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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读辅导:整存零取定期储蓄

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The time Deposit is a method of bank deposit with a definite date of maturity, made for one time or by many times on schedule (during the appointed deposit term),or withdrawn together with the interest in a lump sum or by installment.1 k8 d) J) o+ t% U, N* U
  According to the way of deposit and withdrawal, the time deposit has the following categories: lump-sum deposit & withdrawing, small savings for lump-sum withdrawal, interest withdrawal on a principal deposited, big money saving and small withdrawing time deposit, etc.2 H9 ^. \! c, A, G6 n+ s
  定期储蓄是在存款时约定存期,一次或按期分次(在约定存期)存入本金,整笔或分期支取本金利息的一种储蓄形式。& J# _  ]. C2 t
  按存取方式定期储蓄分为整存整取定期储蓄存款、零存整取定期储蓄存款、存本取息定期储蓄存款、整存零取定期储蓄存款等。8 N# g3 K* N8 ^% @" I# O% K( f
  I.Definition3 K8 [- M4 s- `, H0 ~
  Lump-sum saving for small withdrawal time deposit refers to savings deposit whose principal is deposited at a time with the minimum amount of 1,000 RMB yuan. The maturities range from three grades: 1 year, 3 years and 5 years." }0 ?$ \3 k; f2 P! q! r3 \# ?- i
  一、定义& k- I! y* e* r7 J( Y% M" Y- ]& g
. i' J$ e1 G8 v7 f1 q' q1 I1 U  II.Service Features* `6 d) F: J/ @  j# z3 t
  1.Lump-sum saving for small withdrawal time deposit has the characteristics of long maturity and high interest rate ,and suitable for depositing of savings that will not be used within a quite long period of time./ @) r( y, H, x) P! ~7 e- C/ c7 K0 z
  2.The deposit amount is set by the depositor. He can deposit money at a time every month. The interest rate is computed at the same rate on the lump-sum deposit & withdrawal time deposit. The savings office will issue a deposit passbook(certificate) to him, with which the depositor can withdraw the principal by installment, or at a time by every month, 3 months or 1/2 year in the drawdown period, which can be negotiated between the savings office and the depositor. The interest is paid when the deposit is due.
; p7 E9 i+ ^( y  3.Lump-sum saving for small withdrawal time deposit has the characteristics of long maturity and high interest rate ,and suitable for depositing of savings that will not be used within a quite long period of time.) |# H' J$ G$ y* l  }% m2 O1 y8 R
6 J7 {) P; n) t6 h0 Z* k9 w* }  1、整存零取定期储蓄存款具有期限长、利率高的特点,适用于较长时期不用的节余款项的存储。
6 @4 ?  l* \+ R2 S  n  2、存款金额由储户自定,每月存入一次,到期支取本息,其利息计算方法与整存整取定期储蓄存款计息方法一致。由储蓄机构发给存单(折),凭存单(折)分期支取本金,支取期分一个月、三个月、半年一次,由储户与储蓄机构协商确定,利息于期满结清时支取。
% w/ e8 |! o. p, V/ y+ `7 y) J  3、整存零取定期储蓄存款具有期限长、利率高的特点,适用于较长时期不用的节余款项的存储。
) `* }( A1 r/ [) X  a2 d  III. Procedures for Account Opening$ q3 H: _; b3 t& A
  1.In opening an account of time deposit of small savings for lump-sum withdrawal, the depositor shall present his or her his or her ID card or other valid credentials.+ N0 r; P1 q$ E+ ^" F
  2. Such deposit may be withdrawn fully or partly prior to maturity for once, or, upon authorization in advance, and handled on agency renewal of depositing upon maturity by the bank., ]% \8 v( f( E+ J! V# B$ \' \
  3.At the time of account opening, the client may choose the method of withdrawal by password or with a passbook. If the method of withdrawal by password is chosen, the depositor shall enter on the spot a six-digit password into your savings account through the password processor on the counter." r" _+ G, w, W$ ^$ A8 w1 S
  三、开户手续& X% S) o; M3 v0 Z2 C6 `2 U" V/ F
  1、开立整存零取定期储蓄存款账户时,储户可凭其身份证或其他有效身份证件。; {. v% q7 U" d" Y! |
8 _+ X& M# B4 O& E7 g1 n+ L$ g  3、开户时可选择凭密码取款或凭存折取款方式,如选择凭密码取款方式,储户须当场在柜台上的密码器上输入一个6位数字作为账户的密码。

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