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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读辅导:房地产-协商租赁条件

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
; A. H7 ^5 s' H; e+ z& R7 }3 [2 T5 f0 U! e, }
A--Agent Mr. Chen 物业代理陈先生  O' l* ?2 J% _* C$ J7 C

( _* l3 H6 J' [B--Client 1 Mr. Roberts 客户一 罗伯茨先生  ]' Z$ \' ~" V1 H

( S) i0 H- I2 V  z- G+ s* J" kC--Client 2 Mrs. Roberts 客户二 罗伯茨太太 ) \( k) L: ~9 Y3 E8 d' O
! j) r  ]2 u+ _2 [/ C8 C
A: Mr. Roberts, I am so glad that your family likes the unit so much.
7 R$ U; h/ a% R. f罗伯茨先生,我很高兴你的家人喜欢这房子。 " @' i5 n" u# n
& G; O4 n+ Q( {
B: Mr. Chen, we have seen many apartments, and finally agreed to rent the Robinson Garden flat.: |0 g/ V( t0 }2 E$ }
陈先生,我们已经看过很多公寓了,最后我们同意租鲁宾逊花园的房子。 3 s$ p/ O# y. {

) A4 s+ V* F5 q5 H' o% R; u4 p5 g" _C: The appliances and furniture suit our taste. Also, the rooms are big enough for our kids. However, could you help us to negotiate a better rent with the landlord?8 l% ~7 ^' J* z6 s4 G4 F2 M
用具和室内家具很符合我们的品味。而且,对我的孩子来说,房子也够大。但是,你可以帮我们和业主商量一个合理的租金吗? 4 M1 `1 i4 P! J+ j
- x9 L) q7 l- V7 G8 X. j$ F% Y' w
A: How much is it?. u; H1 D3 c* W/ X1 @, A  D* @# d
你认为多少呢? , w; s2 P! Z( o- ?* w# E# _
1 T8 ]: n+ Q4 j
B: I would like to reduce the rent to forty thousand HK dollars per month. Also, is there any rent-free period?
, `4 D" J0 G6 |$ H4 Y: \我希望把每月租金减到四万港币。另外,有没有免租期呢?
1 K) Q  ]- l$ ?1 e
' |4 d3 }* i- C; H. Q5 [; rA: I'll have to discuss it with the landlord first.
" [7 l( P5 h2 c; W, |0 z这个问题我必须先与业主协商。 + |4 `6 N8 ?4 L0 a' i
" l: S/ M+ q( k* |# @1 n
(After half an hour, the Roberts' family comes back to the ABC properties Company Agency)
2 G* p: G, K) }5 F* P7 v(半小时后,罗伯茨一家回到ABC物业代理公司。)
5 r% W9 v, z2 P( H) d
( {. V) n7 l3 |# x, u$ Z( QB: Any good news for me?* q4 K1 t, B( X4 P8 ?2 c! `
有没有好消息呢? . Z' v- f: N6 _( X1 Y5 V
% m' q9 `& {9 B+ y9 }7 l9 o: ^
A: Yes, after a long talk with the landlord, he promised to reduce the monthly rent to forty- three thousand HK dollars. The rent-free period is fourteen days. These are very reasonable terms. What do you think?   q9 V" z" q: o9 u7 B2 g
  x6 j0 l. N  o
  q9 D. `+ j% {B: Well, let me see. The total for the monthly rent, management fee and government rates will be forty-five thousand dollars. I think it is still too high. What if the rent includes the government fees?% G0 D$ \! a/ C. J: ?6 y4 O+ [2 ^/ u
让我想一想。租金,管理费加上政府税金,每个月总共是四万五千港币。我觉得还是高了些。 租金能不能包括政府税金?4 C6 n6 u* D! d$ s; k: }: f0 X
' O9 i. ~6 S: I% u% ~. h0 n9 e- y
C: Also, is it possible for me to have painted walls instead of the wallpaper?" {3 l7 W8 }+ n; L. d9 s& N# X
另外,墙壁能否刷漆来代替墙纸呢? ; p# R) P1 r7 G/ A: E/ H

5 }3 n: I" k% `7 T+ [A: Let me call the landlord now. Please have a seat.
2 O) }5 V# O' U我立刻联系业主,请坐一下。 * \. \7 m7 g" U/ f

& A/ d( Z) K4 R& `0 H+ m  C/ a. j(After ten minutes, they finally agree to the lease terms.)- G2 O* g  r# p% ^9 E0 n
(十分钟后,双方同意所有租赁条件。) : p; E' |# L/ w  }$ U% j
: s0 {! W" C! `( Y6 W, E* k0 I
A: The landlord will come to my office in fifteen minutes. Both parties have to sign a provisional tenancy agreement.
6 O& g6 {7 m2 c业主十五分钟后会到公司。然后双方签订一份临时租约。, p5 d! C, I" M. m9 V7 m9 m4 F* j

1 k: k5 I0 I8 H* z! J; n& OC: Great. Thank you, Mr. Chen.
% [/ f$ k- e3 o% W% R太好了,谢谢,陈先生。
9 Z! q% a7 P1 H$ O7 {8 `# |3 ~6 B: _- V+ m/ N& P$ X5 i# C
A: You're welcome.4 {- \( `, @# b) `. |1 a: z0 @

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