companies by 21% in the first half of the year compared with the same period last year, according to a report being issued today.
- C6 U3 j* D6 I  In Southern California, however, venture investing rose only 2%, data trackers Ernst & Young and VentureOne said. Southland companies landed about $999 million in 87 deals, compared with about $982 million in the first half of last year.
! s* ~/ w' l" m! H; Q, q) v, k  The report, issued quarterly, shows that nationwide venture investing held steady in the latest period, with $5.1 billion invested from April 1 through June 30." S) W/ |) J5 [& G9 ]7 L/ v/ H  {
  For the first six months, venture capitalists invested $10.2 billion in 967 companies.
! _4 F# `& f& W- M  C  In the Southland, investments fell to $365 million in the second quarter from $634 million in the first quarter. But analysts cautioned against making too much of that swing, chalking it up to normal volatility in a region that represents only about 10% of the national market.; t4 `- @( I2 x, y8 V7 d2 G6 \# P8 G
  The first-half figures for Southern California offer a better comparison, analysts said, and are on par with numbers for the first half of last year.( a3 }! `* [1 F; F2 @7 t
  Venture capitalists buy stakes in start-up companies, hoping to cash in when the firms go public through an initial stock offering or are bought by a larger company. Most of these fledgling enterprises fizzle out, but venture investors can score big from a few homeruns.
$ j6 a; x2 B: j& F5 r  Analysts say the pickup in venture capital investments nationally is linked to a resurgence in initial public offerings. Eighty-nine companies went public in the first half, raising $16 billion, including $8.8 billion in the second quarter. By comparison, there were only six IPOs, worth a total of $1.2 billion, in the first half of 2003.
; n' R. L1 }) t  ?3 E+ ?5 T- a0 n8 A6 P1 c2 p! ]
  Nationally, two trends within the venture market emerged during the second quarter, analysts said.
( p6 U8 W& G3 S) z5 t) r  The tech segment reaped its largest outlay of venture capital in two years, with $3 billion invested. And early-stage financings rose nationally, with 157 so-called seed and first-round deals representing 32% of the 492 total transactions.
$ `$ p; J1 X3 S% O+ v& A" X  Over the last two years, such early financings have accounted for about 28% of the totals — a sign that wary venture investors have been reluctant to fund the youngest and least-proven companies.
# C- E: X' Y6 n% T: i7 W  "We're seeing some very good deals now — not as many deals as during the [late 1990s tech] bubble, but the management teams are stronger," said Harry Lambert, managing director at InnoCal Venture Capital in Costa Mesa. "They're watching their cash, and they know what they're doing."% C9 X! g0 e# b2 H9 ~* j% ?
  In the second quarter, his firm invested in Hawthorne-based Siderean Software, which raised $6 million in early-stage financing. Lambert described Siderean's products as Internet "search engines on steroids.". V% q, \6 y  Z% k, s8 Q
  Overall, analysts said the pickup in U.S. venture financings was steady — a far cry from the record year of 2000, when $94.5 billion was rung up. Still, financings are on course to top last year, when the total fell to $18.4 billion.
" y6 w' I% `, D  f$ {  "It's a healthy pace right now, not another bubble," said Gil Forer, global director of Ernst & Young's venture capital advisory group. "Investors know what they're looking for and entrepreneurs are sophisticated. There's a balance in the market."1 C  X3 T. l5 m
  Although Southern California financings were fairly flat in the first half, deals in the Los Angeles area rose to $321 million, up from $268 million for the same period in 2003, the Ernst & Young report showed.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:38 | 显示全部楼层


  Major Southland deals included:
& y0 b: x7 B& V" G  ? $27 million for Idun Pharmaceuticals Inc. of San Diego, which is creating drugs to treat liver disease and other ailments;
8 f: }  Z, }$ R2 ~, s  ? $15 million for Vantage Oncology Inc. of El Segundo, which is developing new radiation treatments;
, r% D7 S# d( Z6 e/ g7 T$ ]9 s" f  ? $12 million for Accruent Inc. of Santa Monica, which makes enterprise software for managing contracts.  M* x4 w$ ?9 R7 Q2 q- L0 L
  In Silicon Valley, hub of the nation's venture market, companies raised $3.8 billion in the first half, up from $3.1 billion a year ago.</p>
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