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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读辅导:消协:房屋、车类消费者投诉增加Complaints about housing, cars on rise

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Consumer complaints about real estate, automobiles, computers and telecommunications products and services are on the rise, consumer protection advocates have said." b: I* t5 U2 S
  "Though the number of consumer complaints has declined in the first six months year on year, the number of complaints about houses and automobiles are rising, and they are getting more complicated," Wu Gaohan, deputy secretary-general of All China Association of Consumers, said.
* V6 o9 _: N+ w  Brokers for real estate projects have been known to over exaggerate the products on offer, leaving purchasers angry and disappointed when they discover the house they have bought is of low construction quality.
8 M- {1 b$ D5 y, R  w  Other complaints include poor property management services, contract violations and instances where the release of property ownership certificates have been postponed.( @  W1 _2 {0 k6 C8 B+ V0 s8 H
  Moreover, instances of extreme hyperbole and fraud in television advertisements have been uncovered, some involving high-profile celebrities who have acted as the product's spokespersons.2 r5 f. @, R% K' P
  In March, crosstalk performer Guo Degang was involved in a scandal when a weight-loss tea he promoted was found to be ineffective.: O9 s4 [6 O: W. _! L0 l
  Wu made the remarks yesterday during the official launch of "Good Faith Prospering Commerce Publicity Month", a national campaign involving 15 ministerial-level departments.
% ^3 k) _* a/ d9 ?  Events promoting "good faith commerce" will be held starting from next week, including a high-level forum in Shanghai on Tuesday, and a press conference on September 13 on the progress made in credit system construction among different industries.
8 M& K# u3 M) S7 P  To furtherstrike at commercial swindle and defend customer rights, the ministries, headed by the Ministry of Commerce, have established an anti-commercial fraud website:   "All consumers who feel cheated can submit their complaints on the website, and we will transfer the information to the relevant government departments, or provide necessary legal suggestions," an official with the commerce ministry, said.  _$ l! P. l/ k# x& g; g
  Departments involved must respond to complaints within 10 days.) B8 O- @' w+ ~. |
3 D$ U  y1 }# g5 r! P# _" ]5 n  全国消费者协会副秘书长武高汉说:“尽管今年上半年的消费者投诉总量与去年同期相比有所下降,但有关房屋及汽车的投诉量不断上升,而且情况日趋复杂。”
+ l7 f, v: ~8 H( K! v  据消费者投诉,房地产经纪人过分夸大待售房产的品质,而购房者却发现所购房屋的质量很差,因此感到气愤和失望。
' H4 I: M" \' x. W2 b6 E  房屋类投诉还包括物业管理服务差、合同违约及房产证迟迟办理不下来。' q) g8 _% @& `7 M. i1 [* n
4 Z9 g; U4 P. J' I1 c  今年3月,相声演员郭德纲身陷“假广告”风波,他代言的一种减肥茶被证明毫无功效。) e2 u" D; D8 @6 |! Z
. w8 {1 ~4 T& }% C. d& R/ C  “诚信兴商宣传月”系列活动将于下周启动,并将于周二在上海举办一个高层论坛。此外,有关行业诚信体制建设进展的新闻发布会将于9月13日召开。
" t% n  V: k9 ]+ m  为了进一步打击商贸活动中的欺骗行为及保护消费者权益,以商务部为首的各部委联合建立了反商业欺诈网站“中国反商业欺诈网
" h: b1 Q$ b$ O2 t  商务部的一名官员说:“觉得受到欺骗的消费者可以在网上提交投诉,我们会把信息转给相关部门,或提供必要的法律建议。”7 `& |2 t$ l3 [: }' j3 |9 k

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