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[考试辅导] Beijing tightens housing public accumulation fund loans

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Beijing released Monday a document to tighten housing accumulation fund loans in the city.
$ u4 Z2 W+ \" L% M& ~9 V  First home buyers who acquire a property that does not exceed 90 square meters will need to snap a down payment of at least 20 percent of the house's total value. And for those which exceed the 90 square meters, 30 percent will be the demand., ]7 z, X, i$ a( c/ h
  As for second home buyers, the criteria differs: families whose per capita living space exceed 28.81 square meters will no longer be benefited by the fund.5 k2 ?8 D4 l+ p. n
  In addition, the fund will no longer be provided to buyers of villas, flats and high-end apartments.3 b+ w; x  ?: p
  Still, for second home buyers who still find a place in meeting the already-unattractive prerequisites, there is more: mortgage rate is now 1.1 times the benchmark and at least 50 percent down payment. Third house buyers will be disconnected completely from the benefit according to the new rule.
& o9 N( K; G  L: [( X/ L$ ^/ _3 A  Lin Lei, marketing director from IFM Investments Limited (NYSE: CTC), a comprehensive real estate services provider, predicted that the new rule will impact on the costs for home buyers in the market. And some may even give up on life's biggest expenditure due to the policy.2 z  y4 x0 `8 X% Y
  Zhang Dawei, analyst with property company Centaline, said the policy will not impact on prices much.

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