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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读辅导 :美国的保险业务

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  An insurance agent called me this morning. This particular agent wanted to discuss my automobile coverage, but the next agent to call might be interested in my life insurance program, my health insurance, or fire protection for my home and furniture. The American consumer often feels constantly disturbed by insurance agents. Many agents selling many different policies call us by phone and sometimes even come to our doors. These insurance agents are always friendly, well dressed, and eager to be of help.& j) v% Y7 ?/ ?, \6 {8 J$ @% ^
  Yet few Americans really enjoy visiting with these eager, helpful men and women. We are not happy when they call us; we are on guard when they visit our homes. They are never really our friends; at best, they are a necessary evil.4 A2 p( ]5 h5 s% D  E
  Three reasons why we are unwilling to discuss insurance can be suggested. First of all, insurance is expensive. A young father who purchases a fairly small life insurance policy agrees to pay a sum of $200 every year for 40 years - a total of $8,000. Many college students pay $800 to $1,000 per year for car insurance. In effect, they pay as much for the insurance as they do for the car itself. Health insurance that pays for modern medical miracles often costs Americans as much as $2,000 every year. Adequate insurance is expensive; it is a major item for most families.
; H8 z$ I5 {7 g4 o" R0 j  Insurance also reminds us that we live in an unsafe world. We are human and we must face the possibilities of illness, injury, death, and financial loss. Our rational minds recognize the many unfortunate events that can occur, but in our hearts we hope that we might be spared. Serious injury or death is not a pleasant subject to discuss or even consider. We are afraid; we would rather talk about football or the weather or what we had for lunch.7 X8 y# q/ p% h9 ~
  Finally, insurance is a difficult, complex subject. No one understands it completely and only a few insurance professionals really feel comfortable in a discussion of automobile, life, and major medical coverages. We feel inadequate and try to hide our ignorance by avoiding discussions of insurance.' T8 N) c9 v  j* P- n2 t, ?! L! c. B, ~
  Yet these three reasons for not discussing insurance provide three excellent reasons why we should learn more about it. Insurance is expensive. In a lifetime, many of us spend as much on insurance as we do on the purchase of a home. If we are to spend our money intelligently, we need information about the products and services available. We don't depend entirely on salespeople when we buy a car, a house, or a suit of clothes. Neither should we depend entirely on the agent when we buy insurance. We need a basic knowledge of insurance coverages if we are to be intelligent consumers.+ H0 {: h. T, B7 i# ?; h
  The intelligent consumer looks problems in the face. Although accident, illness, and death are not pleasant subjects, each of us knows we face these possibilities. It is better that we plan for these situations by finding means to deal with them than to just hope that they will somehow go away.
: Q/ w* w$ Q6 h! l+ X  Although insurance can be complex, its basic concepts are neither difficult nor impossible to learn. Quite the opposite. Insurance fundamentals can be understood by those willing to study them. Serious study provides knowledge. The study of insurance is an effective, proven method of dealing with the insurance ignorance faced by many American families.& _' U/ c$ n: ]% W

% o" i1 e! N8 y2 g1 S  一位保险公司代理人今天上午拜访了我。这位打扮得过分讲究的代理人想要讨论我的汽车保险的承保范围,那么下一位再来拜访我的保险公司代理人就有可能对我的人寿保险项目,我的健康保险,甚至对我的房产和家具火灾保险感兴趣。美国的消费者都会经常觉得不断地受到保险公司代理人的骚扰。很多代理人为了兜售不同险种的保险单都会给我们打电话,有时甚至登门造访。这些保险公司的代理人总是彬彬有礼,衣冠楚楚并急于热情为您服务。
7 G2 o0 Z6 \0 ]/ v( P2 G  可是几乎没有美国人会真正喜欢这些急于热情助人的男男女女前来拜访。他们打来电话,我们不高兴;他们来我们家拜访,我们都怀有戒心。他们永远也不会成为我们真正的朋友;最多,他们代表我们必须与之打交道的魔鬼或灾难。2 J1 m, j2 u5 f2 T6 l" H" T

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:38 | 显示全部楼层

金融英语阅读辅导 :美国的保险业务

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