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[考试辅导] HolidayandFestivalGreetings(3)节日问候

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  3.Miscellaneous Holiday Greetings
4 ]9 r1 d" K) N) z$ |  其他节日问候语
" W! c& W& o, L/ e/ v6 j2 h! ]5 x  Meery Christmas.  D( j8 i+ j0 @0 l* F. x& ^6 p( O
  圣诞快乐。# ]8 a  }& [3 q
  Best wishes for Thanksgiving.: c8 j; X. S/ t# m0 J8 o% b
  i4 P: l% \! T) O  v  Best wishes for Happy Easter.
+ W9 Y7 z5 n/ \5 `, k  祝复活节愉快。
) }1 p+ t2 `5 M+ X. a1 t4 t! }$ `  Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
4 p( J1 ?* ]7 l) {2 D* v- Y1 m  祝圣诞快乐,新年愉快。
8 E4 D" R0 R8 P* e/ U( i1 S( y2 Y  e: V  Congratulations on your promotion." _6 o0 G, w; c$ P2 I
  祝贺您高升。5 s' k. o1 j5 x6 i: c9 k' i
  Congratulations on your opening business.* y2 ~  D: {* I9 c
( _; A; j# r/ \. y% c0 O5 F& i  Heartiest congratulations on your splendid victory.
3 l: ?) n; o2 L% A, C0 [  衷心祝贺您取得辉煌胜利。5 ^2 {8 _7 S; _; b8 H( J
  Please accept my best congratulations.
% t2 [! l. [2 l" m/ y4 {  请允许我向您表示祝贺。
* [: ^% d% D; C$ N0 H+ w$ V+ [6 ~  I wish you a very happy Christmas.
/ r4 U9 l# B9 |9 [7 i  b( o! |  祝您圣诞愉快。" b- Q. c/ z% l
  Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
  ]# |4 O' S6 a  祝您圣诞快乐,新年好!% m% v) P  s. L* E5 U
  May the New Year bring you health, happiness and all other good things., y1 w& I4 u0 Y7 k/ K7 S& N, ^
  祝您新春幸福,身体健康,万事如意。' L8 z# x# `) I3 c
  May this Christmas find you well and happy.  v; M& D1 s& ]. w' w8 G( V

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