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[考试辅导] Meeting&SeeingoffGuests接送客人-3

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Seeing off Guests-2  送客+ i0 z( G0 n) v7 a( H  S
  From the Host
3 L: D8 R) F- j" ]& I2 e  n7 S  It wasn’t a bit of trouble.
3 R% x; w3 r7 C2 K5 Q  j) |  It was nothing really.' n7 @1 L! y. C3 w& m
  It wasn’t a bother at all., C9 n* Z. i, F$ q
  I’m glad it’s been done.
) u# t1 C6 w" d8 ]- F  We’re happy to have been working with you.
& Q/ b0 G9 t* ]& j$ ?9 O  I’m glad I could help you./ M7 R* B& ~$ I
  This has certainly been a useful experience for both of us.- a2 c$ a$ m  ?8 v) L1 ~! C  t% L
  I’m only too glad to have been of help to you.
# R3 w" f/ y, h/ B- f- @  There’s nothing to thank me for.
# n8 F$ c% q1 T; V  D+ p7 ?, I  I only did what I should.4 o1 R- s% @0 q$ r! K
  I’m very much flattered./ b) @( |2 X" l4 ~' Q, n/ X
  I was glad to do my bit.
# }8 B' a1 P5 m) A- O% H  I want to thank you for your cooperation.; ?" e1 g1 z0 f2 J. F
  Have you finished your packing yet?) @( U+ A* O; Z8 T
  Have you got everything under control?
# }9 k9 s7 w/ A+ [- G  Have you double checked everything—your passport and ticket and so on?. u: z& c2 r3 C6 O( i& Q
  We’ve got to make sure everything is in the car before we leave for the airport.0 E  ^7 l6 B* Y) t
  Who’s taking you to the railway station?
, ?6 w$ D7 N, W% e2 X; S  I’d like to see you off at the airport., f4 W! D6 J9 N+ }
  We’ll kiss you good-bye at the airport.# r: z/ w) z( S) G2 D- _. a
  I’ll take care of the luggage for you.7 j* }+ l3 u# B
  Have you checked your flight schedule yet?
6 h# t% U# B7 a  We’ve got to have some to spare in case something comes up.+ O" N# d) h$ B
  We’re  supposed to check in at least one hour before the plane takes off.
2 |# f1 f; x" k. E  We can’t afford to take a chance.* U8 f2 }5 i2 ~5 I3 Z( i% b
  Have you got some clean underwear already? You won’t get your luggage until you’re at the destination, you know.  D3 a0 |$ H0 }, H; k' N
  It’d be best for you to have a fresh shirt and underwear.$ k3 F+ o1 q! O: f/ [
  Have you decided which hotel to check in yet?- o$ j3 k) u; s) C  A& [
  Let me handle your luggage.
5 C9 D% W: G4 J' g. G) g+ A  You go ahead with the formalities. I’ll see to the heavy luggage.
9 F+ T( c- p* m* f7 E- G' W  You’d better hurry, or you’ll be left behind.
" b; R* W0 }1 p* h% K3 O, y  You’d better run or you’ll never get there in time.
/ Y5 ^+ k. E# b- a, G5 P  ^  The weather is perfect for flying.- z2 A7 j1 `3 N6 ^; y/ i
  Did you inform them when you’ll be there?  Q3 M% P; K0 v
  The weather should permit you a smooth flight.
( q) ]9 i' m3 F" a0 F$ F! k! w  Don’t forget to send us a card when you arrive.
6 d8 ^3 R# g6 H+ A9 m9 X- c  You’ll have six hours to relax before you land. 主人的话) _2 E+ `: o3 o1 {
2 d2 U; E* H8 X$ P' q  o" s/ v  这没什么。) O5 j) e+ u# v
/ g/ {, W+ d" H4 n  很高兴这事办妥了。" N1 u  v' Q8 G( V
6 \  V4 o1 y# A. O7 K3 q  能为您尽点微薄之力我很高兴。7 N8 E2 _: d7 D+ ]3 c4 g7 x1 |- s) G' ]
* a# S2 j2 e9 v- }) O  能给您们帮忙,我太高兴了。
* D8 o3 M- C3 z/ K) x+ M  不用谢。# z: K1 t9 u# o! B# D6 x
+ `% m! u2 G; N  C9 v. r: i& X3 x  您过奖了。
- t; P8 ~2 q- o  很高兴能尽我一份心意。
9 q# s* G5 X* C: x! `( R  感谢您的合作。  \9 K/ e* _# ]
  您的行李都准备好了吗?7 E$ v" W( j( b5 l( ?( m
+ w0 L" `. F$ y7 A  C' C, z  所有的东西---比如护照,机票什么的---查过没有?8 a# r+ _2 l/ X
  去机场之前我们得检查一下是不是所有的东西都装上车了。; N# n. J% u4 v8 X
  谁送您去火车站?" A7 d  D4 N& S. f7 {
* O' w- y6 P  v' W3 b: Z3 a  我们要在机场与您道别。
; \; Y. C$ Q$ y! u) b  我帮您照看行李。  B( L) T+ k2 t! ^7 @# m( ]% D
' e% {" A+ t8 _  我们得把时间放宽裕点,以防万一。
* U- Q8 h' X" [+ W0 A  L  我们至少得在飞机起飞前一个小时办理登机手续。
- p# X- r( _5 o9 f4 m  我们可不能冒险碰运气。
5 k! q( B8 }' E  您准备好干净的内衣了吗?要知道在到达之前是拿不到行李的。9 }! t0 }$ w- W9 E
3 F8 j+ U; @+ Z9 s, v" J  考虑好到那儿后住哪家旅馆了吗?
0 C3 j5 F0 O! s+ _, }* V# b  我来帮您拿行李。2 ~; e9 a2 {6 ]4 P+ W
, g: u& ]" k, E* w1 i0 s  快点,要不您会误了班机的。
5 D5 q/ f5 S0 B* X* U  快 跑,不然您就赶不上了。: h( j' H+ c7 O. p+ \+ j- B7 s! [! A
  这种天气最适合飞行。4 K: s4 c( a: E8 n) @$ Q$ V0 }2 E
  您通知他们具体到达时间了吗?% I/ z1 _8 G4 X1 l% L
! t' f! q/ Z' x/ b2 @) Y  到了后别忘了给我们寄张明信片来。, Y( a' p9 ^) Q" S

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