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[考试辅导] MoneyExchange货币兑换

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1: G3 Z3 M7 a1 F4 o2 r# [
  A:May I help you?3 B5 H3 Q0 G( i5 n- G+ N
  B:Yes.Do you exchange foreign money here?
$ t+ C, d  e4 Y+ q  A:Yes.Our bank is authorized to deal with the foreign exchange business.
3 G# ?. X5 ?  h# T' e  j  B:What kinds of currencies do you change?
  J6 I4 B- u9 R, R3 }  A:Nowadays, we can change three currencies,US dollars,Japanese Yen and HK dollars.3 e2 l6 c# }! v- m5 ~# L
  B:Could you tell me what today’s exchange rate for US dollars is?& ]; g$ G( P0 j. @% [9 c7 `
  A:The buying rate is 826.44 RMB for 100 US dollars.# v2 f- d- P; }6 @
  B:I want to change some US dollars to cover my expenses here.+ {3 |# @+ z# F+ u
  A:Please go to Counter No. 2. That’s the foreign exchange counter.It’s over there.7 H; i0 e, ^% K' G
  B:Thank you.   1
; ~& Q5 T  `: |  A:您需要什么服务吗?
8 m+ Y5 o! b5 c. `' k  B:需要。请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?
& j' I+ l7 l/ X9 y- M4 A- s1 k1 C; F& T  A:是。我行经授权可以办理外汇业务。
- Y+ z+ A% j0 c  B:贵行兑换哪几种货币?
' n$ U! Q* \* I5 c" \; X) S  A:目前我们储蓄所只能兑换三种货币,美元、日元和港币。
0 G% S5 y0 h0 X8 N3 Z  B:您能告诉我今天的美元汇率是多少吗?, z# Z: v6 u5 ], g7 X: |
; c9 ^$ Y6 R) ^; y  B:我想换一些美元来支付我的一些费用。
1 V5 ]+ q+ |% |3 D  A:请到2号柜台,外汇柜台办理。就在那边。
' Q* Z* G6 R+ {/ X) r4 {  B:谢谢。/ z  e2 I; e# d! J$ g8 {  B
  2$ @+ z# T& J3 l, d' s
  A:What can I do for you?
9 j) p2 H" g  m  ^  B:Yes.I’d like to change some US dollars.What’s today’s rate of US dollars to RMB?
$ Q4 S+ O+ N. u  z* G; v/ r  A:It’s 826.44 RMB per hundred US dollars.2 H" u- s5 r5 l7 l6 `% g- h. ^$ Q
  B:How much would you like to change?
$ H3 ?/ E. w# o0 m, ^  A:200 US dollars total.
+ P2 S3 M- K  P* a6 x  w4 G) M  B:Please fill out the exchange form.& a& B; E0 y: Q5 {: f1 z" }$ h
  A:All right.$ [/ |$ [$ D: w) S# j/ a: t. S
  B:Would you mind showing me your passport?
/ f& y# @6 \( A8 o  A:Here it is.
5 _# |& N8 I, L! u  B:Please wait a moment.I will do it for you as soon as possible.   26 ]+ O9 L& @6 r, H$ c0 [1 R
  A:您想办理什么业务?, D0 s# K9 P% N4 b7 r
  B:我想兑换一些美元。今天美元兑人民币的汇率是多少?. q. @9 x- {: x3 ^! U
. X+ K4 c4 W1 y* V  B:您要兑换多少?
5 x8 s5 e) y( `2 y  A:总共200美元。% L4 L! _2 B' r! g
+ c$ `; E0 Y9 t  A:好的。
& c. o1 b8 W& ]* W; a  B:让我看一下您的护照好吗?1 I) \2 G6 ^; W' F
  A:给您。! |; m& c% `& `5 |1 S! y) x, X
* i) X8 y! u/ {6 _! Z3 }  3
- M3 o' v5 C! E4 z  A:Excuse me.Do you exchange foreign currency here?
  ~: w3 p0 E0 D' ~  B:Yes,we do.  s8 x4 C9 A1 f9 Y- H/ a$ D/ F
  A:This is my traveller’s check.Can you cash it for me?( m  {, m- z( Q$ y
  B:Please sign your name on the bottom line and put down your  address here.
0 |, h: ?/ L# Q  A:Is that all right?" K, l  X3 V7 o- l/ P: N3 F
  B:Okay.One more thing,please sign your name on the back of the check and don’t forget to date it and show me your passport.
" d; b) `- s8 ]0 M. Y3 L  A:All right.Here you are.
) L! j3 l, s( B  j9 L  B:Okay.Here are your money with the memo and your passport.Please check it.
# \7 a- D3 ^  J8 b  C5 A2 E  A:That’s good.
3 V* E. I) r. g  x  B:Hope to see you again.   3
0 f" y& E/ L. D9 J  A:请问你们这儿兑换外币吗?
