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[考试辅导] HoldingaMeeting开会-1

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  When will the meeting be held?2 S( g) d. d8 x7 y1 }4 z& u6 ?
  Where shall the meeting be held?. p6 [5 t' J1 a, b1 d# r0 [. x
  Who will be invited to attend the meeting?* v6 |' k: `$ v( c) e4 k
  Who will be the host of the meeting?: c8 M3 r& `; \: e  V
  The board of directors will be held twice a year.
  K' m  N* h4 |9 u  }- W" L+ H' H  The 4th World Conference on Women was held in September 1995 in Beijing, China.2 A4 H. h" [" m. p! o2 O
  About there thousand women representatives from nearly 150countries and zones attended the meeting.0 Z. p" I6 X% l" O1 k
  The host country has already spent two years preparing the meeting.
& e- ~! ~9 w. j. P! }6 ?  The representatives will be arranged in 5 hotels.
9 X3 a1 J% [$ K1 p/ @  To prepare this international meeting, we need another two million dollars.* H4 K" w" r: ?4 Z0 {; T2 _
  Foods have been prepared according to the different habits of representatives.
- T9 [6 w! E$ c  Who’ll be the highest-ranking official attending the meeting?
- w( y, L# Q1 V& D) _1 T  The preparation committee, in the charge of Prof. Smith, will see to everything concerning the meeting.
' i( [' A: j5 c) g5 d( R$ E3 c  The meeting will last for 4 days.! \& T$ B- E/ Y# V$ v
  May I know many of you are attending the meeting?
/ F, V- K/ ~$ W, q3 T! M% K0 h  Please let us know as soon as possible whether your president would like to attend the meeting.
) {8 \/ e2 n; r  We need the exact number of the attendants as soon as possible.: f4 W5 H/ m1 i' v0 k+ }+ V
  Have all the materials been prepared ready?8 a. M9 b$ G' S3 \
  We’ve arranged for the representatives to visit one of our day care center.
. t  q# E% ~/ z  I’m glad to inform you everything has been worked out to your satisfaction.  k/ W! n/ ^2 o/ R0 _8 ~  N/ E
  We’ll inform you of any changes in the program so that you can readjust your activities in time.
8 P( o) y. [2 P% ~3 \8 b. C: T  We haven’t planned anything for the last two days in case you come up with some suggestions.1 |& ^' H7 N7 \7 F* u
  The Meeting Announcement will be posted to every committee member. 会议什么时候举行?& h/ q+ S: y+ M& s& X
  会议在哪儿召开?% q) R' F+ m# |1 n% G6 f
1 _6 n# b: T3 z! @9 P- u" N  会议主办单位是谁?
5 {& \$ N+ _' X/ P2 p! M  董事会一年开两次。% A( Q; }) d! d5 P' q% X8 k
  第四届世界妇女大会已于1995年9月在中国北京举行。* ~( u, Z7 c- T8 O: v% V. @. k  H
  来自世界约150个国家的和地区的大约3000名妇女代表将出席会议。7 c# R1 h% m9 G$ p4 f, x; D
  主办国已花了两年时间筹备会议。* n4 [( V8 }. T6 z7 H0 q
4 k- C. p5 Y6 U1 m1 u* M. k) z  筹备这次国际会议,我们还需要200万美元的经费。
8 l' u- O4 z( X& ~# l  已根据代表们不同的习惯准备好了食物。
1 h* O$ j4 `& `$ K  参加这次会议的最高政府官员是谁?! W. R& e. G& _% q+ o$ s7 z
  由史密斯教授负责的筹备委员会负责有关会务工作。2 ~7 ?" j: j1 t
5 Y. Z$ s+ I1 f: @( j" f% |- a) R  请问您们有多少人参加会议?
5 Q8 O  s5 g8 a, w! j- Z) f1 ?  请尽快告诉我们,您们的校长愿不愿意出席我们的招待会。% y( L7 Z  P9 _* ^" j3 V: f+ o
# U- Z' Y8 u# T  所有的材料都准备好了吗?
8 d1 X3 u7 [  i8 H; v) I2 t  我们已为代表们安排好参观我们的一个日托中心。! x* C" x; V+ `  |$ Q
& c( h4 s' m- X1 ?0 n4 t  我们会把计划中的任何改动通知您们,以便您们能及时协调有关活动。( \5 \+ G1 t5 m  G! J
, Q4 ]3 d! D$ o# K+ i  会议通知将寄到每位委员手中。

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