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[考试辅导] Meeting&SeeingoffGuests接送客人-2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Seeing off Guests-1 送客9 g) H( h7 ^) y0 M- I# U
  From the Guest
- T" ^. N0 J6 N# h1 }; s! ]  Before we say good-bye, I’d like to thank for all you’ve done for us.# T- x7 v" h% Q
  Thank you for your hospitality.
0 ]' \$ L$ l: H7 k  We are grateful to have your cooperation.
4 m" Q; q9 W6 S* Z7 _" a  You’ve made such a beautiful arrangement. We appreciate it.
1 g7 s2 d+ _( j2 L) _' \) b  Without your help, things wouldn’t have turned out so well, I must say.
3 ?) e8 p, v) R5 r- G& J4 \' w  We’ve been offered every advantage during our stay here.
) d4 q2 K" v" t4 b  My experience here will help my career a lot.
' k. X/ U+ i/ _) G  I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for making my stay here so rewarding and pleasant.# @0 I$ y; m# F9 M, `
  Ever since our arrival, we’ve enjoyed nothing but the warmest friendship and hospitality.6 Q: z! }, \4 v/ B- r* k* r* G
  I’ve closed my bank account.2 z: t! ?) K* t" {$ d7 [
  I’ll need to get some traveller’s checks.! N8 g1 c  L8 T5 q6 N) {. i8 ?! u
  I just remembered something. I’ve still got to return these books to the library. Can you see to it for me?8 V$ N- \) K( T
  I wonder if they got our cable in time./ T! v1 B) W0 d$ S# Q$ a5 B
  If they fail to pick me up, I’ll have to call a taxi.6 X, T' u6 Y. d* E' f2 u2 J1 O
  It’s a bit strange, they haven’t announced my flight yet. 客人的话9 |( _' ~7 \" d
  临走之前,非常感谢您为我们所做的一切。/ u( t- b, v0 @  M# E; y! C
3 Z' a+ h7 s( j, i8 e  B! M6 Z  非常感谢您们提供的合作。
: t' J2 p+ [" P- b; b) x/ L  非常感谢您们精心周到的安排。6 e7 o$ k/ \( c7 _
  我得说没有您们的帮助,事情不可能会这么顺利。7 H0 a/ X; P. X
  我们在此逗留期间,您们在各方面给我们提供了方便。. ]6 m7 e3 h3 F% ]7 R2 y
% n) w! H; \( Y7 u' x# J  我谨借此机会向诸位致谢,感谢您们使我此行富有成果,开心快乐。3 E* B1 P" U8 ^( U) P
* A. u6 {4 s$ K  我已经结清了我在银行的存款。  n, D0 t. e3 S, {1 T3 d1 c/ i
2 r7 S3 A5 B* h% |2 @  我刚想起来还有一些书得还给图书馆。您能帮我办一下吗?
  H+ ]. ~. x  D- N1 K; A2 j, `  不知他们有没有及时收到我们的电报。
, R8 H# ^2 X  O2 K& D+ K  如果他们不来机场接我,我就只好叫出租车了。3 h: e6 W+ `: u) M3 v

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