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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读辅导:房地产-代理买房

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ {" }$ W+ ?8 N. X( e, K
3 I4 r$ A# V8 D& B; _8 Y2 v% zA--Agent James Wilson
- @/ J- ~  ~0 G0 R: I$ V物业代理詹姆士·威尔逊
8 {$ Q# i. d4 ?% }  m/ M; o( T! d( d% Z, I+ ?- ^3 h3 h( I4 x
C--Client Mrs. Chen: D7 Q4 r" }( G' w( K6 u4 l
客户陈太太 4 ~3 A. p- J4 M9 p" L$ r7 Y: P

: ?  i9 A" \- xA: Good morning, Madam, and how do you do?
1 O" O# F. H9 B4 R" y8 N早晨好,太太,您好!
$ ?# M2 a% J& R
4 R7 a/ A5 o4 z( \C: Fine, I would like to check out today's news-paper advertising on Tong House.
' H7 D+ [# p8 @7 _) n3 M, U早晨好,我想询问你们在今天的报章中刊登有关唐厦的广告。
2 y  k, k! I2 ~/ l! j0 ?% q- a0 v/ Z( L. B: k5 `" @
A: Yes, Madam. Have a seat please. I think you mean the one priced at four point five million Hong Kong dollars. May l have your name, please?( ]& I3 `) J( i
好的,太太,请坐。我想你所指的是定价四百五十万的那个住宅。请问您怎么称呼?   m5 ~0 N9 J" c# \9 j
5 T  @* P& B7 y
C: I'm Mrs. Chen. Is the flat still available?
: S$ p0 u2 D7 M5 W3 i9 E9 q7 F  Q8 d我是陈太太,那个房子是否已经售出? 1 p% R: O7 \! ]" N/ x

" J& H, R8 q$ c4 d6 N7 Y0 o7 x- W  vA: Mrs. Chen, here is my name card. I'm James Wilson. The Tong House is about seventeen years old but the internal condition is fine. May I know if you are familiar with the neighborhood here? Do you know the location of Tong House?
3 W" }; q% u" c7 [陈太太,这是我的名片,我是詹姆士·约翰逊。唐厦的楼龄约有十七年,不过楼盘保养良好。你对附近的环境熟识吗?你知道唐厦的位置在哪里吗? / b& z4 \. q7 Q3 ]8 F

- x5 W6 r1 N2 E& y: eC: No, I don't live around there, but I know the location and environment of Tai Koo Shing. I know the average price of five thousand Hong Kong dollars per square foot is very attractive. May I know the size, the layout and the view of the house?% V+ b0 L1 O$ d" f* @8 c7 h* s  g
1 ?- E: B& C" Y7 ^- c; X  J# M1 M* v) N4 j
A: Sure. The area of this flat is around nine hundred square feet. It is designed as one living room, one dining room, one master bedroom and two bedrooms.0 w. i1 u8 f2 {9 |, w! s3 t# q" ?+ ^2 G
3 S  @/ r0 y3 d9 o1 f- i2 M) [" n2 w" {/ a
C: Do you have the floor plan of the building?4 h. n0 o3 s* ^$ Z8 b/ P
你有没有这栋大厦的平面图? $ |& y+ C2 b0 a
/ D, G$ m; h/ K7 }( V2 {
A: Yes, Mrs. Chen. Here it is. For this unit, the efficiency rate is very high because the layout is very effective. Also, the owner keeps the house in a good condition. Maybe I can show you the house.
  k& _- f# e8 d有。陈太太,这就是了。以这套房子而言,由于它的设计很实用,所以使用率很高。再者,业主把房子保持得非常好。或者我先带您看看房子。 , Q, l8 |3 @. d; J$ K6 _

8 Q( M7 k5 k- C( V9 OC: Very well. Can we go now?2 n9 j; w3 x$ x6 O7 e# ?! f# i
非常好。是不是现在就去? - |  T- F0 Y8 b
  p/ J- a" C& U5 }1 }; Z  s' L
A: Give me a minute. Let me call the owner first.
7 B. \, |# d1 c% x! y请稍候,让我先通知业主。
# Y+ ?# ]9 j3 R! a0 f
; U8 f/ `9 Z& X8 v. F8 r5 y1 ^& OC: Thank you.: a3 i& p  \. F/ {. C

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