( S" u8 N& D' v! O- w8 r  B:兑换。
/ h/ ]) K% J1 e3 _+ j  A:这是我的旅行支票。能兑现吗?。
$ r5 u$ \) K) p) y2 A; u! f  B:请在支票底端的线上签名,并在这儿写下您的地址。
" e0 f! d( e' z' l* U  J  A:这样对吗?* ~  }! t7 X" J" }2 }
- P# D5 W$ B4 M2 @) I0 T' J  A:好的。给您。
, D$ _9 K# B2 j: T6 v# r1 W  B:好,给您钱,兑换水单和护照。请核对。
4 n: r5 @" `$ l& k0 Z/ X( @  A:没错。& O0 O6 t& ]( g- p
  B:欢迎您再次光临。- O. @7 g( w) C2 }/ [
  |! n. r2 E0 Q0 i: j6 U9 x  A:Excuse me.I want to convert 200 US dollars into Chinese yuan.
8 k5 j9 X- Z; b$ I8 ?' [( U. _  B:This is an exchange memo.Please fill in your name and the amount you intend to change.4 o7 H$ z' y4 y7 a  m/ Z8 `" i
  A:What is the exchange rate for the US banknotes?. L$ a% f! b4 x1 g) _; M( ?
  B:Today’s rate for cash purchase is 819.40 RMB for 100 US banknotes.Do you have your passport with you?
, d0 ]* U" O9 N8 S/ u+ z1 b! C1 _  A:Yes.Here you are.6 K) }. o# g5 {" h: \
  B:How much RMB will I get?# D' C, K$ Q4 C$ C
  A:Let me see.200 US dollars make 1638.80 RMB.You’ll recieve the money in a moment.
2 D3 V+ A( }  Y1 V5 P& h  B:No hurry.
' e" Q) H' u) v, H! t  A:Here is the cash and the exchange memo.Please check it.7 R1 u) p$ U, m/ m% G
  B:It is correct.    4/ y/ l2 w7 R4 {4 [) S* y  r/ l
. J) P1 r4 |2 c/ r) A5 \  Q7 t: J" H8 f  B:这是外汇兑换水单,请填上您的姓名,需要兑换的金额。1 v* O5 ~# L3 \- H7 R8 k
, \2 Y! ^- E. r2 _  B:今天的现钞买入价是每一百美元兑换819.40元人民币。您带护照了吗?9 A2 C! X6 H* K
  A:带了。给您。& ~, D5 G; X" Z3 w) X3 z+ ~
5 W* c# l" t/ _9 I# ]. G  A:让我算一下,200美元换1638.80元人民币。请等一会,您就能拿到钱。
) W0 |( ^, D2 q0 b4 \  B:不着急。& `5 r- ?  X% Q4 ?2 t7 w
/ @! P+ u  F2 `. R  B:不错。
. `8 G2 J' b6 m. N& R  5% t/ c5 N$ `" `! w2 w! I
  A:Excuse me.Can I buy Chinese yuan with American dollars?; {) X" q2 K/ V
  B:Certainly.What’s the amount you want to change?
! ^! R8 ~% _$ I9 V  A:200 US dollars.- X% w; o. @! c7 k. b
  B:Please fill in the exchange memo and show me your passport.
' f3 @. w& M) [  A:Is that all right?
5 Q/ d: a4 d- G! f- h; ~  B:Well.Remember to sign your name on the memo.
; P7 D- g  W  q  A:Here you are.
: ]% ]/ \5 j2 Y. S; c1 Y' d  B:Here is the money, and also your passport and exchange memo.Please check it.0 i6 R1 _' W/ f" P4 Q" J, A: v
  A:It’s right.) e+ C+ c: Z# |7 _$ {% V1 w% F5 P
  B:By the way,keep your exchange memo safe.You may convert the unused RMB back into foreign currency when you leave China.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:43 | 显示全部楼层


  A:I see.Thanks for the information.
  d+ l3 i: x4 k; s, @# h! g# g' H  B:Not at all.   5
* v. }+ A0 _* i; w3 X  A:请问我可以用美元兑换人民币吗?+ K1 t8 F. `- {" d& j& e; P
  B:当然可以。您要换多少?/ O8 k) y2 E' e4 Q1 S4 w$ ?
; s$ u: D" S* u2 a+ M  B:请填写兑换单,出示您的护照。
. d3 j; C; I9 C; Q0 }9 m  A:这样行吗?
1 ~' H% |7 {) }  B:噢。别忘了在兑换单上签名。8 o8 _( ^( e3 d+ _7 V" O
  A:给您。" J/ F, O0 v% t" n' z
  B:给您钱,还有护照和兑换水单。请核点一下。8 P# C: x. Q3 L* [& b
  A:没错。7 {6 c5 `6 O) P+ F6 E  W
  B:顺便提一下,保管好您的兑换单,离开中国时您可以把未用完的人民币兑换成外币。7 j( w3 K( `. w4 x* U% ]9 Q
2 r3 Q7 P3 S0 J1 b) O  B:不客气。
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